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Be very afraid: Kb + mouse adaptor for XBOX released!



# Connect PC Mouse and Keyboard to your Xbox®
# Especially designed for First Person Shooters
# Supports all keys on Keyboard and Mouse (including Scroll-Wheel)
# Pre-Installed configurations for most FPS Best Sellers
# Fully programmable including advanced features such as Deadzone and Mouse Control Inversion
# Built-in Memory Card slot for compatible peripherals (incl. Headset)
# Works with any game, even without built-in Mouse + Keyboard support
# Compatible with all Xbox® consoles (US, JPN, PAL)

SmartJoy® FRAG™ is a unique adapter that allows you to connect standard PS/2 compatible mice and keyboards to your PlayStation®2 or Xbox® console. You will be able to enjoy First Person Shooters (FPS), or any other game where targeting is important, the way they are meant to be played.

Both versions of the SmartJoy® FRAG™ are fully programmable and come with pre-installed key configurations for the best games available on PlayStation®2 and Xbox®. Advanced features such as Deadzone adjustments and mouse control inversion guarantee best gaming experience with your favorite titles.

video: http://image.lik-sang.com/content/smartjoy-frag/SmartJoy_FRAG_Halo.mpg

Already pre-ordered :D :D :D :D


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Smart Idea, they mapped a mouse to the right/left analog sticks
You could do this with a PC, but I could never get it to work right. I hope this works out


nice periphial, but won't it work oddly with all the auto-aim that's prevalent in xbox's first person shooters?


It's probably not useful, since the whole advantage of a mouse is that it's a pointing device based on position, whereas the analog sticks on a controller are based on velocity (as far as the aiming in an FPS is concerned)...

It won't make you turn 180 in half a second, so I don't see what you'd gain from this...


I must be the only person on earth that prefers a gamepad to play my fps with. It's not so much the mouse that i have a problem with, it's the damn kb. I just can't get use to using it for movement, and god forbid there is platforming in the game, like half-life. Platforming with a keyboard is nothing but complete frustration for me.

Since the gamepad is the control i learned how to play fps with, i guess i have gotten decent with it cause i always turn off auto aim. Auto aim has been poorly implemented in the past, basically taking away the ability for head shots. That is until Halo which got it perfect.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Any1 said:
I must be the only person on earth that prefers a gamepad to play my fps with. It's not so much the mouse that i have a problem with, it's the damn kb. I just can't get use to using it for movement, and god forbid there is platforming in the game, like half-life. Platforming with a keyboard is nothing but complete frustration for me.

Since the gamepad is the control i learned how to play fps with, i guess i have gotten decent with it cause i always turn off auto aim. Auto aim has been poorly implemented in the past, basically taking away the ability for head shots. That is until Halo which got it perfect.


Nostromo N52

Some people swear by it (I'm one of 'em), some people don't care for it. Personally, I find it works much better for me than a full-fledged keyboard.
tedtropy said:
Nostromo N52

HEY!! That's my job!! I'm the N52 pimp 'round here!! I got references!
Gah! Now my nose is bleeding. Thanks a lot, shithead

Why is this device PS\2 only? Both the XBOX and PS2 already do USB, so go back to serial just to go digital all over again?

Somebody ever posts pics of the guts of an arcade stick, I'm going to lose it.
You've been warned.


So does that mean we'll see people on Halo 2 with KB/Mouse?Gay if so :( I don't like them,but I know their hella accurate.


Ramirez said:
So does that mean we'll see people on Halo 2 with KB/Mouse?Gay if so :( I don't like them,but I know their hella accurate.

Well you will see me and my friend on there, now that there is KB/MOUSE support. He is also going to buy a Xbox now since he will be able to use a KB/MOUSE on all fps'. This is a great day to be a gamer. =]


Ramirez said:
So does that mean we'll see people on Halo 2 with KB/Mouse?Gay if so :( I don't like them,but I know their hella accurate.

They're accurate on PC games, but the control scheme is just different here. As Argyle said, the analog stick and mouse movement is just different. KB/Mouse on XBox is going to be a new style of control, different from both KB/Mouse on the PC and gamepad on the XBox. I can't imagine all that many people using it, and I think it'll be the most frustrating control style of all once people actually try it.


Unconfirmed Member
tedtropy said:

Nostromo N52

Some people swear by it (I'm one of 'em), some people don't care for it. Personally, I find it works much better for me than a full-fledged keyboard.
Just gota brand new one of those for $10 this weekend. :D haven't gotten a chance to break it out yet though.

Lil' Dice

Using a keyboard to play games makes my hand cramp up.....and that's not easily done as i'be been know to masturbate for 60 minutes....non-stop without so much as a sweaty palm.


Alright, I've read a lot of discussion about this kb/mouse dealie and how it could affect Halo 2 online (and any other online console FPS).

In particular, my roommate is concerned that one will have to get and use this device to be competitive online - assuming that the device works well and gets a decent (~5%) adoption rate (and judging by the widespread discussion, it will).

I think the general gist is that people who have switched to the Console religion don't want to go back to sitting in front of a desk, using a mouse and keyboard -- it's far more comfortable on the couch in front of a nice big HDTV :).

The biggest question is - how effective will this device be? Console input systems are tuned 100% for analog-stick viewport movement. I think it's likely that one would be able to configure the mouse to be effective at long range (low-sensitivity), OR effective at short-range (high-sensitivity), but not both.

(This is a similar problem to the limitation of console FPSs today via analog-stick. Most people compromise with a setting somewhere in the middle).




This sucks. It destroys the "level playing field", which was the whole idea of Xbox Live, since you can't filter between those who will use this and normal controllers.

That said, I find it retarted that people say KB/MOUSE is THE way to control fps'. It is the mouse that makes the difference, since keyboard is a device built for TEXT input , NOT gaming. You cannot have analog movement with the keyboard, for instance.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Most Xbox FPS use autoaim - so the "snap to" while using a mouse would be difficult to get used to.

Almost all Xbox games use pressure/velocity, for cursor movement not relative position, so the keyboard and mouse won't actually be that much of an advantage until people code to suit. And I don't think they'll be doing that.

Still, I expect to see every fucktard at every tourney, bringing one of these with a stopwatch attached to his fucking forehead.


It will obviously just remap the right analog stick to the mouse movements' direction and speed; The principle could work just fine, i guess, since it works the same for mice:
Of course it's not their absolute position to determine the pointer's position, but rather the force the ball applies to the 2 wheels which translates into nothing but analog values for x and y axis.
My only doubt would be, xbox only recognises 256 pressure levels on those sticks, maybe that's not enough to allow for ultra accurate movements ? no idea.

Either way, i'll be playing Halo 2 with my xbox controller.
There's no excuse for either MS or Sony to not support mice and just have them set a filter level to create level playing fields. As it is now, the pimply faced brats who play 12 hours a day are the ones with the advantage (Which is the rationale for not supporting them). If mice were supported, everyone would be able to shoot where they wanted without spending obscene playing time mastering it.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
thorns said:
This sucks. It destroys the "level playing field", which was the whole idea of Xbox Live, since you can't filter between those who will use this and normal controllers.

That said, I find it retarted that people say KB/MOUSE is THE way to control fps'. It is the mouse that makes the difference, since keyboard is a device built for TEXT input , NOT gaming. You cannot have analog movement with the keyboard, for instance.

That pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter....

Standards rock


works for Gamestop (lol)
I assume he's talking about how people in tourneys have the time elapsed between weapon/power up respawns ticking in their head, so they can prevent the other player from grabbing power ups and weapons by getting the weapons the INSTANT they respawn
good gravy, people do that? When I play I'm just trying to not die and that takes up enough of my concentration to where I don't have time to count seconds between spawns.

Then again, I suck at FPS.


I expect it to be a bit different than playing with a PC setup, but I still expect it to be superior to the gamepad. Jack up the analog sensitivity and you'll be able to do pretty quick turns and aim adjustments. I don't know about other games, but if there's any "auto-aim" in Halo, it's pretty damn subtle.....certainly not a stumbling block if you're on a mouse. I have heard that there is no auto-aim, they just accounted for the analog stick by giving you a bigger targeting reticule and the movement of it slows a bit when you go over a potential target. I mean, you can pull off headshots with the pistol so obviously they aren't forcing your aim that much in any particular direction.

Those whining about a level playing field can stick a lemon in it. As many others have noted on this board and others, LIVE is already an unlevel playing field. There are people competing with plenty of non-standard peripherals that give them an advantage -- racing wheels, arcade sticks, DDR mats, headsets, 5.1 sound, 480p. Should all of those be taboo as well?

