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Bill Cosby explains - but doesn't back away from - controversial comments

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If someone from Africa, China or Pakistan can go to America, learn English and become successful, then whats stopping all these black kids from achieving the greater heights?

Rappers need to be dealt with, when a kid sees snoop dogg smoking a joint on national tv, what exactly is that telling the kid?


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Meh - these rappers who revel in their willful ignorance are a far cry from a show like Fat Albert, who used (in the cartoon, I can only speculate in regards to the upcoming movie) the vernacular of the street to communicate a positive message instead of destructive ones. As far as the behaviour of people who insist on living beyond their means in order to keep up with the Joneses, what he said was long over due - a lot of these shitheads need a slap upside the head, but a verbal one was just as effective.

He touched that nerve that few others in the black community have the balls to address, and for that he gets props.

Well said.

I still don't agree w/ Bill's method of conveying these sentiments. He need not do it on a national stage just yet. But it's too late now.

The real issue here are the parents. They're not parenting effectivly. Simple as that.
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