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Batman [Mafia] |OT| The mafia game Gafia deserves , but not the one it needs


They woke up too the now familiar sound of the TV turning on.

“Well then, did you guys had a good night sleep to rejuvenate that gray matter of yours? Well, I can already tell you it will not do you much good, but I can always appreciate a good, failed tr…..

Suddenly the Riddler stopped talking, and started counting.

“Wait, I only count sixteen of you. THERE SHOULD BE SEVENTEEN! WHO IS MISSING?!?!”

Everyone started to look through the room,and it only took a couple of minutes for them to find the body.

There lay SkyOdin, still wearing his tight catsuit that barely hid his well formed body. A cat mask covering his sensual face. The suit was half unzipped showing his well formed..……… Eeeeh, sorry, got a bit carried away there. What was I doing again? Ah, yes, that's right, you guys probably want to see his flip:

SkyOdin has died!
Welcome to Batman mafia!

You are Selina Kyle, AKA Catwoman.

You are aligned with the heroes.

Sure, you may fur-ever be Gotham's best burglar, and have achieved many purr-fect heists, but in the end you tend to be on the good good side of the law just as much, purr-haps even more! ! But Batman having purr-suaded you to help him has this time un-fur-tunately gotten you in a cat-astrophic situation! You will need all your Claw-verness, Tail-ent and su-purr-ior skills to survive to tell the tail.

That doesn’t mean you will fully give up your thieving ways though! Once during the game, you may send me the night command STEAL to go on a thieving spree. During that night, you will be unable to be targeted by any power. From that moment on, you will automatically go on a thieving spree every alternate night. So if you use the command on night 1, you will be impossible to target on night 3-5-7 and so on.

You win when all the villains are eliminated.

The thread can be found here
Please confirm you are ready to play by sending me a PM or by posting in the thread. If you have any questions, please send them to me! Have fun!


Day 2 begins
16 players are still alive. 9 votes are needed for majority!

El Topo

Dear mafia,

password is a horrible password. Also, why do you have a giant folder full of roy fanfic? Anyway, I hope you like what I've done to your chat.

Barbara Gordon


I didn't pre-type anything #scumtell

RIP SkyOdin and our commuter (didn't commute last night though, odd, I don't see any disadvantage to just doing it right away).

First order of business, Camjo, why did you do that yesterday. We know you're town now, great, but we lost any reads we could have gotten from the day 1 lynch now.

Also, I said I'd be running this lead today and I don't intend to back down this time.

VOTE: Coppanuva

Planning to stay quiet like you did yesterday?


That end of day really throws me for a loop. I'm not sure why FlameAC got lynched at all, he had no votes and no pressure on it. Camjo, what was your reasoning for overriding to Flame? We got even less information to go by than if we had lynched someone people were voting on. I want to know why you chose Flame.

Also Sorian, no. I believe you'll find I'm planning to be much more active today.


Not happy with how the day ended yesterday. WTF Camjo?! Also, I guess Sky took a gamble and lost; I'll be interested in hearing his rationale for not using that power last night. That's a shame and he was a good scum target; he was pretty much read as town all day yesterday.

VOTE: FluxWavez

Right now I feel like finishing what we started. Let's see if someone comes to save you again. Explaining why you were acting so anti-town at the end of they day yesterday would help, specially the voting-unvoting business.


Haha, what a brilliant turn of events. It's too bad you didn't let me get lynched, though, Camjo. People would have had a real nice surprise if I did. Oh well, I'm sure we'll all be seeing it, sooner or later… if I don’t get night killed beforehand, I guess.

Camjo-Z's Override

You probably could have aimed for a better target, Camjo, though a shot in the dark isn't all that bad. At least you didn't hit a PR. I'd like to hear your reasoning on why you shot for Flame.

Also, I think it's safe to say you are town. Mafia with an override ability like that... a possibility that shouldn't be disregarded, but one I would be very much surprised by. I assume that was a one-shot ability, too.

El Topo

Our only outright claimed power role and, whaddya know, you're still alive. Elaborate. You're not the doctor and you're not the cop, and you are "Barbara Gordon, AKA Oracle." What is your power, exactly? You stated that you'd rather not give it away, which is pretty funny when death loomed over you. Guess you were confident the townie sounding name would be enough, huh?

Claiming that you're neither of those fundamental protective or investigative roles, I can't really envision a scenario in which you telling us exactly what your ability is hinders town more than helps it.

Topo is a PR or was provided a fake role, switch.
What? Explain your conviction. A bit too trusting in something that had "desperation role claim" written all over it.

