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Because Canada: Justin Trudeau kayaks over to a family to discuss climate change


Don't think you could get a more Canada story than this. It's like the complete opposite of the US leadership.

I mean, can you imagine Trump even caring about how something impacts the common citizen?

(Vertical) Video at link:


When a political leader starts trending on Twitter, it's not always for the best of reasons, but Monday's trending topic of "Justin Trudeau kayak" was met with general adoration.

A woman shared a video of the moment when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau oh-so-casually interrupted his kayaking session on Ontario's Niagara River to paddle over and discuss climate change with a family.

"Justin Trudeau just kayaked up to my house and talked to my parents? classic," read the tweet.

"We have a responsibility to future generations, and we will uphold it," Trudeau later added. "We have a chance to build an economy that is clean, that is growing, that is forward-looking, and we will not let that opportunity pass us by."

Besides, y'know, being the prime minister, Trudeau has an online reputation for his friendliness (and shirtlessness?) while out and about in Canada. There are various Internet stories spreading the lore of his shirtless hiking, shirtless wedding photobombing and other general niceties.



Does he have any security? Besides hits fists I mean.

Dude enrages me. He's so damned wholesome and charming. Smart as well.

Ugh. Makes me sick.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Trudeau is impossibly photogenic. The only other person I can think of who just consistently looks good anywhere is Obama.

I wish I had capable leader that could speak and think above a 4th grade reading level...
I know right? I miss the days when the US government used coherent sentences.


Fuck Trudeau


But those words are meaningless if you keep digging up more carbon and selling it to people to burn, and that’s exactly what Trudeau is doing. He’s hard at work pushing for new pipelines through Canada and the US to carry yet more oil out of Alberta’s tar sands, which is one of the greatest climate disasters on the planet.

Last month, speaking at a Houston petroleum industry gathering, he got a standing ovation from the oilmen for saying: “No country would find 173bn barrels of oil in the ground and just leave them there.”

Yes, 173bn barrels is indeed the estimate for recoverable oil in the tar sands. So let’s do some math. If Canada digs up that oil and sells it to people to burn, it will produce, according to the math whizzes at Oil Change International, 30% of the carbon necessary to take us past the 1.5C target that Canada helped set in Paris.

That is to say, Canada, which represents one half of 1% of the planet’s population, is claiming the right to sell the oil that will use up a third of the earth’s remaining carbon budget. Trump is a creep and a danger and unpleasant to look at, but at least he’s not a stunning hypocrite.


Trudeau is impossibly photogenic. The only other person I can think of who just consistently looks good anywhere is Obama.

I know right? I miss the days when the US government used coherent sentences.

Remember how the right would try and criticize Obama for pausing a lot while talking? Because being thoughtful about your words was apparently a bad thing
Oil demand isn't disappearing over night, in fact it will continue to increase for the next 10-15 years. It would be down right stupid to kill that resource here in Canada. The pragmatic solution would be to increase emissions regulations, invest like crazy into clean energy, and taper off production slowly, which is exactly what the government is doing.

This isn't some black and white policy solution.
He seems very worried about climate change, or at least he is making sure that he looks worried in front of everybody but or natural resources and forests are still getting fucked up really bad with no actions in sight.


Beautiful Alberta
Look at that foolish liberal using up his finite supply of life-energy on kayaking when he could be out making terrorism-stopping deals.
Yes, let's double down on a dying industry.

Why does Trump get shit for "coal jobs" when Trudeau gets lavished for "oil jobs"?

Manufacturing is a dying industry, that doesn't mean manufacturing jobs aren't important for the economy.

As to your second part, oil production is a much, much bigger industry than coal, even just considering all of the processing that gets done to oil after the fact.


Yes, let's double down on a dying industry.

Why does Trump get shit for "coal jobs" when Trudeau gets lavished for "oil jobs"?

Because at the moment, too much dependency on oil has been setup by the Fed Conservatives for over a decade, even longer provincial in some provinces.

You can't just pull the plug out right, but you can transition the economy to other forms of energy, while bringing down consumption and usage of oil and putting more emphasis on R&D that reduces emissions even more.

I wish we could just go 100% clean tomorrow, but we can't and we won't. The goal is to work on it now though.


Love him or hate him he did the one thing that the other political parties couldn't do, break through to the youth vote. Mocking his selfie sessions with voters who are enthusiastic with his presence is a losing proposition. The guy has staying power and I don't think Sheer a known social conservative is the answer.


Because at the moment, too much dependency on oil has been setup by the Conservatives for over a decade, even longer provincial in some provinces.

You can't just pull the plug out right, but you can transition the economy to other forms of energy, while bring down consumption and usage of oil and putting more emphasis on R&D that reduces emissions even more.

I wish we could just go 100% clean tomorrow, but we can't and we won't. The goal is to work on it now though.

He's expanding oil production.
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