Labor is demanding Prime Minister Tony Abbott apologise for telling National Party voters in remote communities taxpayers shouldn't fund their 'lifestyle choices'.
Crikey said:But if you blinked, you would have missed it. Hidden away in an otherwise inconsequential piece of legislation dealing with the bland subject of public service governance and financial management was the revelation that the government is taking away the independence of the Clean Energy Regulator and the Climate Change Authority.
Seems like an interesting idea on how to get rid the National Party. Stop porkbarrelling their seats with things like roads, bridges, water, internet and move them all to the cities. In fact just imagine the colour Barnaby would have turned if it read:
Something that almost past me by:
It's from the 24th of last month and you might need a crikey account. Very sneaky, if you can't destroy it from outside, destroy it from within.
Edit: Holy crap, Abbott just suggest a "Taxpayer funded truth campaign" over some funding issues with pensioner contributions with the SA government. The shear hypocrisy.
An anti-bullying program aimed at informing teachers about prejudice toward LGBTI students is “little more than a gay, lesbian, transgender lifestyle promotion program,” conservative Western Australian government backbencher Peter Abetz is reported to have said.
The West Australian reports that Abetz, elder brother to Abbott government minister Eric Abetz and a former pastor in the Christian Reformed Church, gave a private briefing to his Liberal party colleagues in the WA parliament to speak against the Safe Schools program which will become available to WA schools later this year.
Abetz reportedly said he believed that most LGBTI teenagers grew out of it, and highlighted anti-bullying programs he thought would be more appropriate.
“The militant gay lesbian lobby is trying to get this into our schools to ‘normalise’ what they consider the LGBTI agenda,” the West Australian reports him as saying.
“I think in Australia most people are quite tolerant. Most people know someone among their relatives or workmates who is a lesbian or gay or whatever, and they don’t bat an eyelid – they just accept them as human beings with inherent value and you treat them with dignity and respect.”
elder brother to Abbott government minister Eric Abetz
I accept and tolerate these people and treat them with basic human decency and respect, but we can't have their existence normalised by these militant anti-bullying programs.
Bishop too. #IdesofMarchDid everyone catch that Turnbull directly contradicted Hockey on raiding super for housing deposits?
Did everyone catch that Turnbull directly contradicted Hockey on raiding super for housing deposits?
I accept and tolerate these people and treat them with basic human decency and respect, but we can't have their existence normalised by these militant anti-bullying programs.
Bishop too. #IdesofMarch
Yep, Peter Costello too. The only two who seem to like the idea are Hockey and Abbott.
I accept and tolerate these people and treat them with basic human decency and respect, but we can't have their existence normalised by these militant anti-bullying programs.
The militant gay lesbian lobby is trying to get this into our schools to normalise what they consider the LGBTI agenda,
Did everyone catch that Turnbull directly contradicted Hockey on raiding super for housing deposits?
Palmer United Party reaching Democratic Republic of ____ levels of disingenuous namingThe brick with eyes has quit the PUP. The turnover in the state and federal membership for the PUP is really quite a sight to behold. Palmer must be a nightmare to work with/for.
Good thing we've got all those chaplains in schools, then. They'll ward off this ever-looming threat against the moral fiber of our nation.
It's a weird situation for ex PUP senators. They're there 100% because of Palmer's money, and now they've dissociated themselves from him and have a job for five more years. I don't know what to think about that.
It's a weird situation for ex PUP senators. They're there 100% because of Palmer's money, and now they've dissociated themselves from him and have a job for five more years. I don't know what to think about that.
It's your tax money funding their lifestyle choices
Glen Lazarus might have been able to carry a senate campaign himself
It's your tax money funding their lifestyle choices
It's off topic, but your comment reminded me of a nice rebuttal I read the other day to the "tax is my money" meme that gets around a lot:
I doubt it.
Cheers for the link.
Even Clive Palmer was relatively unknown before his split with the LNP, ie known as a rich person but not a name that most people would have recognised in casual conversation but that's much less of an issue for a House seat, where the area is more concentrated and costs are smaller.
It's a weird situation for ex PUP senators. They're there 100% because of Palmer's money, and now they've dissociated themselves from him and have a job for five more years. I don't know what to think about that.
miranda divine, so probs the terrorgraph ey
You see this a lot when people cite capitalism as being solely responsible for advances in living standards across the western world. Universal education and healthcare, computers, the internet, national and international communication and transit networks; all products of the free market with no government involvement whatsoever. Think science and technology can advance under anything but a laissez faire system? Look at North Korea. Point proven. Deal with it commie.While I'm linking, I've been thinking about this one a lot after having read it a few days ago:
As a teenage randroid I think that argument gets the the heart of her ideas better than most. It seems obvious maybe, but I think it's very well stated in this case and logically undercuts a lot of the "business is everything, workers and the state just get in their way" that is the basis for a lot of the rubbish ideology we have to deal with today.
The Government has threatened to reduce scientific research funding if the legislation is defeated, arguing the Coalition would have to seek savings elsewhere if deregulation is not embraced.
"There are consequences for not voting for this reform and that's very important for the crossbenchers to understand," Mr Pyne said.
"The consequences are that potentially 1,700 researchers will lose their jobs."
Pyne back to blackmail again.
What a snivling asshole of the highest (or is that lowest) order.
I'm an atheist and my parents divorced.
Well, off to Iraq.
Well... Is it even that good a threat? Because personally, while I understand the consequences of losing those research jobs, I'd still choose higher education over them.
They've already murdered half the science sector as-is, so
Tbh they've already cut science, this might potentially kill it. A lot of people are coming out of university into the science area to find next to no jobs.Well... Is it even that good a threat? Because personally, while I understand the consequences of losing those research jobs, I'd still choose higher education over them.
It's already accelerating because the Senate hold-up has cut funding to all those institutions. Australia's place in the world is going to be producing other people's researchers for free apparently. All of this is naturally super healthy for the education sector because everyone knows that when there's no job prospects demand for training in those jobs will just keep rising forever.However tertiary covers so much more than science. If he goes through with the science cuts, Australia might suffer massive brain drain as Scientists twig that you can avoid HECS overseas.
Heh. I bet they've been thinking about that for a while.hey you know what i bet they'll do?
they'll make you pay hecs back before you can work overseas
You learn something new everyday!