VOTE: Pop-O-Matic

Top scum are currently:

1. Pop-o-matic
2. Trigger

Right now I feel like finishing what we started. Let's see if someone comes to save you again. Explaining why you were acting so anti-town at the end of they day yesterday would help, specially the voting-unvoting business.

I did it 'cause I'm aligned with the Villains.
He's a mayor role. You should know better than anyone that you can't just throw a scum-aligned mayor into a game without any type of real balance to it, mod announcement to the thread that he is scum, for example.

Who's to say there is no counter balance built into the roles?

El Topo

I think now is a good time to reveal everything. As Oracle, I have the power to block all mafia communication for one day (or one night). I did not want to reveal that yesterday, so that they (hopefully) would not be able to prepare. In other words, I think it would be great if we could have a lot of activity on this day.

I have also been informed by a certain person, let's call him yor, that it was actually a one-shot power.


Camjo would seemingly be overriding the vote to save either El Topo or Flux.
That means either Camjo is teamed with one of those players, or mafia would have killed Camjo to make it appear that way.

Alfred said:
Sire, would you care for the day's newspaper?

Yes, thank you Alfred

Let's see here..

The Gotham Gazette said:
El Topo And FluxWaveZ Are Still Alive.



What? Explain your conviction. A bit too trusting in something that had "desperation role claim" written all over it.

Oracle is a big name in batman these days, especially after the recent arkham games. That's not a name someone would have thrown around without some confidence behind it. So either he was telling the truth or Roy had already told him that it was a safe claim to make.

Who's to say there is no counter balance built into the roles?

Because that is a free mislynch if it is scum aligned, the only balance is for a town member to be able to 100% pinpoint scum immediately or for the role to have the drawback of exposing yourself. So unless someone has a way to hit scum right now with 100% accuracy, I don't see how scum could have that role.
Because that is a free mislynch if it is scum aligned, the only balance is for a town member to be able to 100% pinpoint scum immediately or for the role to have the drawback of exposing yourself. So unless someone has a way to hit scum right now with 100% accuracy, I don't see how scum could have that role.

I don't think you're explaining yourself very well...


Oracle is a big name in batman these days, especially after the recent arkham games. That's not a name someone would have thrown around without some confidence behind it. So either he was telling the truth or Roy had already told him that it was a safe claim to make.

But "Oracle" was literally the first character that came to mind as a fake role claim for a town PR. "Big name in Batman these days" doesn't mean anything.

Not really? I actually removed that from PW because I thought it would be too unfair for scum in our current GAF climate.

No no, you don't get it. It sucks. As in, I couldn't communicate with my scum teammates and that's a bummber. Get it?


I don't think you're explaining yourself very well...

Do what you do Launch, I highly doubt that Camjo is scum. That doesn't make the play any less horrible but you seem to be underestimating this power as a scum one, I think it would be much more obvious what the balance was if there was one.


Topo's role isn't really arguable in anyway (stating the obvious here), he could totally be telling the truth but there will always be 0 way to verify it.
Camjo's main scum read before killing Flame with no warning was me.

Camjo? Why you shoot some random townie, eh?

Sorry skyodin for going around thinking you were town and encouraging the mafia to kill you. Hope you're having fun in the dead thread.

I want to see Camjo's reasoning on the override. But I admit I've never seen a mafia aligned mayor...is it remotely possible he's a neutral?


First order of business, Camjo, why did you do that yesterday. We know you're town now, great, but we lost any reads we could have gotten from the day 1 lynch now.

Dude, I did a (partially) pre-written post that explains EVERYTHING. Prepare yourselves.

So, I am Jason Todd, aka Robin. (I admit it cabot, I was going for that avatar synergy.) I have two powers. One is to override the vote, as you saw yesterday. My flavor says I’m brash and not afraid to kill without thinking too much, how prophetic. Sorry for being quite rude to everyone, but as you may have guessed I was intentionally trying to get myself voted so I could justifiably use my power. I knew it’d be more useful later on, but I didn’t know if I’d still be able to use it after getting NK’d. And as SkyOdin has shown, not blowing your power on immediate BS will lead to INSTANT REGRET

As for why I killed Flame out of nowhere… well, it was for shits and giggles.

Nah, just kidding. I didn't totally believe El Topo’s last-minute reveal, and the sudden switch to Flux felt more obligatory than earned. I really felt like he was a townie, so I thought hey, let's get some info on ANOTHER person too. I didn’t want to hit any of the incredibly active/inactive people because I figured I’d have a greater chance of hitting a PR there. Flame’s sudden jump in interest when deadline approached, lack of any prior suspicion, and persistent push for a lynch no matter what made me feel like he was just a little too invested in the outcome of this lynch to be town. After all, it's always who you LEAST expect!... unless it's not. But hey, at least he wasn’t a power role. Sorry for the random kill Flame!

