The Attitude Era was trash.Just heard "KILL WHITEY" during DX's "invasion" of WCW.
He'll always be a cool motherfucker because of They Live.
GODDAMMIT! Another wrestler!
RIP Piper
Even though he got trashed on here, there's no denying he was one of the best heels of all time.
I haven't watched in months. Is the WWE still jobbing out Ambrose and Cesaro?
I haven't watched in months. Is the WWE still jobbing out Ambrose and Cesaro?
The Attitude Era was trash.
Ambrose is Reigns' cheerleader at best. Cesaro might be getting a concerted push but probably going to end in nothing.
RIP Roddy, another legend who I don't know jack aboutI have seen They Live but not a single match by the Hot Rod.
Personal views on his wrestling and promos aside though, wasn't he kind of a fairly open racist..? Or am I remembering him wrong?
Just heard "KILL WHITEY" during DX's "invasion" of WCW.
The Attitude Era was trash.
Beyond his obvious feuds with Snuka and Brown that made you raise a eyebrow...I never heard of him being racist.
It was a little out of hand though. You guys have to admit that. It was reminscent of midnight wrasslegaf circa 2013
The straight facts.
Ruthless aggression smackdown>>>>>attitude
Was this before or after the DX / Nation locker room angle? If after, could be a fan reacting to that.
Smackdown was GODLIKE.
Not sure what the timeline was between the invasion night of WCW and DX/Nation feud
I have this girl who is now a casual fan that sometimes watches with me and it blows her mind. I feel like I'm always saying in a clumsy half-explanation "...1998!"Yep. When there wasn't homophobia or racism from the talent/commentary team, it was ALLLLL over the crowd. It's kinda hard to watch sometimes, honestly.
Dude....that fucking roster man.
I'm gonna watching Wrestlemania 12 and They Live tonight.
RIP Roddy Piper
That was supposed to be Dennis Rodman believe it or not.That Hollywood Backlot Brawl was the best thing ever.
That era also did a great job of passing the torch to younger guys, and letting them share the spotlight with established talent.
Attitude era sticks out a lot due to nostalgia, but it's generally pretty trashy, and honestly, good matches aren't as common as a lot of people think they were. But when Ruthless Aggression came around, we got some damn good wrestling.
Something I loved so much about that era and the brand split back then, is that RAW and Smackdown almost felt like two completely different shows. Smackdown obviously being the better of the two, but when Evolution wasn't dominating RAW, it was pretty good too.
FYI those using WrassleGAF IRC it is being phased out. Inquire via PM if you're interested in keeping up, we will post about it later once the house is in order.
It's kind of a shame how Brock leaving around WM XX dismantled the whole brand though. JBL was thrust into the world title picture out of nowhere and Smackdown was filled with lame feuds and never really recovered. It was that time period that put the final nails in the coffin for the cruiserweight and women's divisions in WWE.
Cena was over as shit at XXYep, Brock leaving seriously fucked everything up. They gave that man EVERYTHING. Off the top of my head, The Rock, Taker, Credible Big Show and of course Kurt. Who knows where Cena would even be if Lesnar just stuck around.