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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

I've done 2 cycles of P90X1.

Starting P90X2 in a week or so.

Subscribed, finished P90x this past summer and it was the best thing I could have possibly done for myself. I stopped over the fall since I was in constant study mode for school =(. Though last week I did do 4 days and this week I'm going to start another round properly.

What's up, Nelo Ice?

Proud of ya for doing the damn thing!



You can simulate pull-up motions with bands, and you can do them on pretty much any door.

Thanks, so I can pretty much do everything with only the bands? or is that not recommendable? as the OT says:

You can do all of P90X with an open area (living room, bedroom, etc.) a pull-up bar (examples below) and some resistance bands or dumbbells

Or is it better if I let the bands act only as a replace to the pull up bar and for the other stuff use the dumbbells? Really have never used resistance bands so I don't have any idea :)


NeoGAF's smiling token!
I love that I get the "potato soop" reference.

Anyway, I only do the Yoga of P90X on occasion and the ab rippers.
Thanks, so I can pretty much do everything with only the bands? or is that not recommendable? as the OT says:

Or is it better if I let the bands act only as a replace to the pull up bar and for the other stuff use the dumbbells? Really have never used resistance bands so I don't have any idea :)

I didn't feel I was getting a full workout on pull-ups with the bands. I needed to get the door pull up bar before it felt "right" if that makes any sense.

I love that I get the "potato soop" reference.

I prefer to stir up trouble...
Finished P90X. Greatest body transformation ive ever had. Going through P90X2 now, got the flu at the moment so ive missed a few. Extending phase 1 by a week to account for this.


In p90x some people replace the dumb bells with bands in the videos. I guess that means you can too!

I guess im still gonna get the dumbbells instead of using the bands. A light set and a heavy set right?

I didn't feel I was getting a full workout on pull-ups with the bands. I needed to get the door pull up bar before it felt "right" if that makes any sense.

I prefer to stir up trouble...

I can understand that feeling but can't do too much about it since every door in my house is the same, unless i'm missing something I will have to do with the bands, I really wanted to use the pull up bar though and was about to buy it.
I guess im still gonna get the dumbbells instead of using the bands. A light set and a heavy set right?

What I did was, bought the first tiers of weights when I started out (WalMart FTW) and as I went up in strength, I bought more. It's easier on your wallet than buying them all upfront. I started with the bands but I quickly transitioned to weights.

I can understand that feeling but can't do too much about it since every door in my house is the same, unless i'm missing something I will have to do with the bands, I really wanted to use the pull up bar though and was about to buy it.

The bars fit most door frames.

Are your doors oddly shaped or something?


Yeah buy the pullup bar. For dumbbells, I used a set that could be 5lbs, 20lbs, or 25lbs. That was always enough for me. The only thing it might not be enough for me now is for tricep extensions, but it still gets a good workout in.

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God damn, just got done with day 2. First time I have ever done this, so my ass is kicked. My diet is on point though, so hopefully Ill see some results after 90 days.


Neo Member
Add me to the list. Long time no post, but I was active in the original thread over a year ago. I finished P90X back in 2010, P90X+ in 2010, and am working through phase 1 pf P90X2 right now. Bring it, GAF!
How athletic/energetic do you have to be to start Power 90?

And, are the exercises on there daily or is the course spread out over the whole week?


I did P90X a year and a half ago...

Wish I could get back into it :( But man, the investment burned me out. 1h20-2h a day...it's like, you do it once, then you go on a break and realize how much more free time you suddendly have. Makes it so hard to go back. :(

Also the diet, making me miss out on all the food I love.

Tried to get back into it a month ago thinking I wouldn't do so bad...nope. My upperbody was a wreck 40 minutes into Chest and Back. To think it was easy so recently...


Excellent thread. I have done P90X twice now. In the halfway mark of INSANITY as we speak. Getting ready to start Asylum in March and then P90X2 in April!


I recently finished P90X two weeks ago and started P90X2 right after. In conjunctions to P90X/P90X2 I go to the gym three days a week to lift weights and I can honestly say I am in the best shape of my life so far. I can't wait till summer to show it off.


I asked this a page ago but what are your quick go to meals? I've become sick of spinach salad and grilled chicken...

Lol, Grilled chicken breast with Cottage cheese and green beans is my go to meal right now. I have to find something else before i start getting sick of it though.


Hang out with Steve.
Subscribed. I (as of this post) have finished 9 days of Power 90. I'm part of a group of folks doing a year-long challenge on the teambeachbody.com boards -- we're doing P90, Insanity, P90x, The Asylum, and then P90X2. Bring it on!
I hate the guy with the prosthetic leg that kicks my ass at plyo. His presence only serves to shame me when I can't complete plyo..


I recently finished P90X two weeks ago and started P90X2 right after. In conjunctions to P90X/P90X2 I go to the gym three days a week to lift weights and I can honestly say I am in the best shape of my life so far. I can't wait till summer to show it off.

How in the world do you find the energy to lift weights after doing P90X? I want to do P90X but I'm doing boxing 3 days per week on top of 4 days weight lifting. So the only P90X I can do atm is Ab Ripper X.


How in the world do you find the energy to lift weights after doing P90X? I want to do P90X but I'm doing boxing 3 days per week on top of 4 days weight lifting. So the only P90X I can do atm is Ab Ripper X.

Probably eat a lot. You need a lot of calories to fuel that kind of activity.


Just did my second day of chest and back, and already seeing improvement in reps for all non pullup exercises. Feels good (so far) man.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
I can't wait to be part of the GAF graduates for P90X. I'm on Phase 2 now. Just did my "rest" week with Yoga, Stretch, and Core Synergistics. I'm ready to lift again. MY CORE IS READY!

