1 out of 3 nights ain't bad. That NXT crowd got treated well.WWE knows how to send Brooklyn home happy.
But, as usual, the main roster (Vince-run) product takes a dump on their chests.
Perhaps Night 4 will be different!
1 out of 3 nights ain't bad. That NXT crowd got treated well.WWE knows how to send Brooklyn home happy.
This is why we're not allowed to have nice things.KO gonna win next week!
Wooo. I have tix already!
WWE knows how to send Brooklyn home happy.
Don't worry they'll probably have a dark match where Roman will beat Styles clean.
1 out of 3 nights ain't bad. That NXT crowd got treated well.
But, as usual, the main roster (Vince-run) product takes a dump on their chests.
Perhaps Night 4 will be different!
Shhhhhh!This is why we're not allowed to have nice things.
Vince already has your money so fuck giving you what YOU want.
He's already gotten out of you what HE wants.
So now he's going to put on the storyline finish that HE'LL enjoy... and that's...
(Pretend that's an ugly red belt instead.)
So long as he stays backstage and isn't cutting long-winded promos with his harlot of a wife who will never get any comeuppance? Yes. Yes you should.Does this mean I should like HHH?
KO to be popped positive for Twinkies.
So I wanna start watching wrestling, wheres a good place to start? I couldn't find a wrestling generic OT so I'm asking here. sorry.
ScustKO to be popped positive for Twinkies.
Between Cass and Corbin, what is with the WWE and tall guys that aren't physically impressive at all? Most of the guys who come through the PC are ripped to shreds. But not them two.
Who was the last physically impressive tall guy? Serious question, and I mean people who ended up on TV, aka not that one guy who just got cut from NXT who was only ever on a house show
Updated CWC Future Rankings (Now featuring Actual Futures!)
Noam Dar- Cut Him (Dar's good, but he's 23. Let him work the Indies another year with the CWC strengthening his profile) ACTUAL: Straight to RAW
T.J. Perkins-Straight to RAW ACTUAL: Straight to RAW
Brian Kendrick-Straight to RAW(Not sure if he actually wants a contract) ACTUAL: Straight to RAW
Smart to seperate Swann and Alexander. Alexander can easily be an NXT Champion one day.
I do not get the Noam Dar signing.I don't see it.
I was SHOCKED at the finish of the last episode. Shocked I tells ya!