I think they gave everyone who hadn't purchased the AC GOTY edition who had the vanilla edition it for free. I bought AC like two years ago but never bought the GOTY edition. Restarted steam and now AC GOTY is in my library. Maybe thats why the update hasn't been pushed to those who have the non GOTY edition?
edit: lol, beaten by miliseconds.
And the old GFWL savegames will still work?
So the regular edition is now automatically updating to the GOTY edition?
And the old GFWL savegames will still work?
What about Dark Souls?
Hm, I have both AA&AC regular and GOTY versions. I guess my vanilla ones just disappear?
Should be.
No it's not.
SteamDB still says that they don't support family sharing. I hope they change it soon.
Still I'm glad they gave both GOTYs for free to vanilla's owners.
They upgraded them! Nice! Faith in Warner restored!
Props to WB for giving us the GOTY. Now please remove the vanilla thx.
Is there a way to find out what key I used for GFWL? I bought AA years ago from Direct2Drive but they don't exist anymore, D2D is now owned by gamefly and I don't remember my log in info because I never used gamefly .
I feel for Derrick and his internet.
Just checked my library and I do have the AC GOTY edition along with the standard edition. Nice. I was hoping that would be the outcome.
What steam skin is that?All the Batmans:
All the Batmans:
Unfortunately, you will not be able to continue playing from your current save. You will need to start a new game.
My copy of AA or AC isn't activating. >:
Just checked my library and I do have the AC GOTY edition along with the standard edition. Nice. I was hoping that would be the outcome.
All the Batmans:
Yeah AC GOTY was just added on my Steam, only had vanilla AC before with no DLC. Pretty cool, wasn't expecting this.
However, I'm guessing my savefiles will no longer work?
What steam skin is that?