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BioShock: The Collection - Announcement Trailer

Would love to get them separately on PC. Already have 2 (excellent) and Infinite (trash) but I'd pay for a functioning and slightly updated Bio 1.
Those violins....



This seems like a pretty good collection. I never played Burial at Sea so I'll probably grab this at some point.
I also really want to wander around Rapture and Columbia again. God these cities were great.
Doesnt really look really improved?

Textures are much more higher-resolution with less blurriness, and character models look noticeably higher-poly than before. Look at the Little Sisters limbs for an example.

Baked lighting and shadows also look a lot better in certain areas, especially around signs.



Infinite was already gorgeous on PC, not sure it needed a remaster anyway. I was blown away by the visuals and lighting. Was disappointed the 360 version was so awful in comparison.


Textures are much more higher-resolution with less blurriness, and character models look noticeably higher-poly than before. Look at the Little Sisters limbs for an example.

Yes, also the lights are better, and there is way less aliasing, it's not a real huge improvement, though it's definitely upgraded, can't wait to replay Bioshock 1 again after all these years, it's a shame that we'll have to wait until mid September...


Take it I'll need to buy the bio 2 DLC for the upgraded one or is bio 2 enough? Own them all and have done for ages just never played the bio 2 dlc


Take it I'll need to buy the bio 2 DLC for the upgraded one or is bio 2 enough? Own them all and have done for ages just never played the bio 2 dlc

The DLC was given to Steam users for free when they switched from GFWL to Steamworks, you might already have it.


Yeah, my same question too, since this is called "Collection" and not "Remastered".
Anyway it's 2K, so I bet they will charge for it.
The insulting thing is Bioshock 1 on PC is very bad, if I remember correclty there's no pad support, I had a bug in which the game got muted for no reason, no achievements etc.
Instead of doing a remaster they should simply patch that one.

On Bioshock 2 Minerva's Den I had a bug with a minigame, when I interacted with it, controls stopped working.

Bioshock has native 360 controller support since day 1.


2K originally signed off on BC support for the 360 titles on X1. Wonder if they have now gone back on that. Could be why they have yet to be released, even though they were announced last year. I remember there being an image place holder with the Bioshock games and Skate 3 as well as others, but now it's gone.

Ban Puncher

Have Bioshock and Bioshock 2 been ported to a new engine or will they still be running on heavily modified versions of Unreal Engine 2.5?


You get the remaster for free.

Texture and asset updates. Even at high resolutions, Bioshock 1 doesn't look great anymore. Hopefully new lighting too.

Bio 1 and 2 owners get upgraded to the new remastered versions for said games for free.

The remastered versions of Bioshock 1/2. It's not just an upres, they updated a lot of textures, models, etc.


I wonder if this will overwrite the current versions we have or wonder if it will just add a new entry to the steam library while we keep the original versions hmm.
Textures are much more higher-resolution with less blurriness, and character models look noticeably higher-poly than before. Look at the Little Sisters limbs for an example.

Baked lighting and shadows also look a lot better in certain areas, especially around signs.

Do you have a different trailer?

I still saw very blury textures, lowres effects etc...

After all this secrecy i expected way more from this.

And 60 bucks for just some ports isnt really worth it.


I watched the youtube trailer and read the 2k blog announcement page, but i didn't see anywhere mentioned that who owns Bioshock 1 or 2 on PC will get the upgraded versions for free, could you link where did you get that info from please?
I watched the youtube trailer and read the 2k blog announcement page, but i didn't see anywhere mentioned that who owns Bioshock 1 or 2 on PC will get the upgraded versions for free, could you link where did you get that info from please?


"if you already own BioShock, BioShock 2, and/or Minerva’s Den on Steam, you will be able to upgrade to the remastered version of the respective title(s) for free after release. It’s a circus of values! "


I have a few questions regarding this collection on PC. I own BioShock 1, 2 and Infinite + season pass on Steam, but I don't (yet) own Minerva's Den (already played and loved it on PS3). Now I see it's also discounted for the Steam Summer Sale.

As for my question, when they say "free PC upgrade" do they mean you have to own all of them to qualify for the free upgrade, or do you get a free upgrade separately for every piece you own? So in my case for Bio 1 and 2, but not Minerva's Den.