Also, two great things have happened ever since I started this and I'll tell them in the form of a story:

When I was younger, I was really skinny. I could put away 5k calories a day and would not gain a single pound. The heaviest I had ever been at the end of college was 115 lbs soaking wet. I'm 5' 7"-5' 8". I pretty much stayed this way until I turned 24-25. I got a job sitting down all the time and over the course of 4-5 years, I put on roughly 70 pounds... which is great because I always hated that I was so skinny. Except... it didn't distribute evenly... it all just sat right in my stomach. Skinny ass arms, skinny ass legs, big beer belly. Disgusting.

I started P90X in December and have thus far lost 10 pounds. At first, there was major fluctuation due to water weight, but now it's definitely the fat getting burned off around my stomach. Before Wednesday of last week, I used to suck in my stomach to try to look thinner... my stomach was THAT noticeable. I was wearing large everything, but I took the proactive approach to clothes shopping and started buying mediums in preparation for when I finish. Well, anyway, last week, I was sucking in my stomach while walking down the hallwy at work and thought to myself "Why does my stomach hurt so much?" Then it dawned on me that I was sucking in, so I just let it go... and my shirt didn't move. I no longer puff shirts out when I'm in a relaxed state... holy shit... I haven't done that for years.

The second thing is that my metabolism is so high... it's almost back to where it was when I was younger. I have cheat days on Sunday, so I went and go some Long John Silver's yesterday becasue it sounded so good to me. I had a #16 and added a piece of chicken onto that bad boy. I was READY. I ate everything except for the fries and half of the cole slaw. I usually put about 1 cup of malt vinegar on my shit, too. Oh man, was I in heaven.

Weighed myself today... same weight as yesterday morning. I literally did not budge the needle. That makes me HAPPY.

Two more phases to go. I'm stoked!
Excellent thread! I started P90X2 in early January and am now on day 1 of week 3. So far I love it. I like the full body workout you get each day from the introduction of balance and use of the stability ball in a lot of moves.

Also... foam rolling.... amazing.


Haven't done P90x since 2 years ago now. Thinking about starting again, but at the same time I want to add muscle and with the dumbbells I currently have available to me (1 20lb and 2 15lb) that's pretty much not possible


"Happiness is right here"

First day of my Third week tomorrow. Love it so far. I don't dread a single workout.


Haven't done P90x since 2 years ago now. Thinking about starting again, but at the same time I want to add muscle and with the dumbbells I currently have available to me (1 20lb and 2 15lb) that's pretty much not possible

Go buy some heavier weights. Don't let cheap excuses hold you back from your goal.


I've used the gym quiet a bit for lifting and gained some decent weight over the past two years. I should try out p90x to cut down some of my fat. I need a good diet plan.


How in the world do you find the energy to lift weights after doing P90X? I want to do P90X but I'm doing boxing 3 days per week on top of 4 days weight lifting. So the only P90X I can do atm is Ab Ripper X.
On my weight lifting days I do P90X/P90X2 after and I scheduled my workout so that I don't have to do two weight lifting workouts a day or consecutively.


so i have a question?
i am not able to complete even the chest exercises! even tough i am missing pullups and dumbbells even pushups exercises are too much for me!
and not even slightly agile to do yoga..is there any other video guide but for people like me?

Edit: also i am becoming a lot chubby lately with manboobs problem...so diet tips will also do


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
so i have a question?
i am not able to complete even the chest exercises! even tough i am missing pullups and dumbbells even pushups exercises are too much for me!
and not even slightly agile to do yoga..is there any other video guide but for people like me?

Edit: also i am becoming a lot chubby lately with manboobs problem...so diet tips will also do

It's not about quantity, but quality. Unless you're physically disabled (and I heard there was a guy with one leg doing Plyometrics), you will get to the point that they're easier. Just keep working at it. If you're overweight to the point that you can't get into the positions, focus heavily on Cardio X, Plyometrics, and Kenpo X for a month or so, then start the program.


It's not about quantity, but quality. Unless you're physically disabled (and I heard there was a guy with one leg doing Plyometrics), you will get to the point that they're easier. Just keep working at it. If you're overweight to the point that you can't get into the positions, focus heavily on Cardio X, Plyometrics, and Kenpo X for a month or so, then start the program.

Not disabled...but very weak and now a lot overweight..also having asthma doesnt help.cant jog or run just walk fast etc


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Not disabled...but very weak and now a lot overweight..also having asthma doesnt help.cant jog or run just walk fast etc

Yeah, I would say don't jump into this immediately. You could potentially do some of the cardio and stretching exercises, but pace yourself. You don't have to go all out like they do on the DVDs.

Also, start watching what you eat. That's going to the biggest component of losing weight.


so i have a question?
i am not able to complete even the chest exercises! even tough i am missing pullups and dumbbells even pushups exercises are too much for me!
and not even slightly agile to do yoga..is there any other video guide but for people like me?

Edit: also i am becoming a lot chubby lately with manboobs problem...so diet tips will also do

Why don't you start out with the Lean program?


Go buy some heavier weights. Don't let cheap excuses hold you back from your goal.

Only problem is I don't have a lot of money and dumbells cost a fuck ton of money

I use my college gym as a substitute, but I would of course much rather work out in the comfort of my own home.
It's not about quantity, but quality. Unless you're physically disabled (and I heard there was a guy with one leg doing Plyometrics), you will get to the point that they're easier. Just keep working at it. If you're overweight to the point that you can't get into the positions, focus heavily on Cardio X, Plyometrics, and Kenpo X for a month or so, then start the program.

I can't stress enough how much you should STICK WITH IT.

If you haven't done serious cardio work in awhile before starting, your first night of Plyo will kick your ass.

It will.

But please, don't get discouraged...it gets easier and you will be amazed with how much easier it becomes as weeks go by.
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