Baldur's Gate 3's companions were overly horny due to a bug (Since been neutered)



"So... it was a bug," said Vincke. "The approval thresholds were too low when we shipped. That's why they were so horny in the beginning. It wasn't supposed to be that way. We've fixed it since, at least for some of them. We're still fixing a few of them."

He added the horniness "wasn't intended... especially Gale. [He] wasn't supposed to be like, instantly there".

Vincke continued: "There were a lot of people that enjoyed it. But it was too fast. It was supposed to simulate how real relationships are."

Hope you had fun with Shadowheart before the patch.
Ah, a patch that makes your partner less horny. In real life, we call this patch "marriage".
Eric Wareheim Mind Blown GIF by Tim and Eric

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I somehow ended to act 3 with Shadowheart thinking she’s my GF and steps in for jealousy, can kiss her and everything but doesn’t want to fuck 😅

So I fucked Mizora anyway.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Hey so my friend wanted to know if you can revert back to an earlier version and still play online. Yeah. Asking for… my friend.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Okay but seriously, I thought super-horny Gale was just part of his personality, and it made denying his advances really fun in-game. Kind of a shame they’re retconning my head canon. I’ll miss you, thirsty Gale.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I wish life had more bugs like this 🥲
For a while, a few players exploited the “cryptocurrency” bug, which basically unlocked every dialog option available through brute force of cash. But then the devs patched it, so it’s not really viable anymore.


Now that they got their 10/10 scores they are patching it out /jk

This is hilarious.

Happened to me: was weird af when Gale suddenly tried to get intimate with me.

I was like "Dude, I just gave you some items for you to eat. What a low bar"
I'm glad to read this. People I don't consider in any way whiny at all were saying that the sexual pestering was a bit much.

Really looking forward to tomorrow!


Is there any game that has a “manlet” trait that affects dialogue choices? It’s basically like playing as Oddjob in Goldeneye except Natalya just wants to be friends during the ending credits.


Not sure if they fixed anything when
you listen to a mind flayer talk about his former life and that's apparently enough for him to take off his shirt and assume you want to fuck him.
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