Have someone fall off the map and it counts as a <D 2.0> I forget how it's done exactly but that's the gist.
So, BattlefieldGAF, I would appreciate some help. I have 2 destruction 2.0 kills left to get in Bad Company 2 on PS3 to get my last online trophy. I have been having a hell of a time getting them as the servers are almost dead.
Would a group be willing to help me boost the trophy?
what are you doing tomorrow?
what are you doing tomorrow?
Convince me otherwise.
People, I think I am going to cancel my PS4 pre-order. I have day one edition pre-ordered but I see no reason to get it this early. I feel like the only reason I would be buying it is to play BF4 with everyone here. I am not saying I will never get it, but I just don't think getting it this early will benefit me that much considering I have much better things to spend my money on. Convince me otherwise.
You sort of need to tell us how long you plan on delaying and what better things you plan to spend your money on.
If you delay it for 3-4 months to spend on women, sure.
Anyone wanna play BC2?
Very cool. Thanksfacelessmaster and I've been wait for you
People, I think I am going to cancel my PS4 pre-order. I have day one edition pre-ordered but I see no reason to get it this early. I feel like the only reason I would be buying it is to play BF4 with everyone here. I am not saying I will never get it, but I just don't think getting it this early will benefit me that much considering I have much better things to spend my money on. Convince me otherwise.
People, I think I am going to cancel my PS4 pre-order. I have day one edition pre-ordered but I see no reason to get it this early. I feel like the only reason I would be buying it is to play BF4 with everyone here. I am not saying I will never get it, but I just don't think getting it this early will benefit me that much considering I have much better things to spend my money on. Convince me otherwise.
You sort of need to tell us how long you plan on delaying and what better things you plan to spend your money on.
If you delay it for 3-4 months to spend on women, sure.
Milk really wants and iPad mini with Retina.
People, I think I am going to cancel my PS4 pre-order. I have day one edition pre-ordered but I see no reason to get it this early. I feel like the only reason I would be buying it is to play BF4 with everyone here. I am not saying I will never get it, but I just don't think getting it this early will benefit me that much considering I have much better things to spend my money on. Convince me otherwise.
That's the reason I'll be back for the PS4 when I could have picked PC. I miss PS3 BFBC2 gaf.bolded is my reason. if that's not good enough for you, then i hope to see you sooner rather than later!
Milk really wants and iPad mini with Retina.
So BF3 PC?
So BF3 PC?
So BF3 PC?
Taking a break 'til BF4pc.
People, I think I am going to cancel my PS4 pre-order. I have day one edition pre-ordered but I see no reason to get it this early. I feel like the only reason I would be buying it is to play BF4 with everyone here. Convince me otherwise.
We have good news! We're able to get this part of your order to you faster than we originally promised:
"PlayStation 4 Dualshock 4 Wireless Controller"
Previous estimated arrival date: November 15, 2013
New estimated arrival date: October 30, 2013
If you buy premium for the PS3 version does it also works for the PS4 version or do you have to buy two separate premium packages?
edit: I'm talking about BF4 btw
Quid is stalking me
I'm attempting to get 90% wins before I sell the 360, but joining and being placed on the losing team as soon as the match ended messed that up for me today![]()
never seen two squads of people so allergic to winning.
Everything transfers, even premium
You have to buy two separate packages. It doesn't carry over. It's the same for Call of Duty's "Elite" service.
Ok, so which one is it then
Community ID sign ups are up for BF4:
PSN: http://tinyurl.com/k56ws63
XBL: http://tinyurl.com/k9larpk
PC: http://tinyurl.com/kh8tyyo
Never been a problem.Public? D:
Community ID sign ups are up for BF4:
PSN: http://tinyurl.com/k56ws63
XBL: http://tinyurl.com/k9larpk
PC: http://tinyurl.com/kh8tyyo
Ok, so which one is it then
Anyone got BF4 yet for PC? Looking mighty fine and surprisingly smooth for me too.
Anyone got BF4 yet for PC? Looking mighty fine and surprisingly smooth for me too.
By the way, there are still things you can't do with the controller in menus. Button prompts also still use keyboard keys.Waiting on benchmarks. If it doesn't run perfectly, I'll just wait for PS4.