border said:
Anybody that has ever had schnapps (or Smirniff Ice) can tell you that alcohol content doesn't have much to do with sweetness or smoothness. Wine has more alcohol than any beers, but is smoother and sweeter than many of them. It's not that hard to load a drink down with sugar so it tastes "better".....I'm sure that they could do it with any of those shitty-tasting 10% alcohol beers and gain a whole new teenage following.
Well, that's true to a point. It's hard to disguise the alcohol in liquor, even with the various flavors they add to schnapps. But at 0-10%, it's simple to add a little something to make it more palatable to weenies and girls...uh, I mean, to those who are sensitive to the taste.
But really, I'm just here to renominate Magic Hat for best beer ever. I finally found a place that sells Blind Faith and Fat Angel, so I'm feeling good right about now. And once again, I'd like to know if there are any good microbreweries in the Baltimore/DC area.