Heh I loved Water World too..
I like a lot of movies that most people think are crap. I'm critical of music and books, but movies just get me. I still haven't lost my child like sense of wonder where movies are concerned. If I'm half way interested in a movie I'm probably going to love it.
Here are some that I like
American Anthem-Total cheese, but I loved it. I loved the soundtrack especially the Andy Taylor tracks.
The Postman-could the premise get any cheesier? I still like it.
Fortress/Fortress II/The Hunter-Christopher Lambert's B-movies are always a good time. Hell I even got all the way through Beowulf which was tough...even for me.
I enjoyed all the Batman movies.
Segal's movies. Especially Under Seige, but I'm an Erica Eleniak fanboy.
Just about any horror flick, especially the supernatural variety. Anyone remember The Gate? Fucking loved that movie.
I'm a total shipper for the whole good vs evil, eternal champion saga type stuff. So of course I loved Tales from the Crypt
emon Knight. Bordello of Blood was good too.
I could go on and on...I get ragged for it, but I'll watch and find something to like about any movie that is in a genre that I like. While I see some bad movies I'm always entertained. I just can't be a movie critic.