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Baldur's Gate 3 on PC!!!


Ok, I ran a search of this and did not find anything related on this forum so I guess this has not been posted yet.

Anyway, in the latest issue of PC Gamer (the one with the exclusive Doom 3 review), flip to the last page and under the "Next month's issue" section or whatever, they mentioned Baldur's Gate 3 and that they have the world exclusive first look at it. Anyone else got any other info on this?



But then again it IS Baldur's Gate 3 so having another thread on it seems perfectly fine to me......after all it is ONLY the greatest PC RPG of all time......


yeah, i was about to respond with something similar, but didn't, considering that i pimp torment in nearly every pcrpg thread i find.


Haha, I find it amusing that everytime something like this comes along, all the fanboys would start arguing about which Bioware/Black Isle game is the best.......


Actually I like certain aspects of KOTOR. The dialouge tree with the Persuade and Force Persuade options were just too good. Force Persuade has to be the coolest thing in any game EVER. Plus, you simply can't go wrong with Jedis and Lightsabers. Though the linearity of it all sort of puts it down one notch when compared to Baldur's Gate 2......


I hope they keep it prerendered... My machine probably won't be able to run it if they use modern level 3d.


I think BG's combat is just as shoddy (since the Infinity Engine blows), which makes it worse since there's more of it.
The infinity engine is ages, AGES better than the aurora engine, however, it's not the engine that made the combat shoddy, it's pretty much the simple encounters and all the limits they put on you.
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