That hidden history was first exposed by the Church and Pike Congressional Committees in 1975 and 1976 and by many researchers and reporters since. To carry out its strategies-of-tension , the CIA had its own wire service and publishing companies. It set up and supported magazines, newspapers, and radio stations with solidly biased and beholden editorial staffs. It established the largest news conglomerate in West Germany and major media in many countries (including Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty, and Voice of America with roughly 100 transmitters each, and many lesser-known regional radio stations beamed to Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa). Attorney William Schapp says the CIA
alone—not to mention its counterparts in the rest of the American intelligence community—owned or controlled some 2,500 media entities all over the world. In addition, it has people ranging from stringers to highly visible journalists and editors in virtually every major media organization.117 [To that we must add those controlled by the intelligence services of other nations.]
Canned Cold War editorials were prepared and sent to large and small newspapers all over the world. These editorials were available for any editor to restructure as his or her own creation. Large independent think-tanks were established, funded, and staffed with ideological supporters, as were think-tanks within universities.
Using negative buzzword labels to describe others such as communist dictatorship, subversives, and extremists and using only positive words -- freedom, justice, rights, and majority rule -- when talking of ourselves was the foundation of all social-control-paradigms (Eric Fromm's frameworks of orientation). This is designed to create fear (a strategy-of-tension) among the populations of the wealthy nations so they would support a policy of worldwide suppression and oppression under the cover of protecting freedoms and rights.