Or, more specifically, the girlfriends who hate them.
We had a bachelor party for a good friend this past weekend, and before we all went out we all got a talking to from our respective girlfriends. Some of the lectures ranged from "be careful and don't get hurt" (this was from my girlfriend.) to "If you do anything stupid, I'll kill you dead" (This was from a friends girlfriend) to "You had better not be going to see strippers, and if you are, you're coming home." This was from a buddy's wife
What's a bachelor party without strippers, I mean, c'mon.
The evening started off with cheers and beers at a buddy's house, which got trashed, and suprisingly he seemed very ok with the fact that we destroyed some of his pots by playing pumpkin baseball in the kitchen. He even seemed ok with the fact that we threw eggs at the groom and dumped a bag of flour on him while he was showering the eggs off.
Finally it was time to go to the peelers when one of us came up with the bright idea of shaving mohawks into our heads.
3 of us did, and we all walked to the stippers where we were greeted by wary looks as 5 guys walked into the bar with charged mohawks.
Anyways, the next day, the reactions from the ladies were hilarious:
My girlfriend: "Damn, that looks funny, but hopefully your hair grows back quickly."
Buddy's girlfriend: "Are you fucking serious? Seriously, why the fucking fuck would you even think about doing something so stupid? I blame you (directed at me) Rich, seriously, how could you let him do something so dumb. You should have been the responsible one, I'm very disappointed. Fuck. You guys are so stupid."
Buddy's wife: "hahah...you look dumb. I don't care about the hair, but you said you weren't going to the strippers."
All I know is that I've got to be a seriously lucky man if my girlfriend is cool with the dumb stuff I do. (unless, and this is very likely, that she's storing her anger to let it go off on me at an ideterminate time. I fear for this moment.)
How cool are your girlfriends with regards to you doing dumb things?
We had a bachelor party for a good friend this past weekend, and before we all went out we all got a talking to from our respective girlfriends. Some of the lectures ranged from "be careful and don't get hurt" (this was from my girlfriend.) to "If you do anything stupid, I'll kill you dead" (This was from a friends girlfriend) to "You had better not be going to see strippers, and if you are, you're coming home." This was from a buddy's wife
What's a bachelor party without strippers, I mean, c'mon.
The evening started off with cheers and beers at a buddy's house, which got trashed, and suprisingly he seemed very ok with the fact that we destroyed some of his pots by playing pumpkin baseball in the kitchen. He even seemed ok with the fact that we threw eggs at the groom and dumped a bag of flour on him while he was showering the eggs off.
Finally it was time to go to the peelers when one of us came up with the bright idea of shaving mohawks into our heads.
3 of us did, and we all walked to the stippers where we were greeted by wary looks as 5 guys walked into the bar with charged mohawks.
Anyways, the next day, the reactions from the ladies were hilarious:
My girlfriend: "Damn, that looks funny, but hopefully your hair grows back quickly."
Buddy's girlfriend: "Are you fucking serious? Seriously, why the fucking fuck would you even think about doing something so stupid? I blame you (directed at me) Rich, seriously, how could you let him do something so dumb. You should have been the responsible one, I'm very disappointed. Fuck. You guys are so stupid."
Buddy's wife: "hahah...you look dumb. I don't care about the hair, but you said you weren't going to the strippers."
All I know is that I've got to be a seriously lucky man if my girlfriend is cool with the dumb stuff I do. (unless, and this is very likely, that she's storing her anger to let it go off on me at an ideterminate time. I fear for this moment.)
How cool are your girlfriends with regards to you doing dumb things?