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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Watch how if anyone criticises this guy of having an ideological bias they will be accused of disrespecting the office of Treasury Secretary, as opposed to the government who sacked the rather safe and conservative long-term public servant in Martin Parkinson just so they could slot in someone of their choosing.
Maybe someone is testing how useful as a political tool stability is. If a reliably awful government can hold power it'd be a pretty strong argument that all people want is consistency.


MacDonald was the guy who wore the pristine high-vis top in parliament as a show he was "one of the boys"? Bahahaha, this shit just keeps getting better.

How many days have we had the "good" government now? The amount of fuckups just increases exponentially.


MacDonald was the guy who wore the pristine high-vis top in parliament as a show he was "one of the boys"? Bahahaha, this shit just keeps getting better.

How many days have we had the "good" government now? The amount of fuckups just increases exponentially.



Watch how if anyone criticises this guy of having an ideological bias they will be accused of disrespecting the office of Treasury Secretary, as opposed to the government who sacked the rather safe and conservative long-term public servant in Martin Parkinson just so they could slot in someone of their choosing.

I still remember how they ruthlessly went after Ken Henry for the stimulus package.

Any they really have no grounds to criticize criticism on that front.


i can't believe that macdonald missive. I just can't. Did he get drunk at the fucking keyboard in the arvo? To use your official office to lambast 'leftie journalists' and then to defend your pretty fucking clear sexism as "WELL IF THOSE DAMN GREENIES AND LABOR WOULD STOP PUTTING WOMEN IN POWER IT'D JUST BE STANDARD AUSSIE ROUGHHOUSING WOULDN'T IT"... I mean jesus christ I know you gotta be ocker in your fluro high-top vest, mate, but could you be a fucking human being from the 21st century too while you're at it?


i can't believe that macdonald missive. I just can't. Did he get drunk at the fucking keyboard in the arvo? To use your official office to lambast 'leftie journalists' and then to defend your pretty fucking clear sexism as "WELL IF THOSE DAMN GREENIES AND LABOR WOULD STOP PUTTING WOMEN IN POWER IT'D JUST BE STANDARD AUSSIE ROUGHHOUSING WOULDN'T IT"... I mean jesus christ I know you gotta be ocker in your fluro high-top vest, mate, but could you be a fucking human being from the 21st century too while you're at it?

Thats asking a bit much from Tonys LNP.



Ever since I began following the Guardians live timelines of Question time and Senate Estimates, I've increasingly begun to notice Tony Abbott's extremely annoying habbit of repeating himself.

Tony Abbot said:
The leader of the opposition should stop verbaling the minister for foreign affairs. He should stop verbaling the minister for foreign affairs. If he is going to quote the minister for foreign affairs he should quote her accurately and in full, accurately and in full.

Tony Abbot said:
This government has gone out of its way to include the opposition with briefings on national security matters, with briefings on Australian Defence Force matters. We have gone out of our way to include the opposition. We really have, Madam Speaker.


The selective pursual of 'rorts' in the courts should make the court reject all of the claims. Either they are all crimes worthy of being punished by the courts, or none of them are.

When it depends on which party you belong to, and if they hate you, it makes a complete mockery of the system of justice itself.

The courts cannot be party to partisan hackery. Luckily they seem unwilling to play ball, in rejecting both this case and the 'sexual assault' stuff.

We have a leading political party in our country using the justice system to settle political grudges. (No real surprise considering what Abbot did to Pauline Hanson. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pauline_Hanson#Fraud_conviction )

We need another royal commission into unions though. And into the home insulation scheme. Screw cabinet confidentiality, there are political points to be made. And we need to replace the heads of the departments and independent commissions with ideological hacks, Australia needs to be saved from itself.


Ever since I began following the Guardians live timelines of Question time and Senate Estimates, I've increasingly begun to notice Tony Abbott's extremely annoying habbit of repeating himself.

At least he's repeating more than three words at a time now.



Read all about Abetz. Fans of popular Tasmanian Senator and Industrial Relations Minister Eric Abetz will be finding it hard to follow what he's up to as the link-shortening program he uses has been bought out from under him. For a small fee, URL shorteners -- critical for distributing material on Twitter -- can be personalised to fit the profile of your company or public profile, or even if you’re just a lightweight, easily amused media figure. But Abetz’s office let his ownership of the shortener abtz.mp lapse, and one quick-thinking IT industry figure picked it up for a song. Links using the shortener, such as the one in this tweet now go to a somewhat different location than Abetz or his staff had in mind. Yesterday the links were sending users to the Wikipedia page for Otto Abetz, the Senator's great uncle, who was the Nazi ambassador to France. Today the links go to an article on the Tasmanian Times website detailing an email argument between Abetz's brother and the website's editor. We understand Abetz's office is -- understandably -- keen to buy abtz.mp back.
Ever since I began following the Guardians live timelines of Question time and Senate Estimates, I've increasingly begun to notice Tony Abbott's extremely annoying habbit of repeating himself.

