The Take Out Bandit
Come on Apple, were you just using IE as the standard with which to design your browser?!
I hate not being able to drag and drop image links, right clicking to Copy image location as, etc.
It wouldn't be so bad if Firefox's latest builds weren't total rubbish on OSX. Now suddenly, even Firefox 1.0 wants to be a dumb shit. I also love how Firefox 1.3/1.4 lose their ability to search for text in a page, or respond to keyboard commands at random. Hiding windows has also been an issue.
It's enough to make me go in search of another browser that doesn't blow immense amounts of ass.
Apple haters go suck a mungy dong. Give me a PM when Linux has native support for Photoshop, then I'll give PC's the time of day again.
I hate not being able to drag and drop image links, right clicking to Copy image location as, etc.
It wouldn't be so bad if Firefox's latest builds weren't total rubbish on OSX. Now suddenly, even Firefox 1.0 wants to be a dumb shit. I also love how Firefox 1.3/1.4 lose their ability to search for text in a page, or respond to keyboard commands at random. Hiding windows has also been an issue.
It's enough to make me go in search of another browser that doesn't blow immense amounts of ass.
Apple haters go suck a mungy dong. Give me a PM when Linux has native support for Photoshop, then I'll give PC's the time of day again.