I'm only going to hammer if Sorian agrees
I respect him too much not to
Do you want to hammer him?
I'm only going to hammer if Sorian agrees
I respect him too much not to
I agree completelyNo, I'm giving one opinion out of 12. I just think you are on the wrong side of the argument, the defeatist attitude is not needed. If we can get one scum then that could lead to a domino effect of scum has been covering for each other to much.
I agree completely
It's just that we aren't going to find scum in the first place
I agree completely
It's just that we aren't going to find scum in the first place
Only to help guide the game towards the inevitable scum victory so we can possibly get signups for Gafia 2 goingDo you want to hammer him?
Unless something fudged Launch' result, either Coppa/Me or Launch is scum. And I doubt the game is bastard enough to fudge Launch's report.
Yeah but trigger doesn't need to say anything, he can just hammer and then we'll lynch launch tomorrow and loseIt hasn't even been 24 hours yet. I'm waiting to see what Trigger says and then we can take it from there. Whether he is telling the truth or not, we don't even have all the puzzle pieces for today yet.
I agree completely
It's just that we aren't going to find scum in the first place
Yeah but trigger doesn't need to say anything, he can just hammer and then we'll lynch launch tomorrow and lose
Or one of you is a neutral. So while that does limit the field, it's not guaranteed that we are breaking into the scum team there.
No, trigger is going to say he saw launchpad visit me when I die tonight and then town will succumb to madnessYou really think if Trigger just walks in here and hammers then you all will just jump off the cliff on a Launch vote tomorrow? Come on now, Trigger would be dead immediately if it wasn't an instant game over.
You don't know that. Come on.
Ty, I still don't get why you and Coppa are not pushing one another way harder. Either you don't believe Launch's list at all, or somehow have become convinced that there are better targets than someone who's guaranteed to be not town, and appear to be unphased at Sorian being so close to getting lynched, who's someone you're not voting for.
Vote: ty4on
Sorian has six vote? I'm getting Heist flashbacks :S
Please don't.
Sorian is scummy as hell, but we still haven't heard a word from Trigger and I have more things I wanna talk about.
So... what's the difference, now?At best you're arguing semantics-level of details here. Absolut may have been a sub-optimal kill. Chat bomb might have contributed to that sub-optimal choice.
That's still way better than lynching another townie. Say we lynch Coppa and he does indeed flip neutral. He would probably not have been a very valuable asset for the upcoming mylo/lylo and we learn more about the game's mechanics. We also have a reason to trust Launch.
Again though, I agree we should still focus on finding scum today. That's why I haven't voted for anyone in the lead. There are way too many questions for a turbo.
No, trigger is going to say he saw launchpad visit me when I die tonight and then town will succumb to madness
Again though, I agree we should still focus on finding scum today. That's why I haven't voted for anyone in the lead. There are way too many questions for a turbo.
I am unphased by Sorian being so close to being lynched?
Indeed. There are many questions. You had one for me earlier, which I may as well answer now.
My restriction was to post using the standard limerick rhyme scheme of aabba, and also to make a Genuine Effort (TM) at the standard number of syllables per line. While your post about the specifics you were told in that game with the haiku restriction was very helpful (since I had trouble answering detailed questions), I can't guarantee I had those same allowances and restrictions. Because I didn't ask Roy any questions about the details of the restriction, I just lived by it.
I'll keep one small point to myself for future confirmation if trigger turns out to have been hit.
Does anyone else have any questions for me before I do away for the evening?
Did Roy tell you upfront that it was give genuine effort or die?
That was my paraphrase of the restriction. The words used were not "Genuine Effort (TM)".
Sure. Did Roy mention these mistakes?Does anyone else have any questions for me before I do away for the evening?
Forced poetry should never clear me, as
Naught to do with alignment it has.
I do like to talk,
And this puts a sock
In my mouth, if I can't do the lines fast.
Trigger waited briefly then voted with Wee
As he's done every vote up to day three,
Xam jumped on and off,
He didn't go soft.
His vote was on Mazre for our kill spree.
I'm saying the breadcrumb was obviously Gordon.
Since March 25 I for one did afford him
The benefit of
The doubt. But for love
Of the town I kept quiet. TL needed more done
Dear TL was our name cop, now absent.