Yet another reason why he is such an appalling public speaker. It's impossible to listen to him without falling asleep or going into a rage.


Ever since I began following the Guardians live timelines of Question time and Senate Estimates, I've increasingly begun to notice Tony Abbott's extremely annoying habbit of repeating himself.

As much as I'd like to rag on Abbott, Gillard used to speak like this too. Almost as if she was a school teacher or something.
Its actually a tactic used to counter the fact that most people only pay passing attention to politics. If you report a bite sized chunk of your idea , over and over again it enters into peoples background information and shapes the way they frame things.

Coincidentally its also toxic to any form of genuine debate since not only is it annoying, but if you debate in good faith , the public are more likely to take your opponents points home anyway.
Looks like Malcolm has the numbers now.


Also rumours around that it was Triggs that approached Brandis' staffer saying she would resign if she was "looked after." Strange that Triggs and the staffer who both testified to the exact opposite in front of the senate commitee are having their story refuted by 2 anonymous sources from inside the government at seconds to midnight of Abbott's political career. I wonder if one of the sources sounded like Chris Whine.
Looks like Malcolm has the numbers now.


Also rumours around that it was Triggs that approached Brandis' staffer saying she would resign if she was "looked after." Strange that Triggs and the staffer who both testified to the exact opposite in front of the senate commitee are having their story refuted by 2 anonymous sources from inside the government at seconds to midnight of Abbott's political career. I wonder if one of the sources sounded like Chris Whine.

Having almost lost to "Not Tony Abbott" its not surprising that the opposition strengthened. I dunno how I feel. On one hand Abbott is screwing up badly enough that keeping him around for another 18 months may well not be worth the resulting backlash at the next election. On the other having an actual competitive political system is probably good for the national discourse. On the incredibly partisan and selfish hand keeping Abbott around for another 18 months would be profoundly beneficial to the parties on the left side of the spectrum. It's deeply conflicting.


Bring on Turnbull. Abbott is doing so much damage. Make Shorten work for his dinner. The debate will rise so much with Turnbull at the helm. I actually think Turnbull will win the next election. Long term I think this will be good for Labor as well. If your a fan of Albo this actually gives him a much better chance. Shorten needs to be tested.


As Crabb notes the problem with having only one side as being completely incompetent is that Labor's still-glaring idiocy and bullshit can easily get glossed over because the LNP is full of shit


The Guardian is reporting a back pedal by Bishop on Triggs job offer. "A role was raised that related to international affairs."
Having almost lost to "Not Tony Abbott" its not surprising that the opposition strengthened. I dunno how I feel. On one hand Abbott is screwing up badly enough that keeping him around for another 18 months may well not be worth the resulting backlash at the next election. On the other having an actual competitive political system is probably good for the national discourse. On the incredibly partisan and selfish hand keeping Abbott around for another 18 months would be profoundly beneficial to the parties on the left side of the spectrum. It's deeply conflicting.

I think I'd have to go with Turnbull now. Watching Abbott and I imagine Hockey banished to the back bench would be just too good to miss. On the surface Turnbull would at least reset the governments relationship with all parties like the Senate, NGOs, the Media, the opposition and, hell why not, the electors. It would also force Shorten out of his shell and who knows, maybe we will get better government out of it!

It won't be easy for Turnbull, he's spent the last 6+ years honing his image, the anti-politician, the man who doesn't play the games, the man who engages beyond 2/3 word slogans... It's mostly bullshit of course and those that put him in as leader will have him by the balls. There will be no Republic, no marriage for all, no proper NBN, there will be a bump in the polls, but unless he fundamentally changes the coalition from within, the middleground of Australia that will jump on him will jump straight off again when they realise he's just Abbott in more expensive suits.


There will be no Republic, no marriage for all, no proper NBN, there will be a bump in the polls, but unless he fundamentally changes the coalition from within, the middleground of Australia that will jump on him will jump straight off again when they realise he's just Abbott in more expensive suits.

Thats why I'm happy for Abbott to stay in charge.


yes let's implement this crazy privacy ruining scheme that anyone can get around with the darkweb or that insane tier of deviant technology known as 'gmail'
I'm trying to work out why government agencies have a higher bar for warrantless access (explicit listing) than civil cases (AGs discretion ie not even regulation).

My suspicions are that its basically a conformation of what we all knew the real purpose of this was.

Also if you're Labor Left and bitching about the Greens eating your lunch, this thing where you hand it to them on a silver platter is a big part of it.


Urgh. Do we even fucking know what "metadata" is in this case?

How frustrating. If there ever was a time where this legislation was appropriate, it has long since passed. And if there's still a gap between our offline and online lives, it's shrinking by the day and the intrusion of tracking the entire country's online movements based on absolutely fucking nothing grows more and more egregious.

And when everyone knows that it can be bypassed anyway, you gotta wonder why. Just. Why.

I look forward to the bill proposing a ban of VPNs once it becomes apparent that people who want to hide their online criminal activity - or piracy of whatever movie just came out, since we know that's actually what this is about - will do what they can in order to achieve just that.
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