Oh yeah, cause a shapeshifting druid lovemaking with a vampire is totally meant to be taken seriously
1. Vampires aren't real (unlike bears).
2. Vampires are basically humans with some extra abilities, i.e. something that's meant to be fuckable to a normal person (again, unlike bears).
It's literally a dead guy fucking a shapechanged man. Where's the outcry regarding the necrophilia? Maybe you banged Serena left and right in Skyrim without giving it second tought. What about those aliens in Mass Effect? Where's the outcry on zoophilia there? Or that doesn't count?
See the problem there? What triggers you doesn't necessarily trigger others. And that's OK, especially because the game doesn't force that scene on your character. If it did I could see a point. But it doesn't.
Well, the fact that you had to explain that he's some undead guy is telling because without that context he just looks like a normal buff elf guy with glowy eyes. Same for aliens in Mass Effect, which are basically humans with slightly different facial features and it plays out more like an interracial relationship.
With this scene, however, it doesn't take that much imagination to see which fetish is being played to when you see an actual bear mounting a naked guy, regardless of whether he's just a shapeshifting dude or not. It's the same caliber of argument as that 400 year old loli that someone brought up earlier ITT. At the end of the day, it's a guy having sex with an animal.
If you need a reality check then try to picture a situation where you'd have to explain this to your family at a brunch - I doubt that anyone at that table would nod their heads in undestanding.