So I took the time to go through the comments and I just can't relate to the mindset of many people who have contributed to this discussion. To the rank and file who are against unions, if you had the choice, you would rather not have a collective bargaining agreement with your employer? I just can't wrap my head around simping to our corporate overlords so they can rake in more profit. To be ok with being fired on a whim so your COO can make his bonus. We have no leverage to bring to the table, productive employee or not.
I've watched some of the best performers in a company be let go simply because they worked there long enough to climb the pay ladder. Their loyalty and deligence was a one way street to unemployment. I was a top ten, award winning sales person 3 years in a row (in a company of over 1,500) to have my commission constantly fucked with. Why? Because I did too well, because my little sliver of the pie was too much. "You did great this year....again. To show you how much we value you, I'm gonna cut your pay by $5,000. Great job, take this $500 prepaid visa card." "Right to work" my ass. Fuck the corporate world. Of course unionization isn't perfect, nothing we create is, but it's got to be better than having to tip toe up to the powers at be (like little Timmy) to ask for some more porridge
Phew... That might have been a little much