I really need a new David Fincher film, he's personally my favorite movie director. It's been six years since Gone Girl, his last film. Granted, getting him to do a sequel to World War Z (he had nothing to do with the first movie) seemed like a waste of his talent, but I'd still take it over nothing. Mind you, the second he announces his retirement, I'll fully support it, dude's earned a vacation for sure, love everything he's given me (except Alien 3, but LOL, he hates that one himself).
Makes you feel like you're on a roller coaster, and with arguably the most iconic superhero music theme ever (I know some might argue Elfman's Batman or the MCU Avengers, but come on, I think more people generally know how to hum the John Williams Superman theme).
Perfectly sets the stage for IMHO the best superhero movie ever.
It's easy to not think much of it now, but back when the movie first came out, that reveal that it was a mere child whose POV were following must have blown people's minds. Regardless, awesome intro that sets the mood and ambience of the film.
Tommy Lee Jones (and the whole cast for that matter) were perfectly cast. The opening monologue perfectly sets up the true main theme of the film and ties into perfectly with its final scene.