Didn't mind PC and Xbox versions, and actually kinda like 'em; good virtual worlds to fart around in to fish, sell/transport goods, etc. In fact, I sometimes find it fills some itches that RDR2 can leave behind (like Trader role, etc).
However, that said, been tinkering in mobile version, and while the scenery can be fun to watch pass by while in the office, it's "okay" but feels it's missing some meat on the bones. In some ways it blends in with other auto-pilot mobile MMORPGs, and for its storage requirement, there's other feature rich mobile MMOs out there.
All in all though, I've come to notice that for me, when it comes to mobile, it's opposite of what I look for in PC and console. The more complex and robust a mobile game app is, the more cumbersome I find it to be, the harder I find it being to recall how stuff works when you hop back in, and the more it leaves me feeling that I'd rather be playing on PC or XBox.
On mobile I tend to enjoy more simple/arcade-style games, or even running old-school stuffs from back in the day.