We have Launchpad claiming alignment
Read in a group way.
Why would Fluxwave
Now AB, have power of this bent?
Sounds like Sorian is no vigilante.
A shame; it could really up the ante
To lynch one scum,
Shoot another one.
We'd have two tries to find the right man. Heehee.
A start has been made on my request
But please note: your target is not my behest.
Vote as you will.
Be careful still.
If you don't want a turbo, count votes, don't just guess.
Sorian reposted his argument from earlier.
Fireblend also made good points on outliers.
I reviewed Karkador
And Gryvan, but I'm sure
That kark has been bad, so set him on fire.
While Sorian and Fireblend SEEM town,
I'm waiting to see how it goes down
At end of the day.
If they've made me sway
To voting town, I'll give up on thinking, the rest of the round.
For those who seem mafia based on today,
Im sticking with Karu, who barely has played.
Also suspicious
For more than that list shiz,
Are coppa and trigger, to look at, the next day.
Like an evil gem. He made arguments
That are nonsensical and dense.
His soft claims were bait
Which batman didn't take.
His claim to be bat hound is clearly pretense.
I don't care about the wording of genuine effort, I'm wondering when he told you that failure would lead to mod kill.
Sure. Did Roy mention these mistakes?
I noticed them last night and wanted to wait until everyone checked in.
Post 2048, 2075, 2098, 2127, 2161, 2218, 2240 and 2244 BTW.
Well, thinking back, modkill wasn't specified. There was just the one message, which said failure to obey would have Dire Consequences (TM). I actually just assumed it was modkill, sorry for being unclear on that point.
Did you know you were going to be roleblocked when you broke the haiku rule in NV?Lol
So you didn't bother figuring out what dire consequences were? And except for Trigger, no one has shown signs of insanity today. You'll excuse me if I call bullshit.
The PM in NV explicitly stated that. Even though I was an ordinary it told me I would be role blocked if I had a role and vote blocked if I didn't.Did you know you were going to be roleblocked when you broke the haiku rule in NV?
Also, about to start work, so responses will be shotty for a good few hours
Did you know you were going to be roleblocked when you broke the haiku rule in NV?
Also, about to start work, so responses will be shotty for a good few hours
The PM in NV explicitly stated that. Even though I was an ordinary it told me I would be role blocked if I had a role and vote blocked if I didn't.
Sure. Did Roy mention these mistakes?
So you didn't bother figuring out what dire consequences were? And except for Trigger, no one has shown signs of insanity today. You'll excuse me if I call bullshit.
While we wait for Wee's answer, did you notice the same as me?What Ty4on said. I then also made sure to ask how it would work if I had run out of shots of my ability and how it would role block me since I was a 3-shot day skill. I made sure to be very thorough so that I could weigh the pros and cons of ignoring the restriction or not.
Those aren't mistakes. They fit with the sample limericks given in the Wikipedia link. Such as:
"There was a Young Person of Smyrna
Whose grandmother threatened to burn her.
But she seized on the cat,
and said 'Granny, burn that!
You incongruous old woman of Smyrna!'
Burn her and smyrna and used as rhymes, this was one of my examples.
Well, like I said. I assumed modkill. Is there something worse than that? And no, I didn't ask any questions of Roy.
While we wait for Wee's answer, did you notice the same as me?
Sure, but I never said they was no reason behind it - that would be stupid!? Just that the decision might have been suboptimal in the grand scheme of things and if chat wasn't bombed Scum might have come to a different solution. Mistakes happen, you know?No, I'm not arguing that. I don't know how I can make this any simpler.
Scum being chat bombed isn't the same as giving scum team a collective lobotomy. The kill on Absolut can't simply be a poor decision, there has to be some reason behind it. How does a chat bomb get someone to go "hmm better not target the doctor, gotta target someone that increases the chances of one of us getting lynched!"
R is not pronounced in British English if there's no vowel following it so I can see how you can force Smyrna and burn her to rhyme.Those aren't mistakes. They fit with the sample limericks given in the Wikipedia link. Such as:
"There was a Young Person of Smyrna
Whose grandmother threatened to burn her.
But she seized on the cat,
and said 'Granny, burn that!
You incongruous old woman of Smyrna!'
