Macho Madness
Customer Service. I have people on the inside who helped get my resume noticed, and I aced the phone interview. Meeting them for an on-site interview this Tuesday.
Good luck
Customer Service. I have people on the inside who helped get my resume noticed, and I aced the phone interview. Meeting them for an on-site interview this Tuesday.
Customer Service. I have people on the inside who helped get my resume noticed, and I aced the phone interview. Meeting them for an on-site interview this Tuesday.
I'm assuming, btw, that NJPW doesn't give a fuck that the guy has admitted to having like 20+ undiagnosed concussions throughout his career. They might not want him, either, if he's gonna be a big liability for them.
BOLA report 5: I just marked out in front of Pentagon jr and told him how much I loved his match with Arez and the one with the rockers. Pentagon seemed pleased
Vader not shooting on Shawn is the most respect I've ever lost for Vader.
How you gonna let him do that shit. How are you not going to just get up and break his nose for him trying to ruin your career? 'because you'll get fired.' You're fucking Vader. You can go back to NJPW and keep your aura intact.
I believe getting the shit knocked out of him by a baby armed Paul Orndorff ruined his ego and self-esteem for the rest of his career. It was after that fight when he started putting on the weight and turning into a legit fat guy instead of hoss fat wrestler guy. All leading to his terrible WWF run and crying on TV calling himself a fat piece of shit. Mr. Wonderful bodied his soul. So much so that he became afraid of HBK.
160. he's willing to haggle down to 150Oh wow... How much for a mask?
Not sure, I spoke to him in Spanish. His shirt dude might be helping with the English customers. FE is right in front of him so maybe he heard stuffDoes Pentagon Jr. speak good English? Could be a good pickup for Trips down the line.
tm24, FE did you see this?My buddy bought a Pentagon shirt then went to go buy a Fenix shirt, and Fenix threw his Pentagon shirt into the ring and forced his shirt onto his body.
I know I should, but I don't have DatQuadruple
Maybe once I'm done moving next week and I get my final Best Buy check. I'll be heading to Washington state for a possible job at Nintendo (I applied after I knew I was moving, not before).
Oh That's what that was. They were yelling at each othertm24, FE did you see this?
Umm... It was only a matter of time, I guess.
Aren't we supposed to have a new thread by now?
#SnitchLife is going to reward me. Nobody is gonna break an NDA.#SnitchLife is about to catch up to you.
So apparently Arena Mexico already sold out due to Wagner & Park
For tonight's show? Because that would be amazing for a non Aniversary show.
I hope CMLL is willing to open up their wallets for that Mask match Park & Wagner have been shopping around.
You know what the best/worst part of that is..? The deadline was 20 minutes ago. And at least the OP did it, and maybe a few others just for kicks.
Two easy ones off the top of my head.Is there a better WWE match, from the build to the match to the atmosphere, than Punk vs. Cena at MitB 2011? I mean, they completely fucked it up afterwards, but the build and the match itself were incredible. There were people who legitimately believed Punk could be the next Austin coming off of it. Probably the prime example of WWE not knowing what to do with a hot commodity even when they fall backwards into it.
Two easy ones off the top of my head.
Bret Hart-Steve Austin from Nov '96 until that following Mania clash
Ultimate Warrior-Hulk Hogan from the '90 Rumble to the Title for Title match at Mania
Everything from promos, commentary, atmosphere, everything you can ask for. Both feuds were magic. Bret-Austin is more dear to me because of the whole double turn and how incredible Bret became of it.
Poppa Pump month..Nashtember can start early.
Freckle is banned again.
Well that certainly isn't surprising. Good job Freck.Fixed it for you.
Cesaro isn't Samoan.![]()
Two main eventer
Brian Pillman 2.0
And Samoan Diesel
Two main eventer
Brian Pillman 2.0
And Samoan Diesel
Heard that the upper deck was still closed, but still impressive
Alao, Melissa Santos is beautiful
Concern trolling strikes again.Freckle just wants to get banned again.
As an aside, I don't know why but later that night the guys had the wildest post-show party I've ever seen, complete with multiple examples of "Why Ric Flair will someday be broke".
No pictures. This was 1990, back when people could actually have fun and not worry about people recording things on their cell phones and posting them on the internet.
Flair got the mic from the DJ and did a five minute Black Scorpion impersonation. There's no way to make it funny in print, but it was hilarious.
What was scary was that Flair when asked the guy for the mic, the DJ said he couldn't let him do it- it might get him fired. After a bit of bantering Flair pulled out his wallet, piling $50 and $100 bills until the guy finally agreed to let Flair have the mic for only five minutes, all under the guise that Flair grabbed the mic without permission. At which point Arn Anderson menacingly barked out "that's what the fuck you should have done in the first place and kept your goddamned money".
All told, I'd say Flair spent about $600 of 1990 money for that five minutes of fun. On top of that, he was buying drinks for everyone in sight.
While I'm gossiping, Flair was AMAZING with the women. He'd meet a girl, walk out with her, and come back about an hour later, looking a bit messier than he did when he left. I only saw him do it twice on this night, but I've seen him do it three times.
Speaking of Arn, when I asked how he was doing he got straight to the point. "I need to get laid TONIGHT- no bullshit. I've got enough cum built up to shampoo a moose". I was dying laughing and he looked at me and said "what, you've never heard that one before?".
No, I hadn't. Good times.
Flair is way too generous of a human being. He is charitable outside the ring, and was charitable inside ring when he made average guys like Luger, and Kerry Von Erich look like a million bucks when he didn't have to.I saw people posting Flair stories earlier. A few years ago, someone posted on the old WrestlingClassics message board about Flair's insanity at the Halloween Havoc 1990 post-show party at a local bar: