As the Naavi say, "Fuck off, Cameron."
Why you so angry tho
Can't speak for that poster. But my take is, if you're gonna go from making movies like Aliens, Terminator, and the Abyss to making gay Pocahontas knockoffs THEN AT LEAST ACTUALLY MAKE THE GAY POCAHONTAS KNOCKOFFS. James Cameron is the biggest disappointment in modern cinema. 2 years from the time I am making this post, AVATAR 2 WILL STILL NOT BE RELEASED. THATS A FUCKING JOKE.
What the fUCK does this mean Mr. CameronThe entire company is 110% behind not just the sequels, but also the rest of the franchise content we already have in the works.
What the fUCK does this mean Mr. Cameron
Well he's also working on 3 other Avatar sequelsWhat the fUCK does this mean Mr. Cameron
how much you gotHow much money has he spent
But he said plural "sequels, BUT ALSO"Well he's also working on 3 other Avatar sequels
always bet on cameron tho, for real
these movies are probably gonna look fucking nuts, in theaters or at home
It only made 2 billion dollars ... in total sales ... yup a turdIt's true. The original, as dumb and derivative as it was, was still worth seeing. That's not nothing.
Queuing up outside the cinema will be better than the movie...The Making-Of Avatar 2 is gonna be better than the actual movie.
It was 9/10th scale IIRC which, you know... why not just go all the way?at this point i'm like whatever man.
avatar gets shit on but i know i'm still gonna go see it day 1 just because it's James MF Cameron. Sure it might have a shit story but it'll be totally worth it. He goes the full length and pushes technology. Avatar was "shit" but it kick started an era of 3D movies. Studios started releasing 3D movies in cinema and TV manufacturers started making 3D TVs! Name another movie that convinced major movie publishers, cinemas, and tv manufacturers to create a whole line of new products. 3D TV ultimately failed but the fact it happened was impressive enough.
Also, Let me remind you he built the freaking Titanic for a movie. I'm not sure if it was 1:1 scale and it sure as hell wasn't a full replica and couldn't sail but it's still impressive the length he went to:
i mean you don't build something like THAT just for a movie unless you're James fucking Cameron. and of course Avatar + Titanic are sitting at #2 and #3 on the all time worldwide life time grosses on Box Office Mojo (#5 + #15 if you want to account of inflation)