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Battlefield 6 vs. Call of Duty 2021: How The Competition is Already Heating Up


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
I’m a cod guy but if SBMM returns im done with the series until they remove it.
They are never going to remove it, so you might as well forget about COD.
P.S Why do people NOT want SBMM?
You want to walk or get walked?


In terms of sales COD will win on average, no question about it. If there is a "Bad Company" in the title of this Battlefield, everything changes.
Everyone in my Steam friends list will play it.
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Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Warzone is the trump card here - COD is all in one now, whilst BF is floundering.

BF needs a great BR, then and only then will it even be able to keep up.
Is Halo Infinite not similar enough to be considered competition or are lot of people of the mind it's going to be terrible? I never really got into Battlefield. I played CoD a lot during modern warfare 4, but didn't stick with it. If nothing else gamers will have a lot of options come this Fall.


They are never going to remove it, so you might as well forget about COD.
P.S Why do people NOT want SBMM?
You want to walk or get walked?
My kd is 2.3 and I average 3-4kd weekly these days. Sbmm means I can't just chill out and not take it too seriously. The lobbies are so fucking sweaty you have to go full try hard mode all the time.. Makes it not fun after a while. I'd rather have a few games with my bot mates and not have to try too hard without getting destroyed. So many of the sweats I know have quit playing.

Anyway early blow for Battlefield as last gen versions announced. I know cod prob will too but bf6 would have gained so much extra hype if they dropped last gen.


It's a free-to-play mode or death for BF, hopefully, they must aviod commiting a mistake there, COD players aren't crying anymore because of "BIG MAPS", so please, BF be good!
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I just think Call of Duty is way to mixed in with pop culture at this point to even consider 'competition'. My 5 year old nephew knows about Call of Duty(doesn't play it..but everyone knows about it!) and so does my wifes 74 year old mother lol. I'm a battlefield fan, but they just gotta focus on getting a good game out and bringing their people back. They also have to do something with it that appeals to PC players in some way too..I remember playing Battlefield 1942 on my PC back in the day and it felt good, it felt like a different experience than what I was playing on consoles at the time. I understand they needed to open it up a little bit to try and get more of the console crowd in, but they have to find the balance somehow. I felt like they were headed in that direction 'sorta with Battlefield 3 and even 4 at times..but then everything after has been kinda corny.


Gold Member
Lol at female soldier in those pictures, guess woke dice is still running that shitshow.
Angry Gordon Ramsay GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden


Lol at female soldier in those pictures, guess woke dice is still running that shitshow.
Entirely different situation than the last game. They aren't selling a realistic WW2 game this time, and then criticizing people who expected historical accuracy. Modern armed forces have female soldiers in countless countries including the US. There's absolutely no issue with female soldiers by itself, and in a modern setting it would be stupid not to include them.


Entirely different situation than the last game. They aren't selling a realistic WW2 game this time, and then criticizing people who expected historical accuracy. Modern armed forces have female soldiers in countless countries including the US. There's absolutely no issue with female soldiers by itself, and in a modern setting it would be stupid not to include them.

Battlefield is a realistic simulator of world wars. Its not a scifi shooter and no females on the battlefield are a no go for that.

The reason why they push it like that, is because there whole development team is basically taken hostage by professional racists and sexists which showcased hard in there last installment and carries over with there advertisement in this one also.

They learned nothing.
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CoD is gonna be the same thing as each year - a reliable formula, with a thrilling rollercoaster SP campaing, great online/couch co-op, and MP with mote content than any other shooter on the market. They will just change the setting, but everything else hasn't change much since MW2.

BF on the other hand is a huge unknown, DICE ses to be lost with the franchise, after BF1 and BF5 the new onstallment will have A LOT to prove. For starters, I'll be positively shocked if they'll show an actual proper gameplay instead of their usual montage of half a sec clips that don't show shit...
EA will have to try damn hard after the misstep with Battfield V, talk about misunderstanding your audience. It seems that EA is hellbent with making the game as casual as possible, hopefully the vehicle systems will return to the games of old so that you actually have a base and that requires an airstrip for people to you know.... take off. By constantly dumbing down mechanics battlefield is becoming more and more generic.
I really hope so. It made the game so much more enjoyable. Plus you actually had to land the jets to fully repair them in BF3 and BF4..
there is no competition imo. COD is clearly a step or two above.

And this is coming from someone who's only bought one COD game in the last 15 years. I was a battlefield guy. They have completely bungled that franchise. Just look at the Battle Royal offerings. COD knocked it out of the park. And BF's version was never even a thing. DICE hasn't proven they can make a good shooter since BF4 8 years ago
Let me save you all some time:

People will love both games for the first month, then say that both games are total shit and the old ones were better.
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Gold Member
I might be naive, but I don't think BF needs to compete with CoD directly.

In my opinion, CoD historically has been more at home with younger gamers, or lone wolves that don't want to be bothered with team play. There are exceptions to this, of course, but this is a generalization, and I'd wager a fairly accurate one.

Conversely, BF is more at home with older gamers, more interested in tactics and big-picture strategy. Again, there are exceptions, but I think this is a pretty accurate generalization.

If EA/Dice can focus on the historical strengths of the franchise and listen to its fanbase, it can be its own thing and own that niche. It may not sell like CoD, but it doesn't have to, to be successful. We don't need every fking game to have every fking feature that every other fking game has. Just do your thing, and do it well. A quality product will sell. The world may be upside down now, but I'm pretty sure that's still true.


There is never "competition". I've seen articles like this since BF3 and I'm sure they existed before too.

It will never happen. Even though I personally think BF is the better game, CoD is more accessible to play, it is a lot more arcadey.

Not to mention the sheer size of the CoD fanbase.
I think that is the key difference here.
COD is definitely a game that casual gamers gravitate towards.
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