If you want to compete at the highest level, you've gotta play with the best control configuration. The adapter's only $30 anyway. I'm just hoping that it will be a decent product -- no lag or anything like that. Apparently this company has put out good controller convertors before..


border said:
I expect it to be a bit different than playing with a PC setup, but I still expect it to be superior to the gamepad. Jack up the analog sensitivity and you'll be able to do pretty quick turns and aim adjustments. I don't know about other games, but if there's any "auto-aim" in Halo, it's pretty damn subtle.....certainly not a stumbling block if you're on a mouse. I have heard that there is no auto-aim, they just accounted for the analog stick by giving you a bigger targeting reticule and the movement of it slows a bit when you go over a potential target. I mean, you can pull off headshots with the pistol so obviously they aren't forcing your aim that much in any particular direction.

Those whining about a level playing field can stick a lemon in it. As many others have noted on this board and others, LIVE is already an unlevel playing field. There are people competing with plenty of non-standard peripherals that give them an advantage -- racing wheels, arcade sticks, DDR mats, headsets, 5.1 sound, 480p. Should all of those be taboo as well?

If you want to compete at the highest level, you've gotta play with the best control configuration. The adapter's only $30 anyway. I'm just hoping that it will be a decent product -- no lag or anything like that. Apparently this company has put out good controller convertors before..

Very well said border.


border said:
There are people competing with plenty of non-standard peripherals that give them an advantage -- racing wheels, arcade sticks, DDR mats, headsets, 5.1 sound, 480p. Should all of those be taboo as well?
The difference is that none of those peripherals give as big of a gameplay advantage as this mouse adaptor would (if it works as advertised) and that they are all officially supported products/features. Game designers could take them into account when developing the game to be sure that people using one or another would not be give too much of a edge. Not so with the SmartJoy.

In addition, Microsoft has said in the past that they did not want a keyboard/mouse released for the Xbox and this scenario is probably one of the reasons. There's no LIVE system in place to segregate controller/mouse players if so desired, and as I understand it, the Xbox cannot tell the difference between a third-party controller and the SmartJoy Frag.


Meh, teh suck.. the good part about using a mouse is the high sensitivity it offers, without lacking in precision. Console FPSs like Halo don't offer sensitivity high enough. It'll just make playing a damn chore, having to move the mouse all over the table to turn around.


Teddman said:
The difference is that none of those peripherals give as big of a gameplay advantage as this mouse adaptor would (if it works as advertised) and that they are all officially supported products/features. Game designers could take them into account when developing the game to be sure that people using one or another would not be give too much of a edge. Not so with the SmartJoy.

In addition, Microsoft has said in the past that they did not want a keyboard/mouse released for the Xbox and this scenario is probably one of the reasons. There's no LIVE system in place to segregate controller/mouse players if so desired, and as I understand it, the Xbox cannot tell the difference between a third-party controller and the SmartJoy Frag.

Branching off of this, when I did have DDR for Xbox Live, you could tell who did or did not have a Dance Pad when playing, or if they used a controller via an icon in game. Most dance pad people would boot out controller players immediately. With this SmartJoy, there's no way to tell if you're playing against a K/B mouse player unless they tell you.
I watched that demo video... I'm a horrible sniper and I can do better than that with a controller, I mean yeah the player in the video might just suck but, I don't see the mouse being any real advantage in Halo on the console.


Teddman said:
The difference is that none of those peripherals give as big of a gameplay advantage as this mouse adaptor would (if it works as advertised) and that they are all officially supported products/features.
I guess you haven't tried playing DDR with a gamepad? =P Or playing in a team game where you can't communicate with the team (and the other guys can)? Being able to strategize is just as important as being able to aim and maneuver.

The mouse sensitivity won't go beyond what the software allows, so learn to play at that maximum setting if you want to neutralize the advantage.

This whole situation is, in some part, Microsoft's fault. If they had allowed for mouse/kb support in their software development kits, then they would be recognize Live users that have them (as in the case of DDR) and give players the chance to filter them out. Now third parties have been forced to make a transparent solution that will be pretty much undetectable.

Halo 2's matching system will match you with players at your skill level, so I don't see what the point of whining is in the case of that game.....whether they are using mouse/kb or not, they presumably won't be dominating the game unless you let them. Play on any Halo 1 PC server and you'll find plenty of fucktards that would be easy fodder even if you used a controller....this idea that the control setup turns you into a god is a little bit ridiculous.
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