AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


Oh not sure if this is known yet, but it's kind of cool: AC3's RRP will be $89.95 when it comes out.

Man, AC3 soon? Already? The success and sales figures of these blockbuster franchises with full-price minor iterations released on a yearly basis astounds me. Yes, yes...I buy them every year also...but for 5 bucks a year or two down the track.

Man of the match at the cricket tonight was undoubtedly the Sri Lankan supporters. Can't recall a presence like that for any other visiting team at the 'G.

Just spent a quality half-hour catching up on today's posts - I love AusGAF. Yes, even political AusGAF. Don't ever change, people.


My.wife wants a thermomix too. Andd my phone touchscreen isl fucking up
Which is why. I will never go IOS or smartphone gaming. Itsa shitty tech in my expeyyience.


Fair enough Vince. :)

Just imagine though, if Apple announce a new Apple TV (either their little set top box or a whole television set, whatever), that you can play iOS games on while using your touchscreen or even a bluetooth-connected 'real' controller. Wouldn't that be a real gamechanger?

Anyway onto stuff I care about more than stupid video games. COMICS. Shanshan yeah from the point of view as an exhibitor I hope it works. The one thing I don't want is for the attendance for each show to go down, that would be terrible for everyone. The fees for exhibiting at the GC show were around half of the Brisbane ones, so I won't be out much if it's a flop.


I guess all I'm saying is that the idea of paying $0 to $3 for a game has gone from 'crazy' to 'increasingly common' and will soon be 'default' in the eyes of the next generation of game players. I'm talking about the generation that considers Angry Birds more important than Super Mario. Decry it all you like, but it's happening out there.

I just think if I could buy a device that has a wealth of new games every week that I could play on a portable screen or a television, and those games were a couple of bucks each, I would be very excited. Wouldn't you be? Wouldn't that make $50 console games seem overpriced to you?

Then again...a year ago charging more than $1 for an iOS game was considered horrific, and now we have Square charging $15 for Final Fantasy Tactics and a lot of people are OK with that. Perhaps as the quality of the average iOS (or Android, what have you!) game increases, the average price will too, and we'll have some kind of happy medium.

Sure, but bear in mind these 'high-tier' games won't develop without traditional high-console-level budgets dedicated towards recouping investment via traditional means before they come to the lower-income markets. Outside of the gangbuster games like Angry Birds and Tiny Tower, most of these smaller games won't be able to survive on such a low price-point, especially the niche ones that don't break the top 40 list or whatever and skyrocket in exposure.

I was excited over iOS and Android gaming a few months back but after a while it occured to me that I wasn't playing anything that wasn't a Kairosoft game, and even that was becoming a lot more infrequent. Smartphone gaming generally doesn't offer comparable experiences unless they're ports of already-made console games.

I can't speak as to iPads since I don't have one. But the most compelling thing I've seen so far was an Ouendan clone.

THAT SAID I sure hope console prices are affected by this, since I've been conditioned by Steam to wait until most games are about $30 or so. Outside of day-one must-haves (Good People Die, for instance), that's about my general pricepoint.
My.wife wants a thermomix too.
My wife who had commercial cookery training is fighting with people on Facebook and Twitter over the whole thing. Neither of us sees the point since it's not exactly hard to make most things in a reasonably equipped kitchen.

Given I don't know much about it, can you explain the appeal? It genuinely seems like a gigantic waste of money to me but I am open to being turned if it is as impressive as people say (I really doubt that). I'd say the money would be better spent on cooking classes.
My wife who had commercial cookery training is fighting with people on Facebook and Twitter over the whole thing. Neither of us sees the point since it's not exactly hard to make most things in a reasonably equipped kitchen.

Given I don't know much about it, can you explain the appeal? It genuinely seems like a gigantic waste of money to me but I am open to being turned if it is as impressive as people say (I really doubt that). I'd say the money would be better spent on cooking classes.

What exactly is it? googling says its an all in one cooking thing? Seems fairly handy to me, if you don't own anything already.


By the way Vince, are you typing on a phone? You're leaving punctuation everywhere.

On a phone, yes. I've given up correcting it when it spazzes out if I'm making a point as per above. Stupid shitty phone touchscreens.

