Sony. They make a lot of quality titles but even more I appreciate the creative freedom they give to their developers. Could you imagine Microsoft or Activision funding games like Tokyo Jungle and Heavy Rain? Noope.
Sony. They make a lot of quality titles but even more I appreciate the creative freedom they give to their developers. Could you imagine Microsoft or Activision funding games like Tokyo Jungle and Heavy Rain? Noope.
Rules are: Don't shit up the thread with: [...] hurting each others feelings.
Wait, what did Valve publish? Are we counting self-publishing?
Haha, what the hell does that even mean?
Sony's actually a fairly terrible publisher. They launch a lot of games without much fan fair at all. The quality, and quantity of what the publish is admittedly quite great but as a company trying to make their releases as successful as possible? Nuh-uh.
'Oh, it'll just self itself, but seemingly never fucking does' approach is fucking atrocious on Sony's part. As much as I dislike Microsoft's blanket co/marketing with Halo 4, it was in my face constantly, I was never not aware this game was coming out and how amazing it is.
Hell, there was a glowing nightline piece the other night on how Halo 4 was the game of black Friday. Microsoft affectively marketed the living fuck out of H4 and deserve every sale they get, unlike Sony who'll just leave it to chance and Robot Chicken.
I'm quite impressed with what WB Games has done towards the end of this generation. They used to shovel out shlock, but they nailed it with work on Batman and Mortal Kombat. The later was by far their best decision. They've really jumped ahead of other publishers. They've got great leadership and managing going on there.