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Big Conker preview in Sep OXM


Microsoft is pimping this pretty hard. Unfortunately I can't post the link to the scans. All I can say it's on a spanish fansite of Rare.

5 pages of good read :D


Gold Member
They'd better pimp it for all the money that went to it and Rare in general. In that perspective, actually, it needs to make GTA:SA and Halo 2 its bitches. Interesting to see how it turns out.

Funky Papa

One of Rare's favourite new Conker features that it's just now implementating is the globular technology that will make blood, poo and other liquids very, uhm, gross.


Edit: Single player and Live multiplayer demo before the game ships. WHOOT!


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I love how no one gives a damn that this is a remake, yet when it comes to Capcom remaking RE for the GC, there were quite a few people who were upset that it was just a remake. :p


GaimeGuy said:
I love how no one gives a damn that this is a remake, yet when it comes to Capcom remaking RE for the GC, there were quite a few people who were upset that it was just a remake. :p

Because it's more than just a remake of the original.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Yes, added multiplayer support via x-box live. The multiplayerh as been completely redone.

REmake had some new things too, besides being a remake.


GaimeGuy said:
I love how no one gives a damn that this is a remake, yet when it comes to Capcom remaking RE for the GC, there were quite a few people who were upset that it was just a remake. :p
Apples, meet oranges.

Though similar, those situations possess a few key differences. After the end of Resident Evil: Code Veronica, everyone was eager to play a new Resident Evil that continued the story. Instead, they just got Code Veronica ported to the PlayStation 2. Capcom does a big RE announcement, but instead of Resident Evil 4, it's a remake of the first one that many have played through multiple times on a completely new system. Sure, they changed things up a bit, but the essentials were the same, especially the story. People wanted a new Resident Evil game that continued the story, not a remake or a prequel. Years later, Resident Evil 4 is almost upon us.

Now Conker, on the other hand, didn't have such a rabid fanbase for its single player. Yes it was twisted, and yes it was funny, but at the end of the day it was just another "by the numbers" platformer. The story wasn't a driving factor in Conker as much as the gameplay. While some wanted a sequel to elaborate or improve upon Conker's single player, many others just went off to play the same game with a different look in Generic Platformer #462. Besides, how many people played Conker vs. the Resident Evil audience?

The multiplayer is where the real fun in Conker lay, and seeing that reinvented and fleshed out on a next generation system, complete with online play...that's the part of the game everyone's excited about. The multiplayer chunk of Conker is a complete reimagining of what was in the N64 version, a spiritual sequel.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I never played Conker in multiplayer, how good are we talking here? What made it stand out or so unique?

I imagine Fur Fighters with N64 grade visuals.
BuddyChrist83 said:
Apples, meet oranges.

Though similar, those situations possess a few key differences. After the end of Resident Evil: Code Veronica, everyone was eager to play a new Resident Evil that continued the story. Instead, they just got Code Veronica ported to the PlayStation 2. Capcom does a big RE announcement, but instead of Resident Evil 4, it's a remake of the first one that many have played through multiple times on a completely new system. Sure, they changed things up a bit, but the essentials were the same, especially the story. People wanted a new Resident Evil game that continued the story, not a remake or a prequel. Years later, Resident Evil 4 is almost upon us.

Now Conker, on the other hand, didn't have such a rabid fanbase for its single player. Yes it was twisted, and yes it was funny, but at the end of the day it was just another "by the numbers" platformer. The story wasn't a driving factor in Conker as much as the gameplay. While some wanted a sequel to elaborate or improve upon Conker's single player, many others just went off to play the same game with a different look in Generic Platformer #462. Besides, how many people played Conker vs. the Resident Evil audience?

The multiplayer is where the real fun in Conker lay, and seeing that reinvented and fleshed out on a next generation system, complete with online play...that's the part of the game everyone's excited about. The multiplayer chunk of Conker is a complete reimagining of what was in the N64 version, a spiritual sequel.

Conker was another "by the numbers platformer"? What the fuck kind of crack have you been smoking? I'll concede that RE has a larger userbase, and the fans of that series wanted a sequel more, if not just to further the story, but CBFD was one of the best platformers of the last generation (and current one too), and not just because of it's fun multiplayer modes (of which there were only really 2- war and frenchies/teddiez). Conker fans are accepting of the remake because, thanks to the low numbers that the original pulled in, they/we frankly didn't expect to get a sequel.

And RE fans got their sequel anyway.

And Resident Evil sucks and Conker rocks!

So fuck you!


Mike Works said:

Conker was another "by the numbers platformer"? What the fuck kind of crack have you been smoking? I'll concede that RE has a larger userbase, and the fans of that series wanted a sequel more, if not just to further the story, but CBFD was one of the best platformers of the last generation (and current one too), and not just because of it's fun multiplayer modes (of which there were only really 2- war and frenchies/teddiez). Conker fans are accepting of the remake because, thanks to the low numbers that the original pulled in, they/we frankly didn't expect to get a sequel.

