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Big Brother 5...

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I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I'm watching it,
i'm not a reality TV show fan, but have no problem having them on during the rerun summer months :)



She's just adorable, I think I'm in love :(


IAmtheFMan said:
The blond girl sounds really, really stupid and obnoxious, at least she did from the preview of the next show.
Yeah she does, she sounds like a totally idiot in this show also.

Desperado said:
yeah but if you married her you'd have to deal with her 1/2 brother Hokey Pokey...


IAmtheFMan said:
The blond girl sounds really, really stupid and obnoxious, at least she did from the preview of the next show.

She said her strategy was to play the ditz....riiiiiiiiiight.


I dunno...I'm kind of drawn to this show, but I can't stand the amount of time they spend pimping their gimmicks. "PROJECT DNA" is a pile of shit. It's a shame they need constant twists to get people to tune in. Maybe interesting casting could do the same thing... I'm glad Malakov likes that girl, because I think she's creepy. What was up with what she wanted to be called.....Something about a moon god? She's weird.
Fifty said:
I can't stand the amount of time they spend pimping their gimmicks.

Yeah, this bothers me too. Like I remember last season when they were all like "shocking twist! Exes in the samehouse! Oooooh, beware!" I mean, the thing is the show has a good premise already, and I like it because it is real-time and seems a lot more raw than other shows, and it doesn't need stupid gimmicks.
Julie Chen: "Welcome back to Big Brother 6. This year, we've added a NEW twist to the Big Brother house. We're about to inform the guests. (to the TV) Hello houseguests!"

Houseguests (in unison): "Hello Julie!"

Julie: Are we ready for a new shocking twist?

Houseguests: "... I guess so!"

Julie: Well here it is.
(vents in the ceiling of the house open up, and assortment of monkeys, ferrets, lemurs, and foxes come busting out)

Houseguest 1: What the F*** is this sh**?!

Julie: This is this year's twist! Primal animals that you have to live with?

Houseguest 2: Oh my f*cking... the f*ckers in my hair! (starts screaming and running in circles)

Julie: Enjoy houseguests! (to camera) That's not the only twist this year though... one of the monkeys has been infected with the Marburg virus. We'll be sure to tell the houseguests in the next coming weeks... but I think they'll figure it out pretty soon. Tune in next week as the houseguests play for for the luxury of the vaccination... just kidding. They'll be playing for grilled cheese sandwiches and Mountain Dews. See you next time!

I think I'd watch then.
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