Ever see that commercial where there are people stuck in hard predicaments ... and they push a big read "EASY" button to get out of it. This is what this thread reminds me of.
To answer your question .. FTP or IRC or AIM are about your only ways to go. Unless you want to set up a peer to peer program like "SOULSEEK". That's about as simple as it gets.
out of curiousity, why are you so against FTP? I mean, the protocol was designed to send large files over the internet, and that's what you want to be doing, I just don't get why you don't use it.
out of curiousity, why are you so against FTP? I mean, the protocol was designed to send large files over the internet, and that's what you want to be doing, I just don't get why you don't use it.
Just zip up all the files you want to send (password protect it even!) and upload it that way. If the file(s) are large, you'll probably wait quite a while at the browser screen, but just keep letting it send.
well, ALL of these programs are going to have issues with your router if the firewall is preventing you from accessing certain ports. You're going to have to figure out how to port forward through the firewall anyway, so you're better off just setting up the FTP server appropriately.
well, ALL of these programs are going to have issues with your router if the firewall is preventing you from accessing certain ports. You're going to have to figure out how to port forward through the firewall anyway, so you're better off just setting up the FTP server appropriately.