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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Seriously? Ministerial titles are what everyone is up in arms about? Just because it's not spelled out doesn't mean it won't be dealt with. I for one think it's a relief that we no longer have a government whose solution to everything is to assign a minister for it (Minister of sustainable population, Minister of cities...)

I think it's a hard swing in the complete opposite direction. Admittedly, simplifying "Minister of Education" from "Minister of Tertiary Education, Skills and Training, blah blah blah" is a lot easier to say.

I think the important thing, at least publically, will be how the Science portfolio ends up being managed... Uni science is put into Edu, and CSIRO into Industry, but where does our other scientific organisations go? It's not difficult to see why people are alarmed about the Science portfolio with an Abbott government in charge and the title suddenly disappearing.

Also, if you remove the title and you just say "Oh don't worry, someone will deal with it, it'll still be part of the portfolio", it's a lot easier to just... toss it away and not deal with it and hope no-one calls you on it since it's ostensibly not in your job description anymore.


No Youth Ministry, No Early Childhood Ministry, No Science Ministry, No Climate Change Ministry, No Disability Ministry, No Aged Care Ministry, No Workplace Relations Ministry BUT there's a Minister for ANZAC Day!

Minister for Immigration and Citizenship has been changed to Minister for Immigration and Border Protection.


Seriously? Ministerial titles are what everyone is up in arms about? Just because it's not spelled out doesn't mean it won't be dealt with. I for one think it's a relief that we no longer have a government whose solution to everything is to assign a minister for it (Minister of sustainable population, Minister of cities...)

Ventron? Defending the Liberals?

Will wonders never cease?


Also, if you remove the title and you just say "Oh don't worry, someone will deal with it, it'll still be part of the portfolio", it's a lot easier to just... toss it away and not deal with it and hope no-one calls you on it since it's ostensibly not in your job description anymore.
Which is why we had a lot of those portfoilos in the first place. They were neglected areas so they were given to people as titles to make sure that shit actually got done.


So... not only are none of the liberal women in parliament as competent as a Joyce, but the only competent one apparently, is Bishop.....

Dead Man

Seriously? Ministerial titles are what everyone is up in arms about? Just because it's not spelled out doesn't mean it won't be dealt with. I for one think it's a relief that we no longer have a government whose solution to everything is to assign a minister for it (Minister of sustainable population, Minister of cities...)

Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. Yeah, only Labor does that :/
So... not only are none of the liberal women in parliament as competent as a Joyce, but the only competent one apparently, is Bishop.....

And Labor did spectacularly well with Gillard, Macklin, Plibersek, Roxon and Wong. They were about as effective as a 1 legged person in a bum kicking contest.


And Labor did spectacularly well with Gillard, Macklin, Plibersek, Roxon and Wong. They were about as effective as a 1 legged person in a bum kicking contest.

All of those people are a thousand times more competent then any of the liberals in the front bench.

Whats your point?

Its cute how you just name the names and dont explain why they were bad, but I guess in your world they must be cause theyre not on your side.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Could you back up those statements with the ways in which Wong, Macklin, and Plibersek were useless?
Wong got Treasury forecasts wrong all the time. Sure they're made by Treasury and are forecasts, but... um, emergency.

This government is pants on head retarded, but the way they have made a point of shitting up international relations this bad even before they got into power is really worrying. We are not a big country. Pissing off a close neighbour and the fourth largest country in the world is probably not a good idea, especially considering how shitty our relationship is anyway. Ugh. Ugh. Please someone step up and call us out on this bullshit.
Odd to hear Mark Latham make so much sense on Q&A tonight when he's been painted as loony for the last few years.

And Labor did spectacularly well with Gillard, Macklin, Plibersek, Roxon and Wong. They were about as effective as a 1 legged person in a bum kicking contest.

That one-legged person is damn fine at kicking bums!


Odd to hear Mark Latham make so much sense on Q&A tonight when he's painted as loony for the last few years.

That one-legged person is damn fine at kicking bums!

Latham actually comes of as quite intelligent in these settings as he does in his writings (his quarterly essay, The Latham Diaries). Its just that he is a bit unhinged. He is have the reason we know as much as we do about how the Labor party operates.
Latham actually comes of as quite intelligent in these settings as he does in his writings (his quarterly essay, The Latham Diaries). Its just that he is a bit unhinged. He is have the reason we know as much as we do about how the Labor party operates.

