Not only should that girl be locked up for quite some time, but also they should probably seriously reconsider the father's right of custody as well...
What beats me - the article reads a lot like his father was the one who called the police after seeing hickeys and text messages (the latter of which meaning that he most likely also immediately knew who did that).
Why does he first call the police and have them investigate, just to later do his best to defend that very girl in front of court? [Conspiracy theory]Did he have any skeletons in the closet she could have blackmailed him with?[/Conspiracy Theory]
What beats me - the article reads a lot like his father was the one who called the police after seeing hickeys and text messages (the latter of which meaning that he most likely also immediately knew who did that).
Why does he first call the police and have them investigate, just to later do his best to defend that very girl in front of court? [Conspiracy theory]Did he have any skeletons in the closet she could have blackmailed him with?[/Conspiracy Theory]