As for thermomux, we don't have a fully equipped kitchen, hence why my wife wants one.
What exactly is it? googling says its an all in one cooking thing? Seems fairly handy to me, if you don't own anything already.

I don't even know, which is why I'm asking. It seems like those pie makers or whatever that while convenient do a shitty job and you're just better off spending a little bit of time learning a new skill.

Maybe it's a cooking revolution, but it seems like an expensive POS to me. I still maintain a good knife, pan and oven are just about all you'll ever need.

If it's any good surely everyone of note would be raving about it.


God, I'm going to hate it when uni actually starts eating my time properly. Tonight's linework!


/edit did you know that photobucket compression is horrible?


I've seen this drawing before, but in scribbly blue lines I think. Looks awesome now!

Man I can't wait till P4 vita remake is out. I only played probably 5 hours of that game.
That looks awesome jintor ^^ I'm very jealous of your skills~ Is it hand drawn on paper or wacom'ed?

goodnight aus gaf, I hope that are can wake up to ausgaf6.
God, I'm going to hate it when uni actually starts eating my time properly. Tonight's linework!

/edit did you know that photobucket compression is horrible?

iv just started playing persona 3. so far im like 30 hours in because i cant find a menu or a save button so its been idle
also i fell asleep a lot.
jint if you were to make posters of things i would buy them.

edit totally not locked yet. LETS KEEP THIS TRAIN A ROLLIN.
edit 2. i spose i should point out that im like 2 hours in content wise.


but ever so delicious
I totally had a mad opinion on how I believe mobile phone gaming will die down in the next few years. But then I realised this is gaf. So it's one of those, write it out, read it and then delete it scenarios.

I rebooted my modem and got a 50k increase connection speed. I'm sure this will last for a few hours and then drop out :(


more importantly suck it danoss.
Oh, it's like that is it? How were those piggyback penalties helping you in the first half? That's right, our defense was far too good, you couldn't capitalise.

We were buggered by the end of the first half, struggling to get back 10. Lots of defense from soft penalties will do that. That said, our attack was pretty poor and it was clear we weren't getting anywhere with it. We showed lots of promise, and once we can become one unit in attack, I think we'll be a lot better.

You guys really turned it around in the second half. It was clear you were going to hit back pretty strongly. You deserved the win in the end. Hopefully you're not tooting the horn of being 2012 premiers in round one like every other Broncos fan, and also those terrible, terrible Dragons fans.
Sure, but bear in mind these 'high-tier' games won't develop without traditional high-console-level budgets dedicated towards recouping investment via traditional means before they come to the lower-income markets. Outside of the gangbuster games like Angry Birds and Tiny Tower, most of these smaller games won't be able to survive on such a low price-point, especially the niche ones that don't break the top 40 list or whatever and skyrocket in exposure.

I was excited over iOS and Android gaming a few months back but after a while it occured to me that I wasn't playing anything that wasn't a Kairosoft game, and even that was becoming a lot more infrequent. Smartphone gaming generally doesn't offer comparable experiences unless they're ports of already-made console games.

I can't speak as to iPads since I don't have one. But the most compelling thing I've seen so far was an Ouendan clone.

THAT SAID I sure hope console prices are affected by this, since I've been conditioned by Steam to wait until most games are about $30 or so. Outside of day-one must-haves (Good People Die, for instance), that's about my general pricepoint.
This post is full of win.

iOS is a good kickstart for smaller developers into the Indie arena but it is so cutthroat I have just as many sad stories as happy ones.

I enjoyed it for a start but rarely play them now as the more fleshed out titles call to me. Like iOS games are 12 page comics and a game on Steam is a full 400 page collection. Plus only certain games benefit for touchscreen use, which is why I am interested in the Vita, best of both worlds.


Sal - Have you see IU - Good Day (Japanese version). It's so strange. It's missing the cuteness of the korean language.

It's always a lottery when songs go between those languages. Some of the Japanese versions of good tracks outright suck; the reverse doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

IU is divine, tho. <3<3<3
Depending on how cynical you are mobile gaming is either a shit mountain of shovelware or the place where everyone can take risks and make experimental games.

I'd say it's partly the latter but plagued by copycats.

