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AVP was originally a R-rated movie, R-Rated DVD forthcoming

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well not really...yet
i dont see how anything can fix this piece of shit, certainly not more gore.....


Later I asked some technical nerd questions. I wasn't the only one. I started by stating that I noticed some glaring continuity errors between this film and the pre-established occurences in the previous 6 films. Anderson stopped me before I could continue and said due to the "mangling" of the film, there was a lot left out. I asked, "Does that include the acceleration of the alien life cycle or was that just conveniant."

Whoops, I had hit a nerve. He shook his head. "No, no, the machine that the Predators built to house the Queen pumps her full of hormones that accelerate the birth of the creatures. If we'd seen the REAL film, we'd know that." Ouch.



Gold Member
Willco said:
It answers some questions and creates some more.

Like, is it possible for Paul W.S. Anderson to suck even more? Wait until the DVD to find out!

Paul W.S. Anderson is what you get when you give Uwe Boll a big budget.


Hollywood Square
And like Uwe Boll, Paul W.S. Anderson is convinced he makes good films. And if someone says otherwise, he has a convenient excuse.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
It's one thing to make a bad film, take notice of the mistakes and seek to correct that kind of thing in the future. It's a whole other story when you blindly discredit criticism and think you made a great film and you don't need to step it up next time.

And sorry, but no matter what the rating is or what footage is added, the movie isn't anywhere near great.
The thing is that Paul Anderson knows how to compose a shot, light a scene, and piece together a complete movie. He also has a knack for pulling out some really punchy edits. The problem is that he just isn't consistent throughout a film. He'll do half of it right and the other half will just fall apart.

You can tell where he loses interest in his movies and generally that is any time someone has to open their mouths. The rest of the time he is too quick to show you what he thinks you want to see.

Each of his films has a few great and memorable shots in them. Johnny Cage walking through the rows of trees before the fight with Scorpion. The strobing light tunnel part of the ship in Event Horizon. The Alien beneath the light beam in AVP. Etc. It is ideas like those that make me believe that he isn't completely stupid.

Uwe Boll on the other hand cannot do anything right.
Warm Machine said:
Uwe Boll on the other hand cannot do anything right.

I think nobody can argue that.

Event Horizon was Paul W.S Anderson's only REAL good movie.

MK was also great, but not what it could have been: Casting Christophe Lambert as Rayden was perfect.

I just hope the MK3 movie is better than Mk2.
You can tell Anderson did most of the creative work of the shooting and lighting on Mortal Kombat because the cinematographer of the first movie was the director of the 2nd and there isn't a single decent frame of film in Annihilation.

Another single shot that I remember from Mortal Kombat that impressed me was in the introduction of Johnny Cage where they are filming his latest movie. Johnny is shown in a silhouette shot against a bright background with the sliding warehouse doors expanding the frame. That shot was excellent but then followed up with some syndicated tv show style boring fighting direction.

Anderson just loves to drop the ball throughout his films. It always bugged me in the dinner scene when we first see Goro that instead of him being hidden in shadow at the end of the table and speaking from the darkness he is there as clear as day. Anderson just threw away the build up to show us what he thought we wanted to see.
ToyMachine228 said:
I seriously liked AVP. And if a Director's Cut DVD comes out...I will probably knab it.

I liked the movie as well and was going to pick up the DVD anyway. This news, if the real deal, is good to hear.


There are too many fucking Paul Andersons. There is what, PT Anderson, Paul WS Anderson, Paul Anderson. Damn.


i swear, is everyone an angry mob nowadays? it's now "cool" to blindly slam everything Anderson does? call off the torches and pitchforks... Event Horizen, Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil and AvP were all very entertaining and at worst 'decent' flicks. Especially with MK and AvP... wtf were you expecting? The premise of those two are pretty cheesy as it is. He did pretty good with what material was there IMO.


I don't think the R rating will make it a better film though. IMO, the movie was just awful. The few minutes that were decent were when it was actually an alien vs a predator.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
ToyMachine228 said:
I seriously liked AVP. And if a Director's Cut DVD comes out...I will probably knab it.

Of Paul's movies:

Mortal Kombat(love it, own the DVD)
Event Horizon(have only seen bits and pieces but liked what I saw)
Soldier(love it, own the DVD)
Resident Evil((love it, own the DVD)

And I'll be adding AVP to that list when it comes out on DVD.


Event Horizon had a very cool ship design, but that was about it for me.

Anderson's Soldier is one of the worst films I've ever seen. It's like a really bad John Carpenter movie.


Junior Member
Event Horizon was an awesome movie, and Resident Evil is pretty good too.......despite all the negative things said about AVP, I will probally have to go see it, even if I'm convinced I'll probally hate it before hand. It's just one of those things that has to be done.


Razoric said:
i swear, is everyone an angry mob nowadays? it's now "cool" to blindly slam everything Anderson does? call off the torches and pitchforks... Event Horizen, Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil and AvP were all very entertaining and at worst 'decent' flicks. Especially with MK and AvP... wtf were you expecting? The premise of those two are pretty cheesy as it is. He did pretty good with what material was there IMO.

The real problem is that our angry mobs don't follow through and burn enough people at the stake.


