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Battlefield 2/Vietnam/1942 update...

Battlefield 2 screens




Battlefield 1942/Desert Combat

Desert Combat Final in two weeks! Heres the trailer link

Battlefield Vietnam new patch this month

Patch 1.2 Update
EA and DICE are heading into the home stretch and nearing Final Candidate status on the 1.2 Update. Since we're moving towards release, we wanted to take a few minutes to talk about a new feature we’ve been holding close to our collective vests, and also give a short update on some 1.1 issues that the community has been particularly vocal about.

First, the announcement: Battlefiled Vietnam 1.2 will include a brand new Spectator mode. At any time during a play, a user can jump into spectator mode by clicking the Spectator button on the Spawn Menu. The player can then choose to roam around in free cam, follow any player’s progress from follow-cam or watch the action from pre-set spawn point cameras. Jumping back to a team is then as easy as clicking the team’s flag on the Spawn Menu. We hope that this feature will be of great use in both casual play and clan matches.

Moving on, we'd like to talk a bit about the community bugs DICE is working to address in 1.2.

Here is an excerpt from the 1.2 Readme noting several community issues DICE has been working to address.

* Tank splash damage against light and heavy vehicles now works.
* Minimap sorting order altered so players are visible above the CP flags.
* Performance problems resolved at the temple in HoChiMinh Trail and Cambodian Incursion.
* Repeating napalm sound bug has been resolved.
* The bug with grenades that goes through bridges has been resolved.
* Parachute not opening properly on first key press.
* Missing icon flashes for radio commands resolved.


* Helicopter pads at main bases will not reload or repair helicopters occupied by enemy players, even after the control point is taken by the enemy. Note that this is determined by the team the player is on, not by the vehicle they are in.
* Mi8 hitpoints reduced from 125 to 100. Rocket reload time increased from 3 to 4.5 seconds.

Special thanks go out to all the players who noted these issues in the forums at PlanetBattlefield. We appreciate how much you care about Battlefield Vietnam. For more information on the 1.2 Update, see the August Newsletter here.


lots of Battlefield love from EA :D


Ups, you forgot to mention that Forgotten Hope 0.65 is coming out next friday. It will be huge! more than 200 vehicles and it also takes ~1.69Gt of space, so warm up your broadbands!


Doom_Bringer said:
* Minimap sorting order altered so players are visible above the CP flags.
* Parachute not opening properly on first key press.

lots of Battlefield love from EA :D

Yeah, well, except for love for the original Battlefield.

Those two things are things that have been problems since day one, yet it looks like they're still going to persist in the original game. Not to mention the fact that running down stairs still does damage, the stationary machine guns are worthless, you can't type quickly without the game missing letters, the engineers got screwed in the last patch (which a dev actually admitted was accidental), the list goes on and on...


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
nultse said:
Ups, you forgot to mention that Forgotten Hope 0.65 is coming out next friday. It will be huge! more than 200 vehicles and it also takes ~1.69Gt of space, so warm up your broadbands!

They've had a bit-torrent link up for a while now, if you want to download it early and install it when they release the password for it, rather than waiting for it to download once its officially released and all the download sources are all choked up. It's on the FH home page if you're interested.


Doom_Bringer said:
Battlefield 2 screens




Battlefield 1942/Desert Combat

Desert Combat Final in two weeks! Heres the trailer link

Battlefield Vietnam new patch this month

Patch 1.2 Update
EA and DICE are heading into the home stretch and nearing Final Candidate status on the 1.2 Update. Since we're moving towards release, we wanted to take a few minutes to talk about a new feature we’ve been holding close to our collective vests, and also give a short update on some 1.1 issues that the community has been particularly vocal about.

First, the announcement: Battlefiled Vietnam 1.2 will include a brand new Spectator mode. At any time during a play, a user can jump into spectator mode by clicking the Spectator button on the Spawn Menu. The player can then choose to roam around in free cam, follow any player’s progress from follow-cam or watch the action from pre-set spawn point cameras. Jumping back to a team is then as easy as clicking the team’s flag on the Spawn Menu. We hope that this feature will be of great use in both casual play and clan matches.

Moving on, we'd like to talk a bit about the community bugs DICE is working to address in 1.2.

Here is an excerpt from the 1.2 Readme noting several community issues DICE has been working to address.

* Tank splash damage against light and heavy vehicles now works.
* Minimap sorting order altered so players are visible above the CP flags.
* Performance problems resolved at the temple in HoChiMinh Trail and Cambodian Incursion.
* Repeating napalm sound bug has been resolved.
* The bug with grenades that goes through bridges has been resolved.
* Parachute not opening properly on first key press.
* Missing icon flashes for radio commands resolved.


* Helicopter pads at main bases will not reload or repair helicopters occupied by enemy players, even after the control point is taken by the enemy. Note that this is determined by the team the player is on, not by the vehicle they are in.
* Mi8 hitpoints reduced from 125 to 100. Rocket reload time increased from 3 to 4.5 seconds.

Special thanks go out to all the players who noted these issues in the forums at PlanetBattlefield. We appreciate how much you care about Battlefield Vietnam. For more information on the 1.2 Update, see the August Newsletter here.


lots of Battlefield love from EA :D

you mean DICE


BF2 looks to be using some nice DX9 effects. :D

Hmm, dunno if I'll install the new DC update or not. I've been getting into PoE now..

But I'll go off and read the list of improvements anyway.


I hate flying modern planes in the BF games/mods. They go so friggin fast that its impossible to stay zeroed on a ground target for more than 2 seconds.

This wouldn't be a problem if you could adjust the fog, but they took that option completely out in BFV. So you can't see ANYTHING until you are on top of it while in a plane.
MrAngryFace said:
I cant buy it, I need to find it used or something, im ultra super poor

Don't buy a used game cause the cd key might be in use or stolen or something. You might wanna take a look at BF Vietnam, its pretty cool and has some good maps (Ho Chin Min, Ho chin min alt (Cambodian Incursion), Operation Hastings and Game warden etc) And some of the new weapons are really fun (timebomb, betty trap etc)

It also has a WWII mod which is pretty cool (remakes of Wake Island, Iwo Jima and Invasion of Philly and flame throwers are fun too)

Here are some screen I took a while back


Doom_Bringer said:
Don't buy a used game cause the cd key might be in use or stolen or something. You might wanna take a look at BF Vietnam, its pretty cool and has some good maps (Ho Chin Min, Ho chin min alt (Cambodian Incursion),

Seconded. BFV is really fun. Especially Cambodian Incursion. I love that map. Sniping has never been so good.
BF2 looks amazing, I can't wait for it, Desert Combat Who?, blah blah blah, and all that, but the first two shots clearly have most, if not all, the aircraft and weapon effects super-imposed over a pre-existing shot.

I don't like the increasing trend of companies "posing" screenshots for the public. Show me a true representation of the game, thanks.

To be fair, pretty much all the BF2 shots (and videos) that have been released since don't look "posed" like these do.


Animator in Waiting
The guy with the rocket launcer at the bottom of the first to pics of BF2 look like he same image photoshoped onto each shot LOL.

Tho it does look very tasty mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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