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im really enjoying ariana's new single with nicki. hopefully it gains some traction and dethrones the chainsmokers

edit: i guess gaga said mark ronson produced the whole album...so i guess that means no redone? welp there goes any exictement i had

She only said "executive producer" though... 👀

That doesn't make Kevin or Bloodpop any less than producers

It's like... yeah RedOne brought out some of her best but she's nowhere near the same (creative) mindset now that she had when she started. When she debuted she was STARVING for radio hits. RedOne understood that and helped flex that muscle. 2016 Gaga seems much more interested in having organic collabs or evolving her music beyond radio pop and that "Gaga" artifice. I don't know if RedOne would pull her more toward her early style or just serve her vision in the studio. I'm not interested in seeing her revert to what she did before. It devalues the older material, and feels derivative. That's why people craving for a "Bad Romance 2.0" makes me scratch my head.


let's just leave redone back in 08 where it belongs



Do you all actually hate Gipsy? It's top 5 Gaga songs for me. Red One still has it (when he wants).

The lowkey intro.
The pulsating beat of the chorus.
The way the chorus comes in a different way each time.
Gaga not doing a dumb voices for a change.
The synth in the prechorus.
The synth in the outro.

The lyrics are shit though.


How awkard will be that the best song in #LG5 ends up being the one with RedOne?


And what is this about Gaga using that "husky voice" in all the songs on LG5... nope, not here for her and not here for this.
It's like... yeah RedOne brought out some of her best but she's nowhere near the same (creative) mindset now that she had when she started. When she debuted she was STARVING for radio hits. RedOne understood that and helped flex that muscle. 2016 Gaga seems much more interested in having organic collabs or evolving her music beyond radio pop and that "Gaga" artifice. I don't know if RedOne would pull her more toward her early style or just serve her vision in the studio. I'm not interested in seeing her revert to what she did before. It devalues the older material, and feels derivative. That's why people craving for a "Bad Romance 2.0" makes me scratch my head.

But all of TFM is good. Hair is good. Scheibe is good. Some of his work on the fame is questionable, but him and Gaga always make good music together. I understand that Lady Gaga isn't about the hits anymore (at least thats what she says) but that doesn't mean she needs to make music like Perfect Illusion. I don't know why she couldn't just continue to make great music, deeper lyrics, and better production...but stay pop.

Lady Gaga going down the path she has is a travesty. She literally had the world in the palm of her hand in 2010. Now no one gives a shit, but it's okay because ~~music not the bling~~ and Perfect Illusion is actually a masterpiece people just don't understand. (I enjoy perfect illusion, but Gaga can do way better.)

Oh well. Maybe the rest of the album will be great.

edit: one song with redone apparently. it's going to be the best song on the album, bookmark me


irresponsible vagina leak
Little Mons†er;216704524 said:
Wasnt Natalia Kills' one moment of fame was when everyone was sending her death threats?


If that's the best Gaga stans reads/drags no wonder Gags continues to fade.

They should have done that so Gaga could join all the tumblr hews out there

Halsey already doing better than Gaga this year so maybe Soundcloud.


irresponsible vagina leak
Little Mons†er;216705247 said:
There's no need for me to drag your fave when the whole world did

The fave ironically killed her own career, even an identity change couldn't do anything


Music not the bling.

You know the thing your fave failed to deliver with Chartdrop and if Perfect Delusion is any hint might do it twice.


Little Mons†er;216705247 said:
The fave ironically killed her own career, even an identity change couldn't do anything

Identity changes are nothing new for the good sis Verbal Verbalicious Verse Natalia Noemi Capuccini Natalia Kills Teddy Sinclair

Stop spamming that gif and go play Perfect Illusion 48 more times so that it clicks #masterpieceafter50plays #saveGaga #itwasn'tlove #itwasabadsinglechoice
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