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Big Brother FUCKIN' ROCKS!

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Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Seriously, this is some good shit this year. Normally the show bores me to death, but I decided to give it a go as Big Brother was supposed to be evil. And it's surprised me, it's been pretty awesome so far. I don't even think it's because it's evil so much (though that helps), they just got some really interesting people. Or at the very least people who bounce off each other, make good entertainment.

Tonight was sooooo class. Topless mud wrestling? Michelle v. Shell? Steamy showers? Hell yes! As for the show in general, I don't think I've seen so much girl on girl action in half the porn movies I've seen. Hell, there's even something for the ladies, I'm sure I saw a wee bit of cock pop out tonight when the girls (or in Nadia's case, "girl") were tearing Jay's boxers off.

In these 2 weeks, not even that, more stuff has happened than in the previous 4 years of the show. Now if we could just get some lesbian sex....


Yeah, Big Bro definately has it all this year in the UK, although it seems a little TOO good - I'm thinking some of them are plants. Nadia has really grown on me too!

For those who don't watch, Nadia is a transexual, and they don't know that she used to be a dude :p Although most of the guys have said they think she used to be at some point...


She was really funny tonight though! Go team Nadia!

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
She really drove me mad at first, but she's grown on me too. It was her voice I think.

And it's team Marco! Incidentally, Marco is kind of how I imagine you in real life. Sorry. Not to that degree though! Don't know why, I don't imagine adelgary like him. Ah well.

And please Vanessa, just give us a wee glimpse at your tits. Just for a second. I'm relying on Jay to wear her down, he's doing a good job, bless his bonny...I don't think there's anything bonny about him.


I thought Jay was gonna rape Vanessa at the end of tonight's episode! LOL!

Argh! I can't stand Marco, trust me, if I ever acted like him, I'd stab myself in the eyes! He's giving off such a bad impression of gay stereotypes, bleh. I don't mind Dan though although he's starting to annoy me with his moaning.

Here's hoping Michelle and Emma end up in the bedsit!

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Suerte said:
I thought Jay was gonna rape Vanessa at the end of tonight's episode! LOL!

Argh! I can't stand Marco, trust me, if I ever acted like him, I'd stab myself in the eyes! He's giving off such a bad impression of gay stereotypes, bleh. I don't mind Dan though although he's starting to annoy me with his moaning.

Here's hoping Michelle and Emma end up in the bedsit!

No kidding, there's not much further he can push it with Vanessa without it getting creepy.

Dan's alright. I tend to agree with him and Vanessa about things, but they just go a little bit too far with their seriousness. Maybe it's because they get it all day, unlike the 45 minutes I see it.

God it has to be Michelle and Emma. Only one bed in the bedsit? And after that makeout session they had? It sure could be lonely just the two of them...


Mama Smurf said:
No kidding, there's not much further he can push it with Vanessa without it getting creepy.

Dan's alright. I tend to agree with him and Vanessa about things, but they just go a little bit too far with their seriousness. Maybe it's because they get it all day, unlike the 45 minutes I see it.

God it has to be Michelle and Emma. Only one bed in the bedsit? And after that makeout session they had? It sure could be lonely just the two of them...

Michelle is a whore, but I could see why you would like that :p Especially when she was getting Stu to rub the shower cream on her tits! Mmmm.... Stu... haha if only he weren't kinda boring... although I'm kinda interested in why he wears skirts and nail polish and stuff...

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Haha, no TV but you soon found a pic of Stu's ass, huh?

Michelle seems alright...but she puts too much emphasis on looks seems to me. When she squirted that cream over her tits though O_O...honest to god, could there be a more obvious sexual come on?

Stu just seems completely overwhelmed by her. I think they're quite good together, but she's starting to get in charge now. He's tried to resist, but she just keeps throwing herslef on him. Painting his toenails for a start. You hear it when she asked him if he was going to shave later? Then she went "Put it this way (chicken), you ARE gonna shave later." Damn women taking charge, not sure I could resist either. Go team pussywhipped...I mean, handsome.


I'm going into Fleming mode.

One time I watch TV and seen Big Brother on it and I liking it. I could help but laugh at the funny people when I was watch it.


I'm trying to avoid it this year. Big Brother gets evil? Big Brother gets desperate more like :(

I really can't stand the obsession. Have you seen BB's EForum? It's fucking tragic that there are people that believe their views about the house need to be heard that they spend time going to a studio for a show.

What I've seen of it, doesn't seem I'm missing much. I liked last year's lot, yeah they were boring but they seemed a down to earth bunch. But BB fans are a rabid breed and they don't want real... These 10 weeks depress me :(
Mama Smurf said:
Haha, no TV but you soon found a pic of Stu's ass, huh?

SuerTe showed it to me a few minutes before you created this thread, and told me about the show, I had no idea what "Big Brother" was before then, and that's how I had the picture ready.

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
Wolfy said:
I'm going into Fleming mode.

One time I watch TV and seen Big Brother on it and I liking it. I could help but laugh at the funny people when I was watch it.

Oh please,English isnt even my first language,go to a f*cking kindergarten if you want to piss someone off this way.
Fleming said:
Oh please,English isnt even my first language,go to a f*cking kindergarten if you want to piss someone off this way.

I believe the use of commas works the same in all languages. You should keep a space after each comma and period you use.

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
adelgary said:
I believe the use of commas works the same in all languages. You should keep a space after each comma and period you use.

I know,i just forget them all the way when writing something not "official".
Mama Smurf said:
Seriously, this is some good shit this year. Normally the show bores me to death, but I decided to give it a go as Big Brother was supposed to be evil. And it's surprised me, it's been pretty awesome so far. I don't even think it's because it's evil so much (though that helps), they just got some really interesting people. Or at the very least people who bounce off each other, make good entertainment.

Tonight was sooooo class. Topless mud wrestling? Michelle v. Shell? Steamy showers? Hell yes! As for the show in general, I don't think I've seen so much girl on girl action in half the porn movies I've seen. Hell, there's even something for the ladies, I'm sure I saw a wee bit of cock pop out tonight when the girls (or in Nadia's case, "girl") were tearing Jay's boxers off.

In these 2 weeks, not even that, more stuff has happened than in the previous 4 years of the show. Now if we could just get some lesbian sex....


BB2 was pretty awesome. Will was the perfect guy to win that one. But since then, I haven't been watching. I will say that it's better than most other reality shows. But that isn't saying much. PEACE.


I missed some topless mud wrestling action. O_O

I only caught the last bit, with that fat man with tits (Nadia) ripping some guys under crackers off.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Fuck yeah that was hot. Any of you guys see it? Vanessa and Jay. And it was hilarious too. The guys totally perving on them, Stuart looking like the creepiest voyeur ever (ok, ok, he was tired, just woke up) and Marco telling Jason he screamed "OH MY GOD!" because he "might have stepped on something".

Haha, awesome.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Not enough interest. Must increase somehow...how could I do that....oh, how about a sneak preview of tomorrow's entertainment?


Yep, Emma and Michelle stripped down and made icing bras. I'd show the other picture, but it's not very clear and I don't know if the mods would believe me when I say they made knickers by smearing chocolate frosting and jam all over their flappy bits. It kinds of looks like muff in the pic.
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