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Beyond Good and Evil Trilogy!





I wonder if it will be multi-platform? I think BGE can do better on a single platform with a larger marketing push. Or they can go the Splinter Cell route.


I'd really love to believe it, but wasn't there a poster on this board who claimed to be from the development team and said that no sequels would be made due to the low sales?

Plus, its Cube-Europe, and they're not exactly spot on regarding news. And they perhaps might have fudged the translation.

Of course, a fluent french speaker could be of use about now. ;)


That interview doesn't confirm anything. It just says "I made BGE as the first episode of a trilogy". It doesn't mean squat. This is a no-news.

Pourquoi la fin est-elle si abrupte ?
MA: Moi je suis plutôt content de la fin. On voulait surprendre avec la fin : La fin montre des peurs existentielles comme le vide et la mort. BGE est le premier épisode d’une trilogie. Je ne voulais pas de fin concrète mais une fin abstraite.

Excuse my shaky french, but this here says basically "I'm happy with the end. We wanted to leave suspense with the end: the end shows (something) existential ideas like life and death. BG&E is the first episode in a trilogy. We didn't want to make a concrete ending but rather an abstract one."


peurs = fears

And yeah, your translation is accurate. It doesn't confirm anything. Shenmue 1 and 2 are chapters of a 14 chapter series, correct?
Ack..you're right, I hadn't noticed it was Cube Europe or read the interview. The game would need a sequel even if it did not end leaving you hanging simply because it was so great.
Thanks 6.8

Comment entrer chez Ubisoft ? Et combien coûte la réalisation d’un jeu ?

MA: On peut entrer chez Ubisoft si on a des idées. J’ai fait mon premier jeu tout seul. A ses débuts, j’ai fait Rayman tout seul, à la fin, nous étions une centaine.
BGE, j ai voulu avoir un noyau intime, nous étions environ 30, pour un budget de 8 millions d’euros.

Michel Ancel made his first game on his own. At the beginning he was also making Rayman on his own. At the end, they had 100 people (confirmation 6.8?) They made BG&E on a budget of 8 million euros with around 30 people.


Eric-GCA said:
I'd really love to believe it, but wasn't there a poster on this board who claimed to be from the development team and said that no sequels would be made due to the low sales?

Plus, its Cube-Europe, and they're not exactly spot on regarding news. And they perhaps might have fudged the translation.

Also, I notice that the original article is from April. And based on the Babelfish translation, all he seems to be saying is that it was planned as a trilogy:
Why the end is so abrupt?
MA: Me I am rather content with the end. One wanted to surprise with the end: The fine one shows existential fears like empties it and death. BGE is the first episode of a trilogy. I did not want end concretes but an abstract end.
In other words, don't hold your breath for a sequel. But I still can't wait to find out about Ancel's next project.
BG&E ended with...Jade finding out she's Shawnie or something...Floating into the air, with light coming from her eyes...

And Pey'j having one of those things in him...
Yeah, don't get too happy people. This probably means nothing. Unless Ubisoft goes on record stating they are going to back even a sequel then just assume it's a dead franchise. :(


I really think they should give it another go on single platform. So many things went against BG&E it would be a tragedy just to write it off.


Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
I hope they make the actual gameplay interesting if this is true. The original sure looked and sounded great, though.


force push the doodoo rock
whats the point of a game trilogy? its not like your bound to a two hour format or anything...
sp0rsk said:
whats the point of a game trilogy? its not like your bound to a two hour format or anything...
Good point. There's probably more gameplay in OOT than in all 3 BG&E games (if there will in fact be sequels).


Gold Member
Actually, it doesn't say anywhere that there will be other BG&E games, just that the first one was concieved as part as a trilogy.

The next person to blindly come in here streaking naked while screaming joy gets one in the arm. Read the thread and quotes people. The chances of a sequel is no higher now than it was 4 months ago.


Etes vous frustré à cause des faibles ventes de BGE notamment vis à vis de Rayman ?
MA: On ne peut-être que frustré, je pense que nous avons fait une erreur en laissant une exclusivité à la PS2.
Are you frustrated because of the weak sales of BGE, especially compared to Rayman?
MA: We can't be only frustrated. I think we made a fault with releasing it (time-)exclusive on the PS2.

ge-man said:
I wonder if it will be multi-platform? I think BGE can do better on a single platform with a larger marketing push. Or they can go the Splinter Cell route.
This is what they tried in Europe and even the low price didn't help BGE to sell well. I finished it last week and it was a great experience, especially the presentation was really good. I hope that there'll be sequel.
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