Opinion can't be fact in music discussion, but it's the indie snobiness that pisses me off.
Corgan is an artist, Malkmus is addicted to sloppy, lo-fi indie noise. Corgan didn't trick anyone into thinking he was anything, he simply liked the idea of exploring different ideas and approaches to albums. I don't have my hand on Corgan's crotch, I'm just sick and tired of a bunch of indie rock slaves derailing every Corgan thread they possibly can. Honestly, if you simply thought he was a talentless hack like so many other musicians in the alternative rock world, you'd say nothing. Instead, you go all out as if you're on some kind of mission to convince people that Stephen Malkmus, the most overrated man in the world of indie rock, actually had (or has) something better to offer than Billy Corgan. He doesn't, and he never will. He sounds like an overjoyed 10 year old on downers that can't get his thoughts together. The song structures became increasingly bland throughout their discography, the band sounds horrible, the lyrics make absolutely no sense (and I don't give a shit if they're supposed to be "thought provoking" - Thom Yorke won that race a long time ago). While Malkmus and the boys were trying to pretend to be super sophisticated like Radiohead or Sonic Youth and actually think they had the talent to experiment

lol), the Pumpkins went on and accomplished an extremely diverse, eclectic, thorough discography that's impossible to match. Pavement on the other hand arrested themselves into a world of sloppy indie boredom. Nigel Godrich saved their ass in '99 for Terror Twilight, if only for at least once, a sound that represented a band that had their shit toghether - something that was a pipe dream for Malkmus outside of the studio. And then you had the Pumpkins - Billy and James are extremely creative guitarists and Jimmy Chamberlin is one of the best drummers in the world right now. Sorry, but sometimes you have to seperate the boys from the men, and in this comparison Pavement are a bunch of 10 year olds with their thumbs up their asses.
And uh, as far as Corgan "tricking everyone" goes? Anyone who will blindly follow an artist like they're some God is stupid, anyway. Corgan to me is first and foremost a talented artist. I enjoy his music. Everyone and their mother knows that when it comes to his own personal life, he's demonstrated himself to be a little mixed up sometimes. But a lot of the best artists in rock always have been that way.
I think the saddest thing about a lot of you weird indie rock addicts is the fact that you consider Corgan to be so mainstream. We live in a world that eats up the next G-Unit rip off and American Idol. Billy Corgan is no longer a super popular mainstream artist. The fact that so many indie snobs still get pissed about someone that's not even extremely popular anymore is amusing and sad at the same time. Can't you find someone else to pick on? Poor Stephen Malkmus - he wasn't even that popular when Pavement was in their prime.
Get the fuck out of my thread. You've not only annoyed me, but two others as well.