How mature.
crzyprep911 (10:18:05 PM): yesterday my anthropology teacher tried to teach us that homosexuality is ok
crzyprep911 (10:18:13 PM): i was like so basically youre gay or what
InconspicuousLie (10:18:19 PM): there isn't anything wrong with homosexuality
crzyprep911 (10:18:25 PM): oooh yes there is
crzyprep911 (10:18:29 PM): its so gross
InconspicuousLie (10:18:45 PM): it may be to u
InconspicuousLie (10:18:51 PM): but it's not wrong
crzyprep911 (10:19:30 PM): yes it is wrong
crzyprep911 (10:22:01 PM): besides..if we were supposed to do that then we'd all be one sex
crzyprep911 (10:22:06 PM): no two different ones
InconspicuousLie (10:22:37 PM): well, then god fucked up when making humans
InconspicuousLie (10:23:07 PM): he should have zapped the homosexuality bug when he had teh chance
crzyprep911 (10:25:16 PM): uhm ok
crzyprep911 (10:25:21 PM): shut the hell up
crzyprep911 (10:25:33 PM): we arent doing this because you get me mad
InconspicuousLie (10:25:48 PM): ask any homosexual when he/she chose to be gay
crzyprep911 (10:26:03 PM): shut the fuck up
InconspicuousLie (10:26:06 PM): or a straight person when they decided to be straight
crzyprep911 (10:26:08 PM): thats such bullshit
InconspicuousLie (10:26:14 PM): HOW IS IT BULLSHIT?
InconspicuousLie (10:26:17 PM): jesus christ
crzyprep911 (10:26:18 PM): whatever i dont care what you say
InconspicuousLie (10:26:22 PM): ASK THEM
crzyprep911 (10:26:22 PM): yeah he was a good guy
crzyprep911 (10:26:26 PM): new topic
crzyprep911 (10:26:35 PM): no fuck faggs...theyre dumbasses
InconspicuousLie (10:26:39 PM): im so tired of people saying it's gross, its wrong, theyre stuypid
InconspicuousLie (10:26:45 PM): yet offering NOTHING
InconspicuousLie (10:26:52 PM): other than what the fuckign bible says
crzyprep911 signed off at 10:27:05 PM.
How mature.