Also, do these new upgrades versions replace the old ones, or are they separate apps? I'd rather not lose access to the original ones, in case that the remasters are some steps down compared to the original (I saw the Andrew statue for example, looks better in the original BioShock than the remaster).


Love everything about this but the date. Was hoping for something a little earlier. Need some summer games and September is approaching some of the bigger titles/competition.

BioShock was easily my favorite game last generation. Looking forward to playing it again and giving BioShock 2 and Infinite another go since I only finished them one time apiece.
Never played Bioshock, so I'm mildly interested. Though I've never heard good things about 2 or Infinite. Then again I heard praise for Infinite the first few weeks and then suddenly all I saw was hate.

Bioshock is a beautiful, haunting masterwork. The more you dig into the thematic theme, the art, the design, the more you will be sucked. It's a very deep game with a lot to love about. It's one of the pillar of writting in gaming. The problem of this game is itself. Sadly, the game has nothing to say after its halfway point and struggle to renew itself, both in gameplay and environement and still drags on and on for the entire second halft. It's a long game too... About 15 hours... But the entire second part was dead boring to me: both from a narrative and thematic perspective and from the gameplay that has nothing new to offer past the first few hours. You also loose the item management and semi surivval feeling and the game end up loosing itself into a pure power creep and I always felt it as a huge ludonarrative dissonance. Bottom line : Bioshock is an AMAZING game that drags on for too long. It's still a must play for A LEAST it's first half.

Bioshock 2. Now... This is easier. The gameplay is FAR better (smoother and more streamlined). No point to argue. But, by the time you hit Bioshock 2, you are sick and tired of Bioshock visual and levels. And Bioshock 2 adds NOTHING to renew the environement. It's the same (not really but everything looks exactly the same) with a much better gameplay. Also, the story is... Nonsensical. It litteraly invalidates the best part of the original game's narrative. It's very confusing for fans and it's a backstab to the only good thing they remember about the original at this point. Skip Bioshock 2 or play it VERY spaced out after Bioshock to have forgot the story details and the environments. Minerva's Den DLC is amazing thought. You can basicaly play only this.

Bioshock Infinite... This is the tricky one. The story and narrative divided A LOT of people. I personnally was very disapointed in it. It has a lot of the mature thematics of the original game but the narrative and presentation are incredibly lazy or poor. It spend the entire game trying to talk about racism and never go past " racism is bad and racist people are bad " it never explain why, how, who, when... It's mind boggling how black and white Infinite writting is when Bioshock was a thousand shade of dark grey. What happened ? There are tons of other example but I won't details them all here. On the good point, Elizabeth, the forced companion and central narrative point (and objective) of the game is a bliss. She's been engineered to trigger emotion from the player, through her writting, to animation and power in battle (she's never a burden, she helps you, she tip you items, etc...) but the game relies WAY to heavily on her and tries to hard to force the emotional bond. The result is a mess as the entire build up of scene and event and twists completely falls appart if thus emotional bond didn't connect the proper way the writter intended too... And that's where the game totally falls appart as a whole : gameplay goes back to the original bioshock level of restrictions and clunkiness. Design is far too limited such as the arena and enemie designs... Elizabeth usefullness is far too under used. So we end up having a game that's not that fun to play and becomes a chore to go through the last action sequence by the end, with story that goes nowhere and end up bitting its tail in the signle most disapointing and nonsensical twist in writting history. Lost got nothing on this trust me. The only redeeming point I have for Infinite is its STELLAR art direction and the incredible work all around Elizabeth.

Hope it will make you think more about these games. to me, only the first half of the original and Infinite are worth it for the reasons I mentionned but have your expectations in check.


I have a few questions regarding this collection on PC. I own BioShock 1, 2 and Infinite + season pass on Steam, but I don't (yet) own Minerva's Den (already played and loved it on PS3). Now I see it's also discounted for the Steam Summer Sale.

As for my question, when they say "free PC upgrade" do they mean you have to own all of them to qualify for the free upgrade, or do you get a free upgrade separately for every piece you own? So in my case for Bio 1 and 2, but not Minerva's Den.

They said "and/or" before the Minerva's Den part, which was ending the sentence so I believe it's separately.
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