And RE fans got their sequel anyway.

And Resident Evil sucks and Conker rocks!

So fuck you!

That works too. Either way, GaimeGuy is wrong. I personally found Conker to be horribly over-hyped trash, but I can understand the platformer fans that really enjoyed it. I just got really, really burned out on platforms and grew quite tired of fighting with the camera.


GaimeGuy said:
I love how no one gives a damn that this is a remake, yet when it comes to Capcom remaking RE for the GC, there were quite a few people who were upset that it was just a remake. :p
This is the second time you post this. We get the point. Move on.


If anyone is having trouble or do not know what site I mean then PM me and I'll send you the url. Everyone needs to read this article :)


Good to see some of the orginal talent left at Rare. The creator of Conker! I have no worried about the sequel now


GaimeGuy said:
I love how no one gives a damn that this is a remake, yet when it comes to Capcom remaking RE for the GC, there were quite a few people who were upset that it was just a remake. :p

No one likes the original Resident Evil.
Mike Works said:
And RE fans got their sequel anyway.

And Resident Evil sucks
So fuck you!

Boy, you gots a pertty mouth. I think you best use it for something other than spittin into the wind.


Console Market Analyst
Mike Works said:

Conker was another "by the numbers platformer"? What the fuck kind of crack have you been smoking? I'll concede that RE has a larger userbase, and the fans of that series wanted a sequel more, if not just to further the story, but CBFD was one of the best platformers of the last generation (and current one too), and not just because of it's fun multiplayer modes (of which there were only really 2- war and frenchies/teddiez). Conker fans are accepting of the remake because, thanks to the low numbers that the original pulled in, they/we frankly didn't expect to get a sequel.

We need to clone Mike, STAT!

Conker's single-player was brilliant, and THE reason to own it. While the mutliplayer was fun, there was absolutely no depth to it. It's because of this reason that there was so much room for improvement. And that's what you see in this Xbox remake: A dedicated Live portion that finally makes Conker a complete package.

About the OXM article, they spend 1/3 of it trying to convince you the game sold like shit because of N64 being a "kiddy console". When, the throw-away line about the game being released after the N64 was already dead, is pretty much the primary reason. Also, the marketing for the game, which only took place late at night on select "hip" channels, was suicide.

I hope Conker kicks all kinds of ass saleswise on Xbox and assures us a sequel, but I think overall it'll be cut short for the same reason it was on N64. It all depends on how long Microsoft can keep Xenon in the dark.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
A Conker Xenon sequel would be fantastic. Spider-Man, Harry Potter and LOTR parodies would surely be in there, and personally I'd like some more game parodies too. I can't even imagine the graphics.

I'm already looking forward to a Banjo sequel that I'm sure is coming, but Conker's what i really want. Please sell well!


insert blank space here
Wow! That looks mundo good! Rare sure are doing a great job with this one. I loved the original and I'm sure I'll love this :D!


hmm....there's no harm in linking to the Spanish Rareware FANSITE right? Just a fansite! No harm here!

If so, just somebody PM meee!

Oh, and my commentary on Conker. Before one knocks the N64 Conker, one must play it. It seriously was a diamond in the ruff.....well not necessarilly "ruff". The grass was clipped perfectly, it was meticulously watered and kept for the game's debut. Unfortunately, too many people with short attention spans went aloft to other green patches holding such things as the PS2. What a CROCK, the single-mode was AMAZING, and the story too was AMAZINGLY funny. The charm of this game kept me wanting more, I kept wanting to see what was at the next bend, and that sir, keeps Conker as my number 2 N64 game underneath Ocarina of Time. (Well maybe number 3, Goldeneye...)

PM me.

By the Way, Conker was WORTH all the money. The character of Conker could be worth more than just millions, Conker could very well be the best spokesperson mascot since Mario. It could be MSFT's Lara Croft...or...Crash Bandicoot...or Sonic.


Fatalah said:
Oh, and my commentary on Conker. Before one knocks the N64 Conker, one must play it. It seriously was a diamond in the ruff.....well not necessarilly "ruff". The grass was clipped perfectly, it was meticulously watered and kept for the game's debut. Unfortunately, too many people with short attention spans went aloft to other green patches holding such things as the PS2. What a CROCK, the single-mode was AMAZING, and the story too was AMAZINGLY funny. The charm of this game kept me wanting more, I kept wanting to see what was at the next bend, and that sir, keeps Conker as my number 2 N64 game underneath Ocarina of Time. (Well maybe number 3, Goldeneye...)
Oh, one played it. One was so hyped up that they bought and N64 just for the game. One was disappointed to find that at heart it was just another platformer, not the second coming of Christ that many had proclaimed it to be. One learned a valuable lesson about hype then.
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