Host Samurai
Shit I forgot Joey Styles
He tried saving the "It's... it's Christian" line from Todd Grisham when Christian first came back in 2009. God, Grisham was the worst. Matt Striker was fairly decent to good compared to the standards WWE does now.Its a shame Striker never got more time on commentary. I really liked his old school approach. When wrestlers would leave the ring, he would use the old school psychology "he's using the 10 count, smart move!" and things like that. Miss that style of broadcasting.
CM Punk Grammar Slam
This is awesome.
Production on See No Evil 2″ will start in the fall, with identical twin helmers the Soska Sisters Jen and Sylvia (American Mary) set to direct. They are also among the directors that will contribute to the anthology series ABCs of Death 2.
Kane will return as the reclusive madman Jacob Goodnight, who rises from the dead in the city morgue after his killing spree at the Blackwell hotel and goes after a group of medical students who fight to survive. Nathan Brookes and Bobby Lee Darby are co-writing the script.
SoulPlaya will be happy to know they are making a "See No Evil 2" starring Kane
Time for a Fav Five. Your top 5 favorite broadcasters:
Perspicacity said:Special mention to the commentary team at PWG (Excalibur, Steen, etc.), their commentary is closer to "two guys who like wrestling watching wrestling" than it is actual athletic commentary, but everyone has a pretty good sense of humour and it just works for that particular promotion.
He tried saving the "It's... it's Christian" line from Todd Grisham when Christian first came back in 2009. God, Grisham was the worst. Matt Striker was fairly decent to good compared to the standards WWE does now.
I guess my current fave five announcers would be;
1. Blue Justice Nogami - so much enthusiasm, no idea what he's saying, except when he's screaming "RAINMAKAAAAAAAA!!!!", or some such.
2. Regal - the type of insight and commentary a ring veteran SHOULD be providing. It's nice when JBL name drops a wrestler or promotion, but I wish he'd spend more time analysing like Regal does, rather than arguing with Cole.
3. Excalibur & Kevin Steen - there are a lot of cool pairings on the PWG commentary table, but Steen & Excalibur are probably my favourite.
4. Nigel McGuinness - his commentary is solid and I find his reactions, especially given the circumstances of his career, to be very genuine.
5. Bryce Remsburg & Gavin Loudspeaker - I guess these two aren't really current, as CHIKARA is no more, but Bryce has great reactions and Gavin was clearly so very passionate about the promotion, he was excellent at getting over the feuds and motivations of the roster.
A few DVDs back, I thought it was pretty funny that Steen mentions Super Dragon chewing him out for trying to do actual play-by-play of the matches, lol.
I liked Matt Striker at first, but the whole giving everyone twenty nicknames in a match got old really fast. Then there's also the 2010 Royal Rumble debacle.
After last night, I want Cena to have to go to Ring of Honor or some smaller promotion as the "I'm better than these chumps and better than the people in this crowd" heel.
He could pull off that character well I think.
So just have Cena show up on ROH and act like he normally acts?
Foley quit announcing because of Vince always yelling in his headset, or at least is a strong reason for leaving the company. It's probably why we've been stuck with Cole and King for so long, that nobody else either a) wants to put up with it 2) doesn't get that billing for being one of Vince's 'guys'. JBL coming back is fine and all, but he's stuck with pandering to the social commentary and self-promotion.Speaking of Joey Styles. Bryan's promo last night about being a wrestler and not an entertainer kind of reminded me of Joey Styles promo when he quit WWE.
'I'm not allowed to say wrestler'
It was pretty hilarious in ECW, actually
I liked the nickname stuff, it was fun. Great enthusiasm.
Was 2010 the one where Booker came back/markout moment? Cause I wouldn't really blame him for that one, more Cole having to force heel stuff. If anything, I'd say the 'CENA'S FREE!' moment was where the writing started going on the wall for him, sadly. HUGE mistake.