He's an incredibly intelligent man, but he's also and impossibly arrogant tool. Of all the ex-labor pollies rolled out on panel shows, he always has the most interesting observations and his judgements aren't clouded by complete internal hatred of the party or blind loyalty to the cause he left behind. A bit like John Hewson on the other side, except just a little delightfully crazy.
Well, the ANZAC minister isn't as dumb as I thought. It's just given a weird degree of prominence.

a) Same person as the Minister for Veteran's Affairs (which is where it would logically go anyway).
b) Its not for ANZAC Day, its for the centenary specifically. So basically taking care of the additional complexity likely to be caused.

Still not sure why any of that justifies a minister given "Title Deflation". If I was cynical I'd say something about propaganda.

Dead Man


Labor's left is concerned that the right wing faction is attempting to force its members to vote for the right's leadership candidate Bill Shorten, a practice they say has not been used since the Hawke/Keating showdowns of the 1990s.

The left claims the "lock", imposed at meetings of the right last week, means right wing MPs who wanted to vote for left candidate Anthony Albanese in the caucus ballot on 10 October now aren't able to do so.

The caucus ballot has a 50% say in the final result, to be announced on 13 October, with Labor's membership of around 40,000 having a say for the first time in another ballot also counting for 50% of the outcome.

The factional blocs splintered during the recent protracted leadership battles between Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard, but faced with a new system to elect the Labor leader which may have favoured the left, the right is reuniting behind Shorten and attempting to force its parliamentary members to follow suit.

Albanese was considered to have a clear advantage in the grassroots ballot, but the right and right-affiliated unions are making an all out effort in favour of Shorten, with the Australian Workers Union, the Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association and the National Union of Workers all pitching in to help Shorten's grassroots campaign.
Keep it up Labor :/

smh, they will never learn.

Is it an anonymous vote?

Dead Man


Clive Palmer argues it is impossible to have a conflict of interest if you are already so rich you have everything you need. It's a convenient argument from his perspective, but also patently untrue.

The new Abbott government also seems to think there are no conflict-of-interest problems associated with the political ascent of Clive. Really?


Those are two balance-of-power votes that could be crucial to every law the Abbott government wants to pass – the same government that will decide whether Palmer's $6.4bn Galilee coal project meets federal environmental standards, what it will be required to do to meet new environmental provisions that require a federal assessment of the water impacts of large coal mines and, eventually, whether Palmer ever gets to build a new coal port at Abbot Point, north Queensland.

They are also two balance-of-power votes that could be cast on any attempt by the Abbott government to water down existing environmental laws to make good the Coalition's promise of a "one-stop shop" with state governments for environmental approval of big projects – such as Clive's. And two votes on any future push by the Coalition to reverse Labor's last-minute crackdown on 457 visas, which put more onerous requirements on employers – such as Clive. And two votes in favour of the repeal of the mining tax, which would mean Clive wouldn't have to pay it.

The potential for a conflict of interest seems self-evident, but on the ABC's Q&A on Monday night he laughed off the notion with claims that he belonged to a disadvantaged minority – billionaires. He seemed to agree that he would at least fill out the parliamentary register of pecuniary interests, but it was hard to be sure.

Interviewed during Channel Seven's election-night coverage, Palmer rejected the whole idea and said he had no intention of divesting himself of anything.

Pressed by Mark Riley, he explained why in his view there was no problem.

"Mate, I've got more money than you could ever dream of, what's the conflict of interest? I want to get ideas going, you know … how much money could I get out of the government? You don't need to judge people by how much money they've got, it's the content of their character that matters," he replied.

Riley pressed on: "Don't you have to judge a public official though, Clive, by the interest they have and the potential they have to make more money by having influence on the political process?"

Clive was having none of it: "That's only if you live your life based upon the idea money is all you need. I can tell you now you can only sleep in one bed, have one meal at a time and, if you are lucky, go out with one woman at a time."

The truth is Palmer's power in this parliament poses some new questions. He is obviously not in the same category as a minister, which would require him to divest himself of everything.
But nor is Palmer in anything like the same position as other backbenchers, who declare their personal assets and shareholdings on the register and then, almost always, proceed to vote along party lines and therefore have no personal discretion to determine the outcome of anything or to benefit their personal interests.

Asked about the situation at his first press conference on Monday, Abbott said Palmer would be subject only to the same rules as backbenchers, but that he was preparing "slightly tougher" ministerial guidelines for his own frontbench team.
For fucks sake.
smh, they will never learn.

Is it an anonymous vote?