As for my second power, roughly paraphrased from my PM: "If you get nightkilled... well, some finales can become new starts." That's some Red Hood resurrection shit, baby! I don’t know what else it entails cuz it wasn't explained at all, but for now I’m just going to consider myself a 1-shot Bulletproof, hence why I wanted doc to go elsewhere and recommended vig not waste their time in case of any adverse side-effects. And before anyone gets concerned about me possibly being a maf recruitable, I looked up Red Hood and he seems to be more of an anti-hero than a villain, so it seems pretty unlikely. This clear ain't going anywhere unless mafia wants to waste two nights taking me out.


Topo's role isn't really arguable in anyway (stating the obvious here), he could totally be telling the truth but there will always be 0 way to verify it.

You don't say. Maybe that's why you shouldn't immediately think it's either his actual role or a fake one provided to scum to claim? If he was a cornered townie, it could have been his way of saving himself. Possibilities.


Reasonable explanation, though I probably would have kept that second power a secret if I were you... I think.

Again, too bad it hit a townie, but at least it wasn't a power role.
Do what you do Launch, I highly doubt that Camjo is scum. That doesn't make the play any less horrible but you seem to be underestimating this power as a scum one, I think it would be much more obvious what the balance was if there was one.


Topo's role isn't really arguable in anyway (stating the obvious here), he could totally be telling the truth but there will always be 0 way to verify it.

Yeah but...

Dude, I did a (partially) pre-written post that explains EVERYTHING. Prepare yourselves.

So, I am Jason Todd, aka Robin. (I admit it cabot, I was going for that avatar synergy.) I have two powers. One is to override the vote, as you saw yesterday. My flavor says I’m brash and not afraid to kill without thinking too much, how prophetic. Sorry for being quite rude to everyone, but as you may have guessed I was intentionally trying to get myself voted so I could justifiably use my power. I knew it’d be more useful later on, but I didn’t know if I’d still be able to use it after getting NK’d. And as SkyOdin has shown, not blowing your power on immediate BS will lead to INSTANT REGRET

As for why I killed Flame out of nowhere… well, it was for shits and giggles.

Nah, just kidding. I didn't totally believe El Topo’s last-minute reveal, and the sudden switch to Flux felt more obligatory than earned. I really felt like he was a townie, so I thought hey, let's get some info on ANOTHER person too. I didn’t want to hit any of the incredibly active/inactive people because I figured I’d have a greater chance of hitting a PR there. Flame’s sudden jump in interest when deadline approached, lack of any prior suspicion, and persistent push for a lynch no matter what made me feel like he was just a little too invested in the outcome of this lynch to be town. After all, it's always who you LEAST expect!... unless it's not. But hey, at least he wasn’t a power role. Sorry for the random kill Flame!

As for my second power, roughly paraphrased from my PM: "If you get nightkilled... well, some finales can become new starts." That's some Red Hood resurrection shit, baby! I don’t know what else it entails cuz it wasn't explained at all, but for now I’m just going to consider myself a 1-shot Bulletproof, hence why I wanted doc to go elsewhere and recommended vig not waste their time in case of any adverse side-effects. And before anyone gets concerned about me possibly being a maf recruitable, I looked up Red Hood and he seems to be more of an anti-hero than a villain, so it seems pretty unlikely. This clear ain't going anywhere unless mafia wants to waste two nights taking me out.

Now we have to talk about this.

You're Jason Todd? AKA, the worst Robin? AKA, Red Hood, who is actually a villain, sometimes anti-hero?


Dude, I did a (partially) pre-written post that explains EVERYTHING. Prepare yourselves.

So, I am Jason Todd, aka Robin. (I admit it cabot, I was going for that avatar synergy.) I have two powers. One is to override the vote, as you saw yesterday. My flavor says I’m brash and not afraid to kill without thinking too much, how prophetic. Sorry for being quite rude to everyone, but as you may have guessed I was intentionally trying to get myself voted so I could justifiably use my power. I knew it’d be more useful later on, but I didn’t know if I’d still be able to use it after getting NK’d. And as SkyOdin has shown, not blowing your power on immediate BS will lead to INSTANT REGRET

As for why I killed Flame out of nowhere… well, it was for shits and giggles.

