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Back in Time with a classic FPS


One thing I keep hearing from FPS haters is that nothing has changed over the years. Each game is just a prettier version of the last. Well, I agree... somewhat. When you boil down any game, it should definitely fit the criteria of the genre. Platformers have jumping, fighters have fighting, sports are sports, etc. First person shooters are definitely shooters. To shoot, you certainly need a weapon and something to kill. So the basics of the game are the same, but the sories, features, and "character" of a game make them good or bad.

So I decided to load up Quake II just to see what has changed. I wanted to focus on gameplay and ignore the obvious graphical differences. When this game came out in late 1997, it was at the top of it's game. It spawned a series of toys, mods, leagues, and helped form online gaming as we know it today.

The game moves and flows about the same as today's FPS's. At first, it feels like if Id updated the graphics, it might belong in 2004. However, that feeling quickly fades as you kill your 1st enemy. Then, you start to realize how the genre has evolved.

The most obvious thing is enemy AI. It sucks. Enemies in Quake II were designed to run up to you and shoot. They're dumb as a box of rocks. Back in the day, I remember this game actually being challenging. Today, I started the game on Normal mode and thought I was in God mode. I couldn't die. It was easier than easy/beginner mode in today's games. Just unbelievably easy. So, today's games have better AI and are more challenging.

I was suprised that when I fired the machine gun in Quake II, that it actually recoiled. But it only recoiled to about a 40 degree angle and then stopped. Apparantly, you only have one hand in Quake. You have to select grenades as a weapon before you throw them. Weapons only had fire... there was no alt fire, zoom, lock-on or any other weapon features. Enemy weapons only worked for them. You could not pick up a fallen enemies gun.

Really, graphics aside, the FPS genre has advanced a lot over the last 7 years. Anyone that thinks otherwise needs to play some of those old school FPS's to see how good we have it now.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
it is actually a tad unfair to compare just straight quake though.. you would also have to compare some of the better mods as well from 1997. some stuff you are mentioning, alt fire, zoom, etc, existed at the time, just in mod form only..


borghe said:
it is actually a tad unfair to compare just straight quake though.. you would also have to compare some of the better mods as well from 1997. some stuff you are mentioning, alt fire, zoom, etc, existed at the time, just in mod form only..

More like 1999... Quake II was out in Nov. 97 and the mod community didn't have anything out for a while. To be honest, I don't recall any of the mods adding any of that stuff but my memory could be fuzzy... and I only played the multiplayers mods like Capture, Action Quake, Rocket Arena, and another one like CTF but with prisoners. Jail Break I think it was called.
This is a good topic. FPS have come a long way. Especially with HL2 now raising the bar imo. UT2K4 is also as solid a multiplayer title I've seen maybe ever, if simply for the variety of game modes. COD offered some of the most intense moments people had ever seen in fps or gaming in general.

However, I think some fps have gone backwards. T2 to T:V for example. It seemed like there was much more you could do in T2 compared to Vengance. Men of Valor: Vietnam also seemed to regress instead of go foward. Doom 3 deserves to be mentioned in the ones that didn't change much of anything except graphics and an average story line. Aside from that though, I agree...the genre is definitely underrated in advancement.

It's not as easy to pin down the exact changes in this category, but if you take the time to think about it you can find them. The feeling of difference you get from playing something like Doom or Goldeneye compared to UT2K4 is very apparent though...
"The most obvious thing is enemy AI. It sucks. Enemies in Quake II were designed to run up to you and shoot. They're dumb as a box of rocks. Back in the day, I remember this game"

reminds me of the Flood. Stupid BUngie!


Fafracer forever
it is actually a tad unfair to compare just straight quake though.. you would also have to compare some of the better mods as well from 1997. some stuff you are mentioning, alt fire, zoom, etc, existed at the time, just in mod form only..
Thing is Quake was not any kind of game benchmark to start with - it was a graphics benchmark, that's about it.
Features like Zoom, alternate weapon fire etc. were all present in games(Duke3d, Blood et co.) before Quake ever came out, let alone its mods. So definately before 97 too.
AI was pretty dumb though, that I won't argue with.

And picking up fallen enemy weapons we had at the very least since Wolfenstein 3d, so I dunno what kind of advancement that's supposed to be :lol
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