No idea, must not be if they think they can force votes like that. I do like that concession letter. A lot.
Mirabella concedes, timed it perfectly to match this.


The ‘‘dysfunctional’’ Wangaratta City Council will be sacked by the Napthine government because of rampant bullying and intimidating behaviour towards staff and councillors and waste of ratepayers funds.

The council is in the federal seat of Indi which has captured headlines because the incumbent Liberal MP Sophie Mirabella is set to lose to independent Cathy McGowan. Ms Mirabella released a statement conceding on Wednesday morning.

‘‘The minister has to answer as to why she has waited until after the federal election to act.’’

Also, David Suzuki calls Abbotts' climate policy suicidal. He will be on Q&A next monday to talk about climate change.

Tony Abbott will doom future generations if he ditches carbon tax



Amazing, I heard about this on Media Watch and saw him trotting out the line about his kids googling his name, and this rebuttal, oh shit. Antoniobanderassogood.gif

. No doubt Kenny, Bolt and Blair would argue that the difference in this case is that tax-payers fund the ABC, and should not have to hand over their hard-earned cash for this type of trash.

And I tend to agree. Let’s see the ABC give back every cent of what it cost them to use Photoshop for thirty seconds. Maybe I’ll spend the spare change on a bus to go see the Great Barrier Reef before it, like the Chaser’s dog, is completely fucked in the arse.

Ether. Dead.

Dead Man


Over the last days, Tony Abbott’s been roundly denounced over the gender composition of his cabinet. No doubt he’s rather pleased.

It’s not simply that, with a few exceptions, the critiques came from progressive commentators who were duly forced into the untenable position of (at least implicitly) talking up conservative women they utterly despised. If you are on social media, you likely received memes about the female deficit in the Abbott government from the same friends who sent you incessant updates leading up to the defeat conceded this morning by Sophie Mirabella, a woman otherwise destined for cabinet.

More importantly, these attacks entirely reinforced the tropes on which Abbott fought and won the election: "vote for us and put the adults in charge". That was, more or less explicitly, the conservative pitch – a promise to restore stability after the Rudd-Gillard shenanigans. But a gendered undercurrent was never far from the surface. The natural order in the household required daddy to come back home; Abbott, a man’s man, would fix the mess created by that shrill feminist and the effete bureaucrat who replaced her.
Much more at the link, well worth a read.
Public response


I think you're right about the private response. ;)

Heh, not much else he could say :)
In honour of Abbott's pledge to govern by values not ideology , I shall be drinking H2O molecules not water. Thank you.

In other unsurprising news industry minister wants miners to take limited natural resources faster because apparently the appropriate use for natural wealth is profit of multinationals.


Why dont we have smart mega rich?

This is what happens when your 'intelligence' is based on paying for land to dig up shit from and selling it...

And I love the public service is just becomming another political tool... First order of the day? Fire the old lot and put in people who come up with frank and fearless advice you agree with.


The Liberal entitlement train is pulling back into the station


Coalition sources have accused Cathy McGowan, the incoming independent MP for Indi, of being partially responsible for the lack of women and the absence of a science minister in Tony Abbott’s first cabinet.

Several sources have told Guardian Australia that McGowan’s ousting of rightwinger Sophie Mirabella is bad news for the status of women within the government, for science, and for Indi.

Mirabella was shadow science minister in opposition and was due to be included in Abbott’s ministry, before withdrawing when it became clear she was heading for defeat in her electorate.

“We warned of the bad consequences of putting an independent into Indi and we’ll now see those play out,” a senior Coalition staffer told Guardian Australia. “Indi now has no voice in cabinet. Cathy McGowan hasn’t got any policies and hasn’t got a single dollar committed in funding for Indi.

“All this talk of a lack of women in cabinet or a lack of a science minister – that’s a direct consequence of Cathy McGowan winning. But that’s what everyone around Cathy McGowan campaigned for and it’s what the Border Mail [the local Fairfax-owned newspaper] campaigned for.”


Haha. What amazingly awful turders.

And "no funding for Indi"? There I was thinking funding had to do with need and not which political party ran the electorate.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
The Liberal entitlement train is pulling back into the station


No seriously, what?

Alright then, if you're so concerned about funding for Indi or the lack of a science minister or women in Cabinet then offer McGowan the position and guarantee the electorate some funding. Oh wait, you're just engaging in nonsensical smear and fear tactics and giving veiled threats to voters who had the temerity to vote against your party. Carry on then.
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