Burn her and smyrna and used as rhymes, this was one of my examples.
All I'm noticing is that I fine it extremely odd that you asked no questions of Roy when you'd have to spend 72 hours doing something. Having been put in that exact situation, it's odd to me because I asked a lot of questions. Is that what you noticed Ty4on or am I missing something else? (The vagueness of dire consequences sticks out as well since Retro was so exact).
R is not pronounced in British English if there's no vowel following it so I can see how you can force Smyrna and burn her to rhyme.
What is the pattern if you don't have to rhyme aabba though?
I was talking about where the rhyming didn't match up. I was just wondering if you had noticed the same.All I'm noticing is that I fine it extremely odd that you asked no questions of Roy when you'd have to spend 72 hours doing something. Having been put in that exact situation, it's odd to me because I asked a lot of questions. Is that what you noticed Ty4on or am I missing something else? (The vagueness of dire consequences sticks out as well since Retro was so exact).
I accept being called "That weird psychopath" without taking offense, and you think the odd thing about me is that I obey game instructions given me without asking for more information? I have no argument that states "Wee is normal", so if that's your attack, then you win.
Learn about the caught/cot merger...Oh I guess I see your issue. Ugh, this is why I hate these mechanics.
It's not really a case of being weird or normal though. It sounds like someone who doesn't care and that just may have been the case but is want to know the "dire consequences" as you put it.
Is this an ordinary claim?Oh.
Well, if I died, the consequences to town would be minimal.
I don't approve of ordinary citizens who refuse to play at all, but being unimportant does mean one's value to one's town is in the discussion rather than night actions. Or day actions, I forget those even exist until people like camjo do stuff. So I did my best and didn't worry a lot.
Oh I guess I see your issue. Ugh, this is why I hate these mechanics.
I was talking about where the rhyming didn't match up. I was just wondering if you had noticed the same.
It's so nice to see team members getting along with each other.
See below..
Which also speaks to me about how confident some people are in lynching Sorian in the first place.
You believed me right up until I wanted to lynch your team mate. It's ok, we can leave Sorian for tomorrow. I'll vote for you today too!I really think Wee is telling the truth and was targeted. They've generally been labeled town and active in reads so it makes sense to target them.
This is where I was certain you were scum. The wording just shows that you know this isn't a power on the mafia team.The hoops you are jumping through for these rhymes is amazing.
You believed me right up until I wanted to lynch your team mate. It's ok, we can leave Sorian for tomorrow. I'll vote for you today too!
Eventually I said fuck it as Trigger was still missing in action and your post here seemed like an invitation.Maybe wait until everybody has checked in, but I'd like a paraphrasing of yesterday's posting restrictions. All I could see was that you had to rhyme like a limerick (AABBA) and failing to do so would modkill you.
Indeed. There are many questions. You had one for me earlier, which I may as well answer now.
My restriction was to post using the standard limerick rhyme scheme of aabba, and also to make a Genuine Effort (TM) at the standard number of syllables per line. While your post about the specifics you were told in that game with the haiku restriction was very helpful (since I had trouble answering detailed questions), I can't guarantee I had those same allowances and restrictions. Because I didn't ask Roy any questions about the details of the restriction, I just lived by it.
I'll keep one small point to myself for future confirmation if trigger turns out to have been hit.
Does anyone else have any questions for me before I do away for the evening?
This is where I was certain you were scum. The wording just shows that you know this isn't a power on the mafia team.
I'm jumping through hoops. Not, the mods are making you do this. Not, oh poor you having to do this. Just....you are doing it.
Welcome to #myfirstgambit.
I'm in control of the limerick curse.
What do I mean? Hmm, it could be that I made it up. Or I'm town/neutral and I can cast this restriction on myself. Or I'm mafia and I have it out for Sorian, but instead of just shooting him in the night, I want town to kill him for me. But not just Sorian. Also ty4on and launchpad. Am I a three person lyncher? Nope.
Maybe the best thing to start on right now
Is seeing what happened to talky talks vote. How
Bout everyone vote.
We quickly devote
Some time to picking our options to lynch. Meow.
Well, I consider that as further evidence for my Sorian/weemadarthur/Fireblend theory. No idea who else could be mafia. Xam?