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Best Fast Food Burger and Fries

Best Fast Food Burger and Fries

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  • Poll closed .


Five Guys is clearly the best burger and fries but it’s very much a step up from fast food (and costs like it). I would put their burger against and even above most casual dining chains and they can still compete against your fancy brewpub burgers.

Fudruckers and Smashburger are kinda there too in that “not really fast food” category but I’m not a big fan. ...
My thoughts exactly.

Steak n Shake is actually about the same or cheaper than some fast food joints and is probably my personal favorite.
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No Dairy Queen?

Five Guys are pretty good, but I have a special place for Carls Jr/Hardees(they’re basically the same company)


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
While i havent had everything on the list the more i thin kabout it the fact that fries is an equal part of this equation is making me lean toward selecting mcDonalds.

When their fries are fresh and a bit over salted, they are some of the best fast food fries.

Sidney Prescott

Unconfirmed Member
McDonald's for me.

Big Mac and Fries. Other places just don't do it for me in terms of fries, they always fall short.
Other: hub box - pit burger(quarter pounder topped with pulled brisket) and mother clucker fries(skin on, buttermilk fried chicken, cheese sauce, sour cream, Korean bbq sauce, picked red chilli, and coriander).


Toss up between whataburger and jack in the box for me. The sourdough jack is fucking great. Freddys is great too if you have it in your city


How the fuck is a Burger place gonna be called "Wimpy" and not come out on top of the heap?
Shit is baffling and disappointing to hear that BK is better than Wimpy. SMGDH. I hate Burger king, they reduced their menu and it's so boring.
I know In-N-Out has a basic bitch menu, too, but they come correct with the condensed but heavy burgers that drip juice and appeal to the authority of my hunger.

Wimpy is more of a cafe, than a fast food joint

5 guys is slowly becoming a thing over here, but only in cities really, shame, coz they're decent, had a few when I was in yankland


While i havent had everything on the list the more i thin kabout it the fact that fries is an equal part of this equation is making me lean toward selecting mcDonalds.

When their fries are fresh and a bit over salted, they are some of the best fast food fries.

McDonald's for me.

Big Mac and Fries. Other places just don't do it for me in terms of fries, they always fall short.
Yeah, if we're just rating fries, then yeah, definitely Mickey D's for me, hands down.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
This thread made me google Rallys/Checkers to see if there was one nearby and there was one like 5 miles away.

They fucked up my order and gave me one with no cheese so had to use my own cheese, but it was still pretty decent.

But those fries, my god. They are what popeyes fries should be. Spicy, crunchy and chewy. Ate them all on the ride back home. Will go again tonight and order large fries.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Toss up between whataburger and jack in the box for me. The sourdough jack is fucking great. Freddys is great too if you have it in your city

I used to get sourdough jacks all the time back in teh day. I had one a couple years ago it wasnt good at all. Not sure if it was just a bad experience or it had changed.


We don't have most of those here but to me Mcdonalds is still the best I've tried.

The fries are great and the burgers have that artificial flavor I want from a fast food burger.
All we have in my part of the world are Mdonald's, Wendy's, BK, Harvey's and A&W.

Baconator from Wendy's every time. A&W is also good. 90s Harvey's had amazing burgers but not so much anymore (still good, but meh).
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The only bad burgers are the ones I’ve not eaten and that communist left winger who’s posts here.

I voted Burger King
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I voted for 5 guys. Best overall score of fries/burger.
Culvers fries are whatever but their burgers are nice.
Hardees has death inducing burgers but they always seem to lack that extra splash of flavor I get from other burger places.
Checkers has the best fries but they also come with guilt and self loathing. Their burgers are tasty but I feel like I knocked a day or two off of my life after eating there.
Never had a burger from : Fuddruckers(been there but got a shake), Shake shack(never been), and in-and-out(never been).


