How could someone black be lynched? Do they have to do something outrageous?
Drinking from the same water fountain as whites. Sitting in a diner that posts no blacks allowed. Smiling at a white woman. Walking in a predominantly white neighborhood.
Laws don't mean anything if they're not enforced. When you have a large amount of people in power who feel that you're not really human if you're black, then well... the rest is easy.
You forgot existing... Haven't played killed by being black bingo in a while but I do remember it getting to ridiculous scenarios as just being seen.
And yes, never ever minimise the work of those before us. Their lives, literally, paved the way for the rest of us in the western world. Like it or not the United States of America is way more relevant both as a social construct and predecessor in so many fields of society that when you move the rest of us moves. We do not wish to move backwards or to a halt with you though. Those of us which can be called sane people anyway.
And people wonder why some of us are so tired of hearing that we need to "chill", to "relax", to "stop worrying" about what's happening, again and again, in society. This thread has just reminded me as to why I'm afraid about what's happening in Europe now, what has happened since what seems to be forever. Other than Germany WWII most of the other countries atrocities have been buried, forgotten or ignored and white people seem to prefer it that way.
Having that Fuck as the leader of the free world feeding the we're-not-really-Nazis here in Europe and giving them strength while everyone sticks their head in the sand when housing for refugees burn down, when lonely arrived refuge children commit suicide, when refuge women are still living as sex slaves, when sucking a dick and getting beaten daily is the norm for survival.
But oh so quick to show their faces whenever someone not white does something reprehensible and is apparently the defacto model for the rest of us. Oh dear Atlas if I could change burdens with you I would. This shit is never gets old.