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Berserk Manga, got vol 1,2,3 today

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Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Late to the party i know :p I've read up to vol 26 from online translations, but i have to admit, its something else to have it in your hand, touching the paper and seeing all the little details in the ink rather than so so looking scans.

Finished the first volume and, damn, Berserk rocks so much! :D

J2 Cool

Volume 4 is out also. I was at the bookstore, broke as always, and came across it. Almost like torture not to be able to buy it and throw it inbetween my bookcases with the first 3.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Yea, i ordered the 4th volume, should be here on monday.

Damn, the pain i will have to suffer with these bimonthly releases /cries

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
They're 11$ US on amazon, i paid 14$ canadian each.

Paper quality is good, not that im an expect or anything but the paper is thicker than typical reading books i've had, doesnt feel cheap at all.


I've got the first 3 and they are very good.
Now, I've heard the books are almost all transleted in french. Can someone validate and are they as good as the english translation ?

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Mareg said:
I've got the first 3 and they are very good.
Now, I've heard the books are almost all transleted in french. Can someone validate and are they as good as the english translation ?

No its not out yet, it will be published by Dybex in the end of the summer.

Typically, french always had manga translated in french before english but in recent years, with the way anime has been doing in north america, its no longer true.


Arrrrgh, this is a bummer. I am SO frustrated by the anime. I need to know that it doesn't end like this ! I've heard the anime story end at about manga #10. This will take forever...


Borg Artiste
the later volumes are simply, awesome, its really cool to see characters from the manga in the screenshots for the new game

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Mareg said:
Arrrrgh, this is a bummer. I am SO frustrated by the anime. I need to know that it doesn't end like this ! I've heard the anime story end at about manga #10. This will take forever...

It catchs to where the anime left in volume 13 actually, thats a full year and a half until the manga catchs up to it at this rate, let alone the french one which hasnt even started hehe.

Do yourself a favor, download it, as long as you support Kentaro Miura by buying the official manga, i dont see any harm. Heck, i've read the 26 volumes avail and some of 27, im still buying the official manga, its simply better reading it on paper than on a monitor. It also augments chances that we see a 2nd season of the anime, even if it doesnt have many chances, the more we buy, the more chances there are that Kentaro decides to continue with the anime route.

Oh and because you've watched the anime, dont skip any volumes in the manga, trust me, there's PLENTY of additional content, the anime stripped a lot of things. Sure, the prologue is pretty much spot on but in the manga there's lots of fights thats not in the anime, not to mention that vol 1 2 and 3 introduce characters and fights that were never in the anime.
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