I voted In-N-Out, love both the fries and the burgers. Unfortunately the closest restaurant is like 2000 miles away. For something I can get every day, Portillo's double cheeseburger is fantastic and their fries are some of the best and always salted perfectly.


Local place me has a dope black n blue burger.



Not included in the vote, but everyone here knows it is:

Beats Whataburger, Bun meets Bun, the lot. It's a guy who really just love cooking fast food properly.

Alongside good burgers he has hands down the best hotdogrolls.


Apart from this, he also takes care of problem youth, helps and feeds people that have issues. All around a good guy, but, this is his best burger:


Good guy, makes good burgers, goes the extra mile to help the community.

Can't get much better.
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Gold Member
I used to get sourdough jacks all the time back in teh day. I had one a couple years ago it wasnt good at all. Not sure if it was just a bad experience or it had changed.

I feel like the overall quality of Jack has gone downhill in the past 10 or 15 years. I don't eat it much anymore, but I remember it being way better.

Sidney Prescott

Unconfirmed Member
I've tried Five Guys and I was kind of let down after all the hype. Maybe it's not as good in the UK? You guys seem to have better ones in the States.


If we are talking must have a drive through, my vote is Whataburger by a mile. Solid burgers and good fries. Though for a "fast burger" I would go grab a one from Mighty Fine or if in Austin (proper) hit up the GOAT, JewBoy Burgers! The Goyem is to die for.


Five guys? You fucking people pick five guys 2:1 over in and out? I can only assume you are doing so because you’ve never had in and out or had it and resent the fact that it is not available in your state.

Five Guys? Really? Maybe LA five guys isn’t as good as the rest of the country. It’s an alright burger for like twice the cost of a double double.


We used to have a Rally’s just down the street from in and out, that was the dream team of fast food. Now the rally’s is yet another coffee bean. THOSE DAMN DIRTY APES!
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I voted Whataburger, but the correct answer is The Habit (In-N-Out is not the best burger in Cali).

Top fries go to Chick-fil-A though.


UK burgers in B&Q carparks and any random lay-by. No picture of burger, it is not required.

They are always the same oversized bun, greasy grease filled grease meat (of unknown origin), greasy soaking wet onion rings, proper bacon - not that streaky usa rubbish and grated cheddar. Delicately slapped on the counter on a piece of tissue for you to squirt your own sauce from a selection of giant crusty topped bottles. Wash down with a cup of tea that burns your hand off or an exorbitantly priced diet coke.

I have a hernia which I only found out about after almost chocking to death a few times whilst eating these.

Still happens but I can't give it up.
I like the Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese from McDonald's and the Bacon Double Cheeseburger from Burger King.

I voted Burger King though because they have the better fries.
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I voted other because of Kewpie Burgers.
They have the best fries, chili, and their burgers are absolutely amazing. There are only 5 of them and we would travel the 20 minutes to Lima, Ohio to get one.

Otherwise, the worst one for me is Sonic. I’ve never had a good Sonic while they were open around here. All of them have since closed with the closest one being an hour away.


Should In & Out even be included? I mean you have to either live in or visit California.. Ain’t no burger that good.
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The Gamestop of burgers.


This place is actually pretty good. Strictly speaking what's available in my part of California, if I want a more expensive burger I'll take Smashburger, Habit Burger, and Super Duper Burger over shitty ass Five Guys every time.

Five Guys is the fucking Tesla 3 of burgers. Nothing special, sorry.
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Well, I tend to rate fast food joint by how close they are. So for me, Wendy's is #1, Burger King is #2, McDonald is #3, Five Guys is #4, and Shake Shack is #5, if you don't count any repeats. (there are multiple McDs, BKs etc between my Five Guys and Shake Shack.

But if I really want a good fast food burger, I have to go with White Manna in Hackensack NJ. About 15-20 min drive from where I am.


They call them small sliders - and they are pretty cheap, fresh and amazing.


Very simple, but done right. Quite possibly the best burger in NJ.
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