Making beer today: woo!
Seriously, where is 6? This is getting crazy

Fair enough Vince. :)

Just imagine though, if Apple announce a new Apple TV (either their little set top box or a whole television set, whatever), that you can play iOS games on while using your touchscreen or even a bluetooth-connected 'real' controller. Wouldn't that be a real gamechanger?
See I don't think it would be that big of a deal.
With iPods and Pads Apple found something promising and made it better and marketed the shit out of it. TV video games aren't something people don't know about.

Maybe I don't play mobile games like other do, but I see the appeal behind playing Angry Birds on my TV when I could be playing Grand Theft Auto (or anything else). And Wii U adding a tablet controller, and XBL and PSN having easily downloadable games, kind of takes the wind out of the sails of it for me. I'm not sure what point of difference an Apple iPad/TV combo could have.

Oh, it's like that is it? How were those piggyback penalties helping you in the first half? That's right, our defense was far too good, you couldn't capitalise.

We were buggered by the end of the first half, struggling to get back 10. Lots of defense from soft penalties will do that. That said, our attack was pretty poor and it was clear we weren't getting anywhere with it. We showed lots of promise, and once we can become one unit in attack, I think we'll be a lot better.

You guys really turned it around in the second half. It was clear you were going to hit back pretty strongly. You deserved the win in the end. Hopefully you're not tooting the horn of being 2012 premiers in round one like every other Broncos fan, and also those terrible, terrible Dragons fans.

Ha, not even close to thinking we'll be premiers after round one.
But if we could hang onto the ball in the first half it would have been a different game right off the bat.
I was fearing that without Lockyer our attack would look kind of directionless, and it didn't which was good. Wallace really stepped up, and Hodges and Teo looked over last seasons injuries too.

But if you slot Hayne and Tonga back into that line up will be huge. I'm worried that if Sandow isn't the saviour people have been naming him he'll be run out of town at the end of the year.



How come Australia doesnt get a nice cover >.< I like Sean and all, but damn, youd think it was 'the adventures of that guy from lotr!'
God you guys wake up early.

Sal - Have you see IU - Good Day (Japanese version). It's so strange. It's missing the cuteness of the korean language.

Japanese is pretty cute too. uguu...


How come Australia doesnt get a nice cover >.< I like Sean and all, but damn, youd think it was 'the adventures of that guy from lotr!'

I absolutely HATE covers that show the number of CDs on. Ruins the cover completely imo.


Ha, not even close to thinking we'll be premiers after round one.
But if we could hang onto the ball in the first half it would have been a different game right off the bat.
I was fearing that without Lockyer our attack would look kind of directionless, and it didn't which was good. Wallace really stepped up, and Hodges and Teo looked over last seasons injuries too.

But if you slot Hayne and Tonga back into that line up will be huge. I'm worried that if Sandow isn't the saviour people have been naming him he'll be run out of town at the end of the year.
It would have indeed been different if you could've held into the ball. I think it still would have been made difficult, because our defensive line was hitting very hard.

Wallace really impressed me, he didn't in my eyes last year, but he showed some of his potential last night. Norman will be good for you, it will take a little time and effort, but he'll be worth it I'm sure.

As for our missing players, that would have helped a lot, obviously. Especially considering they're both Origin/International players. We had rookies in their place, though I liked what I saw from them. Blair will be quite good in time, and Sio (ignoring his dropped bomb) was outstanding.

Trials don't mean a thing (if they did, we would've been terrible last night) but Sandow was showing well in them. When he linked up with Hayne, it was awesome. Once them and Roberts work together, I think they'll be dangerous. Parra fans are notorious for demanding instant results, but these things take time and it'll be worth the wait.
Attempting to chill in the LAX lounge whilst waiting for a connecting flight in an hour. Throbbing headache and theres a guy sitting behind me with his phone going whoosh bing whoosh bing whoosh bing, every 5 seconds. And its in a so called quiet area.



SAFFRON HOWDEN Almost a third of Australian children in their final year of primary school believe yoghurt grows on trees.
....... h-how?
They're twelve. I used to think Estonia was a made up country back then.

@Clive: Do they still read out "Welcome to Los Angeles International Airport. Please maintain visual contact with your personal property at all times. Do not leave baggage or other items unattended. Thank you for your cooperation."?
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