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Big MGS3 preview by Gamespot

They certainly don't seem to be enthusiastic impressions to say the least. They seem to say, "well, this is back / slightly modified" from MGS2. I expect a low 8 from them.
Awesome, Shinkawa went back to his MGS style designing:







Can't wait till next week.


The impression I got is that they're excited about it,but Gamespot always tends to be conservative both with positive and negative comments in their previews.


sonycowboy said:
They certainly don't seem to be enthusiastic impressions to say the least. They seem to say, "well, this is back / slightly modified" from MGS2. I expect a low 8 from them.

LOL very optimist,I would say :)

9.1 for me :D


sonycowboy said:
They certainly don't seem to be enthusiastic impressions to say the least. They seem to say, "well, this is back / slightly modified" from MGS2. I expect a low 8 from them.
Yeah, I predict a 8.9... and we all know why.

But who cares, IGN is so much better, eventhough they overrate alot of games.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
EGM's recent reviews pretty much got me interested in this game again. Much of the stuff being flung about sounds just gravy. Hopefully the boss fights really are as creative as the hyperbole.

On my way to read this article and download several trailers I never watched over the past year.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Doom_Bringer said:
SSX u fucking bitch stop posting boss fight screens without warning.

dick head

That section is in the 2004 TGS trailer release by Konami, calm down. I can respect wanting to keep some moments for yourself...but it's in the freaking trailers.

The Time Paradox mentioned in the preview sounds really interesting. I'm going to have a lot of fun with that. Hehe
Grizzlyjin said:
That section is in the 2004 TGS trailer release by Konami, calm down. I can respect wanting to keep some moments for yourself...but it's in the freaking trailers.

i only saw a little part of the trailer!


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Doom_Bringer said:
i only saw a little part of the trailer!

Watch it all, it's really good. Or at least skip the section about the bosses and watch everything after that!

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Whoa, the TGS 2004 trailer is pretty badass, any chance it was translated into English?


Whatsit with women in the Metal Gear games and never zipping their jackets up?

Although I guess this makes a little more sense than Sniper Wolf letting it all hang out in the Alaskan winter.



Konami trailers are always 10 minutes too long, and a festival of spoilers to boot.

I stopped watching them after The Twin Snakes.
explodet said:
Konami trailers are always 10 minutes too long, and a festival of spoilers to boot.

I stopped watching them after The Twin Snakes.

The TS trailer had spoilers because most of the people who was buying it already knew the story. Kojima does a good job at not spoiling stuff in the new MGS' though.


I recently saw the TGS 04 trailor for the first time and my interest in this game shot up 10 fold.

Here's hoping Kojima doesn't dissapoint again.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
WarPig said:
Whatsit with women in the Metal Gear games and never zipping their jackets up?

Although I guess this makes a little more sense than Sniper Wolf letting it all hang out in the Alaskan winter.


Ha! You should have brought that up with Shane. I took special notice of a scene during the TGS trailer when that blonde chick is crawling around on all fours wearing nothing but a g-string. I love it though! Keep the camp!

Those bosses look particularly amazing. 'The End' with the parrot and the wheelchair is marvelous!


Brandon F said:
Ha! You should have brought that up with Shane.

Well, in that instance I was laying the hassle on MGS2, which was largely bereft of the gratuitous cleavage. And even if it had had gratuitous cleavage, that would have been pretty low on its tally of sins.

That was a fun little thing to write. Shane's still never explained why he likes that shit in any kind of logical or coherent terms.



Man, what the fuck would you post boss pics for? I mean shit, I'm not into MGS games but posting boss pics is just lame.

Edit: oh, their old... still the princple of the thing sucks

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
This quote has me completely perplexed. What is it about? What's the change in the game depending on your selection?

Metal Gear Solid 3's storyline is shaping up to be both compelling and dense. Although the game actually prompts you to specify your experience level with the MGS series before you begin (specifically, it asks you to choose between three options: if you've never played MGS before, if you prefer MGS, or if you prefer MGS2), it's clearly intended for the series' fans

The impression I got is that they're excited about it,but Gamespot always tends to be conservative both with positive and negative comments in their previews.
For what it's worth, I also didn't sense much of an enthusiasm in just about a single sentence in this preview. Kasavin loved MGS2, though, (he reviewed it) which makes the matter that much more surprising...

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Yea, my take on MGS2 is that most people seem to find justification in loving the plot for the sheer thrill of trying to unravel it all, regardless the quality of its content. The lunacy of the script mired in rambunctious rhetoric is enough to ignite an explosive reaction of sci-fi fluff and consiracy theories. Who doesn't love a mystery?...this one just happens to have giant mechs, comic heroes/villains, and coded doubletalk to work that dormant imagination...rational thought serves only to pull back that illusive curtain, thus it must not enter the equation for this to succeed. Those, like Shane, most likely understand this and merely fall happily comotose into the pulp from beginning to end, Emma's silly revelations, Patriots, VR testing and all.

I didn't much care for it myself, yet I found new appreciation for MGS2 with the Substance missions(I became a total addict, something like 87% done) which reignited my interest to revisit the plot a year later after it initially released on PS2....it still didn't take. (Though playing on Extreme difficulty was kinda kewl)

When MGS acts like a Bruckheimer film with even more ridiculous archetypes is when I find it succeeds the most. MGS3 I hope is just that.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Yea, my take on MGS2 is that most people seem to find justification in loving the plot for the sheer thrill of trying to unravel it all, regardless the quality of its content. The lunacy of the script mired in rambunctious rhetoric is enough to ignite an explosive reaction of sci-fi fluff and consiracy theories. Who doesn't love a mystery?...this one just happens to have giant mechs, comic heroes/villains, and coded doubletalk to work that dormant imagination...rational thought serves only to pull back that illusive curtain, thus it must not enter the equation for this to succeed. Those, like Shane, most likely understand this and merely fall happily comotose into the pulp from beginning to end, Emma's silly revelations, Patriots, VR testing and all.
I think you nailed it right there. At least that seems to be the part how I feel like about MGS games. When you're a kid, your imagination readily accepts all kinds of stuff, twists it around, and makes it so impressive to your mind. As you grow up, clutches of reality strip you of this kind of imagination, you start analyzing everything, real life and believable stories are all there is. I love when something comes along that just begs you to completely drop down that wall of logic and become an impressionable child again - even if you know all along you are just pretending to be one.


adelgary said:
I think it's something about GS not giving a 9+ score to a PS2 execlusive game [of late?]... I don't know how true or accurate is that, nor do I care :)
It's true :p

Only WE7I and GTA:SA has received a 9+ score this year... but who's counting? :D


Well honestly I don't think that among PS2 exclusive titles this year many deserved a 9+ score,maybe just Onimusha3 and Ratchet&Clank3 (of course GTA and WE a part).
I still think that MGS3 will have a 9+ score from Gamespot.
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