Still Tagged Accordingly
DarienA said:
Of Paul's movies:

Mortal Kombat(love it, own the DVD)
Event Horizon(have only seen bits and pieces but liked what I saw)
Soldier(love it, own the DVD)
Resident Evil((love it, own the DVD)

And I'll be adding AVP to that list when it comes out on DVD.
You have a terrible taste in movies. :)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
It's interesting that all his movies have interesting bits and pieces in them, but just fail to sustain some reasonable quality as a whole. For the record, I think AvP is his best and most entertaining movie, but is by far the worst movie of both franchizes. Much of my entertainment with AvP, and the decision to say that this is his best movie, relies on the pre-established Alien and Predator imagery and has basically nothing to do with his directing, but with people doing visual efects and costumes... Pieces of scenery reminding me of MGS games also helped some, I think :p


He's behind Resident Evil: Apocolypse right? I think the trailers look pretty cool, and the first film was actually pretty decent (aside from lines that were really really bad). I'll probably be seeing it in September.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Marconelly said:
It's interesting that all his movies have interesting bits and pieces in them, but just fail to sustain some reasonable quality as a whole. For the record, I think AvP is his best and most entertaining movie, but is by far the worst movie of both franchizes. Much of my entertainment with AvP, and the decision to say that this is his best movie, relies on the pre-established Alien and Predator imagery and has basically nothing to do with his directing, but with people doing visual efects and costumes... Pieces of scenery reminding me of MGS games also helped some, I think :p

uh, maybe you don't remember Predator 2 so well.


DopeyFish said:
uh, maybe you don't remember Predator 2 so well.
I rented Predator 2 just last week, and though I enjoyed AvP, it's not nearly as good throughout as Predator 2. That was about as good of a sequel as you could expect without Arnold.

"There's no stopping what can't be stopped, no killing what can't be killed... This is dread man, truly dread." :)


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Scrow said:
You have a terrible taste in movies. :)

Oh hahhah because it has a smiley face in front of it... it's suppose to be taken light-heartedly!!! hahaha oh that's hilarious!

+1 for Individuf'nality.
Tritroid said:
He's behind Resident Evil: Apocolypse right? I think the trailers look pretty cool, and the first film was actually pretty decent (aside from lines that were really really bad). I'll probably be seeing it in September.

He is only producing it. Ridley Scott's camera operator is directing it.


DeadStar said:
how sad that Mortal Kombat is still his "Crowning Achievment"

So true, yet so sad. Event Horizon wasn't bad, either. The rest are rather craptacular, though I haven't seen AvP. Resident Evil was particularly disappointing.
Soldier is his worst movie, and a terrible movie in its own right for a number of reasons. First off, these are supposed to be the top trained and most kick ass soliders in the galaxy...so why do they walk slowly across the battlefield in plain view of everyone firing like a broken robot?

The montage in the middle of the movie is an editors crime. All it does is recount everything we have seen up to that point in the movie. Guess what! We know what happens up to that point in the movie, that is how we got to where we are! It was cobbled together to extend the film another 3 minutes!

The part with the snake and the boot was laughably bad.

I can hardly remember the rest of the movie and I know there are more terrible decisions in it but damn do I ever want to buy it! Just to hear the Anderson commentary track it would be worth it.


Razoric said:
i swear, is everyone an angry mob nowadays? it's now "cool" to blindly slam everything Anderson does? call off the torches and pitchforks... Event Horizen, Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil and AvP were all very entertaining and at worst 'decent' flicks. Especially with MK and AvP... wtf were you expecting? The premise of those two are pretty cheesy as it is. He did pretty good with what material was there IMO.

Take Event Horizon out of that list and I may be there with you. Event Horizon was more of a train wreck than Mortal Kombat. MK was stupid but at least it held together. EH was just eye-popping stupidity. Ooo look at me I've got eyeball on my fingers :D


The problem with Anderson is that his movies can be entertaining but just think how good the movies he's done would of been with an excellent director. Imagine AvP with either Ridley Scott, James Cameron, or even Mctiernan. One reason he gets so much hate on the internet is apparenlty Soldier was one of the best action scripts ever written and he totally mangled the movie.
Ridley, Cameron, or McTiernan would never have directed AVP given any script. They would have had to search out some young hotshot who loved the material it was based on. Anderson was probably right time right place.

evil ways

Now the audience were trying to be respectful in the beginning but as the film unfolded, the audience ended up really trashing the film. It was astounding to see Anderson's colleagues and friends openly making fun of his film, with him in the room!

When the Predator took off his helmet in front of Lex after the explosions someone shouted "Gimme some sugar, baby." I mean, this movie was bad, but I didn't expect these people to be so blatant about it.

I really hope this actually happened.


I dont think some of you guys should stfu since a lot of you saw crap like Spiderman 2 and Hellboy as the second coming of jesus.


shuri said:
I dont think some of you guys should stfu since a lot of you saw crap [...] Hellboy as the second coming of jesus.

exactly, not to mention a lot of people seem to be forgetting the existance of Alien: Resurrection and Predator 2. :\

You all act like Anderson brought those series down or something. Oooo look Danny Glover is an intersteller hunter now... ohh look at ripley fuck an alien and lets see it's offspring.

but yeah anderson cheesed it up. :|

evil ways

Oooo look Danny Glover is an intersteller hunter now...

His character was an LA cop, armed with some guns so either you're wrong or I didn't get your inside joke. Either way Predator 2 is shining gold next to AvsP. Hell, the subway scene alone shits completely all over AvsP.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
It's so great when folks lord their opinion of something over others... I know that's why I come here every day....
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