Nah, just kidding. I didn't totally believe El Topo’s last-minute reveal, and the sudden switch to Flux felt more obligatory than earned. I really felt like he was a townie, so I thought hey, let's get some info on ANOTHER person too. I didn’t want to hit any of the incredibly active/inactive people because I figured I’d have a greater chance of hitting a PR there. Flame’s sudden jump in interest when deadline approached, lack of any prior suspicion, and persistent push for a lynch no matter what made me feel like he was just a little too invested in the outcome of this lynch to be town. After all, it's always who you LEAST expect!... unless it's not. But hey, at least he wasn’t a power role. Sorry for the random kill Flame!

As for my second power, roughly paraphrased from my PM: "If you get nightkilled... well, some finales can become new starts." That's some Red Hood resurrection shit, baby! I don’t know what else it entails cuz it wasn't explained at all, but for now I’m just going to consider myself a 1-shot Bulletproof, hence why I wanted doc to go elsewhere and recommended vig not waste their time in case of any adverse side-effects. And before anyone gets concerned about me possibly being a maf recruitable, I looked up Red Hood and he seems to be more of an anti-hero than a villain, so it seems pretty unlikely. This clear ain't going anywhere unless mafia wants to waste two nights taking me out.

The issue is that we now don't really have any voting record attached to Flame. There was some rumblings of distrust (myself included) for him near the day end but no one had to take a stance. It's a mislynch but without any of the information and now people that think Flux is scum have no clue and people who think Topo is scum have no clue.

You don't say. Maybe that's why you shouldn't immediately think it's either his actual role or a fake one provided to scum to claim? If he was a cornered townie, it could have been his way of saving himself. Possibilities.

I'm sure he's open to a counter claim then. With 10 minutes left in the day though, I 100% stand by saying he was either a PR or provided a fake claim, hitting a PR is usually something you want to avoid.


Now we have to talk about this.

You're Jason Todd? AKA, the worst Robin? AKA, Red Hood, who is actually a villain, sometimes anti-hero?

Do we really? He's obviously Hero-aligned right now. Maybe he'll change once an NK attempt happens on him, but that obviously hasn't happened yet. Maybe it's a 1-shot BP where he then changes alignment and his power changes. Maybe he dies and someone else's power role changes. Eh. Just something to keep in mind, but I dunno why you'd want to spend so much time on it.
Do we really? He's obviously Hero-aligned right now. Maybe he'll change once an NK attempt happens on him, but that obviously hasn't happened yet. Maybe it's a 1-shot BP where he then changes alignment and his power changes. Maybe he dies and someone else's power role changes. Eh. Just something to keep in mind, but I dunno why you'd want to spend so much time on it.

I don't think killing a would-be mafia is a waste of time.


Yeah but...

Now we have to talk about this.

You're Jason Todd? AKA, the worst Robin? AKA, Red Hood, who is actually a villain, sometimes anti-hero?

I was expecting Red Hood as a miller in all honesty, kind of surprised.

We can "yeah, but..." all day, I'm looking at this separate from the flavor. He can obviously override. That would be EXTREME if he wasn't town.


I'm sure he's open to a counter claim then. With 10 minutes left in the day though, I 100% stand by saying he was either a PR or provided a fake claim, hitting a PR is usually something you want to avoid.

Sure, sure. El Topo is probably actually the Oracle.

I don't think killing a would-be mafia is a waste of time.

I'd say that's a waste of time for D2. How about we focus on killing actual mafia and not potential mafia right now?


I'm sure he's open to a counter claim then. With 10 minutes left in the day though, I 100% stand by saying he was either a PR or provided a fake claim, hitting a PR is usually something you want to avoid.

This should say "something you want to avoid day 1" Obviously you always want to avoid it but day 1 most of all when you are most open to a mislynch.


I'd say that's a waste of time for D2. How about we focus on killing actual mafia and not potential mafia right now?

I mean, I agree that Camjo is a waste of time but it's not like you are pushing actual mafia either, just potential mafia as well.


I mean, I agree that Camjo is a waste of time but it's not like you are pushing actual mafia either, just potential mafia as well.

...Huh? Aren't we all? Or are you needlessly entertaining the idea that we should lynch Camjo—who is almost definitely town—on this Day phase?


So...today's plan is to bus you in hopes that town will turbo and waste the day after scum wasn't allowed to chat (allegedly)?

It's best for everyone involved if we ignore Flux's suicidal tendencies. I plan to revisit him later because I didn't see anything at day end that really convinced me otherwise but I'd prefer not to fall into the trap of doing that all day.
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