Where did you find a vanilla code? Any digital sellers?
I'd ordered a physical copy, but minutes later a kind GAFer offered me his unwanted vanilla key.
Where did you find a vanilla code? Any digital sellers?
I'd ordered a physical copy, but minutes later a kind GAFer offered me his unwanted vanilla key.
I still can see my AC GFWL key, but I can't see my AA key anymore: There's no CD Key option on the game page in detailed view. (Talking about regular versions here).
Not that it matters, but I was wondering if we could use those keys to, somehow, redeem the copy of the game on another Steam account. They are GFWL keys afterall, and probably they're assigned to my Steam account, as I bought these games on Steam.
Grief, you can add - all your saved progress, since it was tied to GFWL servers, is gone - to the OP.
You can't even buy the DLC on Steam. Probably why you get GoTY for free. Still cool. Has the Capsule key you get on GMG a whiles back been confirmed to work? I know the system isn't in place yet, but will it work once it does?
This is simply awesome. Rocksteady can count me in as an ardent fan and supporter from here forward. I trust them to do the right thing with their games and for their customers after this.
It's a standard 5x5 GWFL key so hopefully it will work, but it certainly doesn't yet.
I can kind of understand destroying saves depending on how they used saves in conjunction with GFWL (some games seem to bind them to profile, etc) but permanently removing leaderboards from the game seems like a weird move to me.
The architecture that provided said Leaderboard is no longer in place. Other than coding an alternative (be it using Steamworks or otherwise), how could they possibly NOT remove the feature?
I can kind of understand destroying saves depending on how they used saves in conjunction with GFWL (some games seem to bind them to profile, etc) but permanently removing leaderboards from the game seems like a weird move to me.
I certainly feel that way at the moment. I've been a victim of GFWL in the past killing my saves so to play the games without it would be nice. Still, must be patient...06:17, GMT+8, AWST
No sighting.
I haven't used the Steamworks SDK but I doubt that creating leaderboards with it are that difficult. Probably a step above changing out the achievements for Steam achievements, but I doubt it was a herculean task (unless they were doing some crazy shit behind the scenes with those leaderboards).
So my 75 hours of playtime is gone with AC???????????
If you owned the vanilla versions of AA or AC, the GOTY version will now be added to your account
Sure, you're not wrong, but it's not like they actively said "let's remove this feature". They're just not coding an alternative to it.
To be honest, I'm surprised publishers are even patching older games. That's the kind of stuff that the userbase has to do, usually.
I haven't used the Steamworks SDK but I doubt that creating leaderboards with it are that difficult. Probably a step above changing out the achievements for Steam achievements, but I doubt it was a herculean task (unless they were doing some crazy shit behind the scenes with those leaderboards).
Edit: Of course any number of issues could cause it to be a hard task, I have no first hand experience with Steamworks SDK or GFWL SDK either. So take it with a grain of salt but the couple of times I have looked at SDK's with leaderboards it has been pretty trivial to use them.
Everytime these games go on sale I bet they make a decent bit of money in the long term. They are doing it because they want to keep making this money for years.
They are having so many issues its really not surprising.
So hold up.
I should have two entries for AC (one for vanilla and another for GOTY) in my library, right? Because I only have one for Vanilla, but it has the Harley Quinn DLC attached, and I don't remember buying that at all.
Yup, just restarted Steam for the 3rd time and nothing.
So hold up.
I should have two entries for AC (one for vanilla and another for GOTY) in my library, right? Because I only have one for Vanilla, but it has the Harley Quinn DLC attached, and I don't remember buying that at all.
Yup, just restarted Steam for the 3rd time and nothing.
Using my acute mathematics skill set, I have determined that WB will generate approximately fifty bajillion times more goodwill should it return Wheelman to Steam.
I don't have a game activation key assigned to me for Arkham Asylum in the GFWL client. Welp?
I don't have a game activation key assigned to me for Arkham Asylum in the GFWL client. Welp?
So my 75 hours of playtime is gone with AC???????????
GFWL/Securom removal
How much money would you be willing to spend if some had Wheelman in their inventory Jase?
You were right, it's in my Uninstalled category. As are a whole shitload of games I got from various bundles over the last week holy shit why can't I install all these games.Your Steam community page says you have both. Are you sure you don't have AC vanilla in a different category?
The imminent Halloween Sale stopped me from offering some dude $250 for Avatar, CSI: NY, Emergency 2012, Outrun 2006 and Second Sight.
why do i have 2 batman games on my account now? i have the vanilla batman AC which is the one i own and also out of nowhere i have the AC GOTYE as well, did they upgraded the vanilla versions for free like bioshock 2?
That's a bargain though. Don't forget you need SAW also.
Lowest I've seen is 40 keys. I should have jumped on the offer of Saw for XCOM + Castlevania when I had the chance.
Oh man that price.
I got your back bro. I'll look around.