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Bernie Sanders campaign manager accuses DNC chairwoman of "throwing shade" at Bernie

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The election year of a lifetime continues

Washington (CNN) Bernie Sanders' campaign manager slammed Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Wednesday after she told CNN the Vermont senator did not do enough to condemn his supporters' behavior at the party's Nevada convention.

"We can have a long conversation about Debbie Wasserman Schultz just about how she's been throwing shade on the Sanders campaign from the very beginning," Jeff Weaver told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "New Day" about the Democratic National Committee chairwoman.

"It's not the DNC. By and large, people in the DNC have been good to us. Debbie Wasserman Schultz really is the exception," Weaver added.

Asked about Weaver's "throwing shade" comment Wednesday afternoon, Wasserman Schultz brushed off the comments.

"My response to that is hashtag SMH (shake my head)," Wasserman Schultz told CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "We need to focus on one thing: get through this primary and work to prepare for the general election and make sure that we can continue to draw the contrasts between either one of our really fine candidates who are focused on helping people reach the middle class and make sure that we get equal pay for equal work and create jobs and not let the Republicans take health care away from 20 million Americans."


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Dangerously close to "Hashtag this nigga lying, your honor."


"My response to that is hashtag SMH (shake my head),"



But he runs/ran a comic book store, right. He's got the pulse on cool culture!

I think it's really weird when internet language crosses over into in-person use. I think the internet as a mainly text-based of visual medium lends itself to certain ways of communicating, and transferring that into verbal in-person use is generally unsuccessful. Even if you'd think it or type it.. don't SAY it!


It's funny how people talk about the GOP ripping itself apart when the DNC is doing the same thing.
That feeling when you can't stand Weaver or DWS and hope their dank meme usage leads to the mutual destruction of them both.


I'm really confused by Bernie people accusation about Debbie Wasserman Schultz. At best I can find, regarding the allegation, she signed off on the amount of debates. Otherwise, she's your average rank-and-file democrats bureaucrats
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