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Baten Kaitos IGN Review up


From what I've played of Star Ocean 3, it's good, but much of a letdown, considering the SNES version and Second Story.

ToS and Paper Mario are head and shoulders above the rest and I cannot wait for Baten Kaitos.

The trifecta rules!


Running off of Custom Firmware
Culex said:

It's a rogue-like, and by its very nature, most will hate it. But for fans of a rogue-likes, it's a very welcome gift. We don't get many (read: any) over here on consoles. Stop being an ass. :)

Druaga shares some similarities with Azure Dreams, but is nowhere near as repetitive and pointless. You're always improving in some sense, in Druaga, whether its statistics or equipment. Azure Dreams cribbed you too much, ultimately, to make it very rewarding. Thta said, I've only played the GBC version of AD, not the PSOne version, though I own it.


well not really...yet
Mejilan said:
It's a rogue-like, and by its very nature, most will hate it. But for fans of a rogue-likes, it's a very welcome gift. We don't get many (read: any) over here on consoles. Stop being an ass. :)

Druaga shares some similarities with Azure Dreams, but is nowhere near as repetitive and pointless. You're always improving in some sense, in Druaga, whether its statistics or equipment. Azure Dreams cribbed you too much, ultimately, to make it very rewarding. Thta said, I've only played the GBC version of AD, not the PSOne version, though I own it.
hmmm, I might pick it up, except ive never seen one single copy of it in any store


Mejilan said:
It's a rogue-like, and by its very nature, most will hate it. But for fans of a rogue-likes, it's a very welcome gift. We don't get many (read: any) over here on consoles. Stop being an ass. :)

Druaga shares some similarities with Azure Dreams, but is nowhere near as repetitive and pointless. You're always improving in some sense, in Druaga, whether its statistics or equipment. Azure Dreams cribbed you too much, ultimately, to make it very rewarding. Thta said, I've only played the GBC version of AD, not the PSOne version, though I own it.

I can't stand those types of games, but If you like it, that's nice, too :)


Running off of Custom Firmware
DeadStar said:
hmmm, I might pick it up, except ive never seen one single copy of it in any store

Try to give it a rental. Though, I doubt anyone would carry it.

The only thing it really has in common with Azure Dreams, imho, is that like in AD, everyone takes an action at once. It's turn based, and for every action you take, monsters will also take an action. There are rules in play, like faster monsters going before you, in a turn, and whatnot, and plays into the strategy.

Also, the core dungeon levels aren't a randomized mess like they were in AD, though I do believe you can participate in optional dungeons that are random, for those inclined. Your levels aren't cribbed back to 1 everytime you reenter a dungeon, and there are even ways of preventing some (though never all) of your equipment from getting lost when you die.

It's more forgiving than most rogue-likes, though by no means easy. And it gets harder the further you go, obviously. There's a certain tedium involved in replaying older dungeons when you have to escape out, particularly since they are NOT random, but every certain amount of levels, you can start adventuring from that level, instead of from the beginning, so that certainly helps. And, unlike AD, even if you do wind up replaying weaker levels, it's still extra equipment and exp that you don't lose when you exit the dungeon, so it helps. Also, there is a way to turn completed levels into bonus dungeons for some increased challenge and much greater loot, and that's ALWAYS an option when revisiting a stage.

All in all, it's a very solid rogue-like, with a sense of satisfaction and fun character/item building that's a bit higher than most.


Culex said:
From what I've played of Star Ocean 3, it's good, but much of a letdown, considering the SNES version and Second Story.

SO3 was one of the worst RPG's I have played since the days of crappy SNES rpg games. I am talking "Secret of Evermore" bad.


How's the battle system? Wasn't it done by the same guy who did Valkyrie Profile's battle system? If that's true, how does it stack up?


AeroGod said:
I refuse to believe that BK has worse voice acting then Sudeki. Its impossible.
i only played an hour or two of sudeki, so it's too tough to call. i'd still give the nod to sudeki -- the actors are bad in both, but at least it seems as if a professional director was involved with sudeki. i'm not kidding. it's amazing how bad BK is. just you wait!

Hero said:
How's the battle system? Wasn't it done by the same guy who did Valkyrie Profile's battle system? If that's true, how does it stack up?
it's not similar at all. it's more like chrono cross, actually. it has the same elemental balance system (they subbed out, uh, earth? for "chrono" which doesn't actually have any sort of time function... whatever) and it's very similarly paced. but since it's card-based it's utterly different. erm. anyway, it's not much like VP, and nowhere near as good or intense, but it's extremely solid and easily one of the game's saving graces (the others being the music and the map backgrounds. and maybe le plot twist.)


Has problems recognising girls
Personally if there is ever an option to turn off voice acting, I take it. Ran rings in happiness when it was included for ToS, and glad that it will be for Baten Kaitos as well. Christ I had avoided FFX like the plague over it's voice acting alone.

Why on Earth we are still stuck with shady and terrible voice acting (in RPG's no less, a game where dialogue is outstanding in every single other aspect of the game) astounds me.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
jiggle said:


That SH:C box art is awesome... is that the Japanese or the European box art??


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Tortfeasor said:
SO3 was one of the worst RPG's I have played since the days of crappy SNES rpg games. I am talking "Secret of Evermore" bad.

We must've been playing different games then?


Culex said:
From what I've played of Star Ocean 3, it's good, but much of a letdown, considering the SNES version and Second Story.

ToS and Paper Mario are head and shoulders above the rest and I cannot wait for Baten Kaitos.

The trifecta rules!

indeed. Have both MP2 and BK on preorder :)
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