On that note, how much of a trooper is Cole to keep plugging away like he has been for almost 15 years now? Dude is pro as hell. Now that I think about it..
My mistake, that was the 2011 Rumble. Was it when Big Show or Diesel came out, that Striker just starts saying a bunch of facts, and Cole (probably channeling Vince yelling at him) says, "SHUT UP. NOBODY CARES!"
Also, it seemed that Cole was actually selling the Punk-Brock match last night.
Kind of, except fully embracing the heel turn and living off the boos the crowd give him instead of just acknowledging their right to boo him.
I have no clue what I just witnessed, I liked it but i'm still in a state of bewilderment.Yes. Shibata vs Ishii was unbelievable.
It's a 12 minute match. Here it is. Watch it yourself and let us know what you think - probably the match of the year for many of us following NJPW - what do you think?
Watch the match! It can make a believer out of you!
SoulPlaya will be happy to know they are making a "See No Evil 2" starring Kane
I liked Matt Striker at first, but the whole giving everyone twenty nicknames in a match got old really fast. Then there's also the 2010 Royal Rumble debacle.
I have no clue what I just witnessed, I liked it but i'm still in a state of bewilderment.
Owl watched it! Hurray!
Man, right out of the GATE those two just went for it. Amazing. Match of the year for a reason. I still need to let it marinate though. My other match of the year is Nakamura vs Sakuraba from January. So damn good.
Was there any sort of major history between the two? are they both billed as tough bastards who knock peoples lights out? because I don't think i've seen such a strike heavy matchup.
TheAntiBootaaay said:Well Owl old chap let me spin you a tale of Ishii's hate for Shibata. Once upon a time the Shibata bloke was headed to the vends to pick up a Pocari Sweat, and Ishii had just taken the last one, the nerve of that cunt! After a flurry of punches, Ishii dropped the Pocari Sweat on the cobbles and Shibata took it and drank, and it was filled to the brim! Ever since then they have had a spectacular rivalry, culminating in their match at the G1 Day 4
Was there any sort of major history between the two? are they both billed as tough bastards who knock peoples lights out? because I don't think i've seen such a strike heavy matchup.
The description from Dishonest Bootaaay makes total sense!I will do my best impersonation of Boots here:
that was fucking stupid
I figured it might have been something similar but I guess not, then you had the whole deal where they let each other take free shots at one another which is another interesting act, i'm sure if we could understand the excited commentary team we'd find that they were detailing the long and storied history between the two involving Pocari Sweat.I was surprised to look after the match and see that there is only 4 years difference between the two. From the perspective of someone that doesn't watch NJPW that much it felt like the young gun(Shibata) trying to prove he could go shot-for-shot with the seasoned veteran(Ishii). That probably is mainly due to how young Shibata looks even though hes 33.
I wish I understood Japanese during a match like that. I can just imagine the commentators putting over how hard those hits are and how much they wear a person out during a multi-day tournament like the G1.
You just want us to stay niche, you have no respect for the advancement of THIS BUSINESS.Why can't you people just use this thread for the PPV? Sunflower is such a bad influence.
Why can't you people just use this thread for the PPV? Sunflower is such a bad influence.
You know what I thought of when Vince said they've never had a toothpick or a dwarf as WWE Champion?
Edit: To be fair, we should take every measure possible to contain bean breath. Hopefully Beef can find something about him to snitch on.
You know what I thought of when Vince said they've never had a toothpick or a dwarf as WWE Champion?
So what is Rey?
A midget? I mean I guess that means the same thing.
Eddie's right hand totally looks like he's clutching something. Like a pole or something. It's the weirdest thing until you notice the WHC belt seemingly suspended up in the air. This picture scares me.
Was there any sort of major history between the two? are they both billed as tough bastards who knock peoples lights out? because I don't think i've seen such a strike heavy matchup.
Sunflower said:I will do my best impersonation of Boots here:
that was fucking stupid
Rey barely even got to have a cup of coffee with the WWE Championship.